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Measuring for Boot Placement


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  • Baller
So I have been trying to figure out how to set up my Nano 1. The ski is very sensitive to boot placement. When I measure my boots I can get a number of different measurements depending on were I take the measurement from. I am wondering if anyone has a consistent way to set up boots on a ski. When I look at the Goode manual it says to measure the ski from the tail to the back of the boot and makes reference to, "inside of the horse shoe on the front boot.". Any idea what the horse shoe is on a boot? BTW I am using Goode Powershells.
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@SkiJay. By the very back of the heal, do you mean the thickest part of the bulb of the heal? NOT where the heal of the boot touches the plate. Is this correct? I measure this distance by holding a Combination Square against the heal of the front hardshell boot and marking a line on my plate. Then I measure from this line to the tail of the ski. Sometimes I even remove the fin clamp to improve accuracy.
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