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2 sets with Wim DeCree Yesterday


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I took 2 sets with Wim DeCree Yesterday. Freak’n awesome coach. We mostly worked on my gate pullout out and turn in. He gave me a new direction for my gate.


More noteworthy than exactly what he told me is his approach. He did not talk a lot about specific movements with specific body parts. Instead he encouraged me to be more generally efficient and have less overall body movement. Perhaps a better explanation is that he coaches in a more holistic and less complicated fashion. We were working on a technical aspect of my skiing but Wim stayed out of the weeds and solved the problem in the simplest way possible.


Other skiers in the group commented that Wim simplified seemingly impossible issues and made them achievable. Another skier commented on how sincere and encouraging Wim is. There were 8 to 10 skiers at the clinic ranging from learning to run the course to shortline skiers and everyone was wishing for more. The things that Wim told me will be my focus for weeks if not months.


I am not sure how this applies but Patti Paquette describes Wim as a “precious young man”


You can find Wim at http://www.wimdecree.com/


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  • Baller
Wim is great. I am naturally prone to paralysis by analysis. Wim gives you concepts that in turn help correct specific physical things without having to break down the physical into a hundred pieces. He won't have you rubbing your stomach while patting your head. Can learn a lot about efficient movement just from watching him ski.
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  • Baller
Watching pros I notice that they are all very "quiet" on the ski. Even when I try to stay still with my upper body I think I'm moving way more than they do. The other thing is while they are very still with their upper body, they are active with the legs. I tend to get still all over when I try to get still with my upper body, and end up with stiff legs. Always something. Oh, and @Dirt is right @Horton.
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  • Baller_

"The things that Wim told me will be my focus for weeks if not months. "


Oh, look, a squirrell! Is that a new box from the UPS man? The latest wetsuit from Camaro is toasty. I need to move my fin a few thousands to correct for the coreolis effect. What was I working on yesterday?


Hmmm.....have we heard that before?


If it was easy, they would call it Wakeboarding

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You guys missunderestimate me. Yes the UPS man is a constant distraction but I am a HUGE believer that when a skier finds a really good nugget of information they should think about nothing else until it is totally ingrained. The year I really fixed my stack I worked on nothing else for most of a year.


I think that is why I was so stoked with Wim. He talked big picture with me and gave me something I can work on.

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  • Baller
Good advice @ Horton. I find it extremely hard focusing on more than one thing at a time. A friend of mine that I ski'd with yesterday gave me advice that really resonated with me. He said to pick the one thing that impacts your skiing the most and quit worrying about anything else until you feel it has become ingrained in your muscle memory; and then work on the next thing. Simple yet meaningfuladvice in my opinion
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SFE is pretty darn interesting. unfortunately I'm about to have a backlog of skis to review.

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  • Baller

@Horton you do ride a lot of skis. I don't know how you do it. If I don't like a ski, I can't stay on it very long or my back pays the price.

You had a great season last year in spite of all the different skis and product reviews.

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  • Baller
John I know you are very busy these days but......we could use some video of Wim in the pro skier section on this sight. I hate to go to other sights to watch him ski. Such a smooth style.
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  • Baller

This is my yearly post where are ask Horton to send or sell me some of his skis...

Every year it's no.

But I keep trying, so, Hey Horton why don't you let me take that Quest off your hands why you demos some other skis?????

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  • Baller
@Texas6 You're essentially talking about the Pareto Principal. 80% of the effects come from 20% of the problems. In QC we go to great lengths to determine what the 20% is, then focus on that to alleviate the majority of the issues experienced. Makes great sense to do it in skiing.
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  • Baller_
Video. Wow!!! I've seen that before but it's been a while. That is the most still upper body I think I've ever seen. Everything just rotates under his crazy level shoulders. His eyes stay soooo level. Ok, questions- How tall/short is he? How old is he? What's his best performance? Did he do Pro events? Big Dawgs? What's the skinny.? He made all that look like a walk in the park.
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