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Prelude to the D3 Quest review


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Ski reviewing is simply describing a ski’s attributes compared to the baseline ski. The baseline ski is an imaginary amalgamation of every other high end ski previously ridden. The skis that are easiest to write about are the skis with very distinct personalities. On side or off side turns are unique, the skier must exert extra skill or strength to get wide or perhaps almost no effort or skill to get wide and so on... The list of possible personality traits is long.


I will go a step further and say that I find skis with unique attributes to be interesting and fun to ride. It is a challenge to understand what is required to excel on a ski that is unusual. Riding various skis has forced me to be flexible and to work on things I might not have spent time thinking about.


The next ski that I have to write a formal review for is the D3 Quest. I am horrified because I simply do not have any idea what I am going to write.This ski's strength is its refinement. When I ski on the Quest I do not have to think about the ski at all. I have pretty much felt at home on the Quest since day one and am having the best start of a ski season ever. “Freak’n Awesome” is not a valid description but honestly that is about all I have at this point. I mean this ski is really really freak’n kick ass. I ran a legit 38 off today and it is not May yet.


I will find a way to describe this ski in a technical way but in the meantime I am loving it.

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  • Baller
@Horton, you really have me wanting to get one. May have to plan a trip up to @jdarwin to try it out. I picked up a x7 over the winter that I'm liking but I'd really like something that requires less effort.
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Ya know, it's getting annoying all these ski companies making these awesome skis! I'd really rather just have one obvious "best ski" for about a decade at a time.


Alright, I'm lying. But sometimes it sure seems like that would be better.

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  • Baller

Is it just me, or does anyone else get the feeling more ski companys than usual are putting out the next great ski this year? (could also be cause I'm in the market for a new ski and need to narrow the number of demos down a bit)


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I have watched Horton ski on this ski a bunch this spring, and drove his successful early season 38 off pass yesterday, and he has been all smiles most of the time. It never does anything radical, and despite his best efforts to over ski it, the ski always stays with him.

I am not having the same extended honeymoon, but I am doing everything I can to make it work. I am not a patient tinkerer and I never break out the calipers once a ski is set. After it consistently feels good I attribute any problems to the skier not the ski. The Quest in my opinion is extremely sensitive to fin adjustments and binding placement and I have not found my magic numbers yet. Seems like it is harder than usual to find the right settings, despite the numbers that have been shared on BOS so far. I am going to swap bindings with Horton next week and compare skis. I have always loved D3 skis, and I do not want to change the sticker on the rear window of my truck.

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This from a guy who ran 3 @39 on my Fusion last year but could not run 35 on it a few weeks later.

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@ripa38 - I found the Quest to be sensitive to binding placement as well. I accidentally installed my bindings in the wrong screw hole after someone tried my ski and I was really struggling. I realized my error, moved my bindings back to the original spot and it was like a different ski. This weekend I decided to move my rear binding closer to my front binding and it worked even better. I'm now running almost all of my 38s which is really good for me in April. I'd be patient and experiment with binding placement in order to find the sweet spot of the ski. Once you do, I think you'll really like it.
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@schroed - Hi Steve: Are you skiing on a 67? Where did you end up with your binding placement that worked the best for you? I started at factory (30") and have moved back an 1/8. Tried a 1/4 like Horton, but that was too much. I have not tried moving the rear binding. That might be a good thing to try tomorrow. Been adjusting DFT mostly .75-.76 range. Any insight is greatly appreciated.
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@ripa38 - I'm on a 66" with my front binding at 29.25 which is .25 back from factory. That turns out to be the center hole on my T factor bindings. I tried the front binding forward and back of that and found that 29.25 was really good for me. However, with my rear T factor binding mounted in the middle slot, I found that my onside (1,3) turns were a bit hard as I got to 38 and 39 and I was also a bit on the tail on my off side. So, I decided to try moving my rear binding to the foward slot since there was a bit of room there. That worked really well. I think I'm at .760 DFT on the fin. I need to remeasure to be sure as I was moving that around a bit too.
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  • Baller
OK fellers...I'm not a big tweaker...but most skis are fairly sensitive to binding placement and/or binding type which is a larger variable than fin/wing. We are all unique skiers with unique flaws and unique strengths. Sounds like a very promising ski...as do many others.
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Turns out I like 1/8" back. Tried 1/4" back and felt like it was too much.


@schroed the binding inserts are not in the same place on the Quest


@6balls agree binding placement is important on any ski. If anything I feel like I can move them around more on the Quest and still ride it. I have run 38s at 30 1/8, 30, 29 7/8, 29 3/4 - which I doubt I could do on any of my previous skis. For now, staying with 29 7/8".


Just a reminder, this measurement very much depends on the boots you use! I am using a size 10 Reflex.

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@skibrain - I would definately echo Horton's comments, that you don't think about the ski while on it. I move around way too much, but this ski does not react to me. The Quest stays level through the turn, and maintains its speed. The Quest casts out effortlessly and smoothly off the 2nd wake, allowing you to be in great position at the bouy line. Overall, I just find it easy to ski well on. Not many sets on it yet, but the feeling has been positive since the first few rides.


I was on a RCX years ago, then been on Goodes since, with a two week stint on the X7 last year after a clinic with Nate. I found the X7 a great stable ski, but a lot of work across course. I found the Nano One, great at 28'/14m, but overall a lot of work at every point as I shortened the line.


I would say in my humble opinion the Quest feels somewhere between a 9900/9960 and an X7. Exactly what I have been looking for.

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I will finish my review when I can get some darn skiing in. Have not skied in 10 days... more? I totally agree with @terryg
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  • Baller

I was getting really tired of Horton killing it on the Quest while I struggled and provided him with endless entertainment and fodder to crack himself up. Finally this weekend I found the correct combination of binding placement and fin settings. Moving the bindings back from factory did not work for me as it has for most. The biggest change that helped was shortening the fin from 6.933 to 6.915ish the shorter I went in tiny increments the better it felt. Tons of space at 35, but too early in the year for a serious poke at 38.

While bobbing around in 80 degree water as the rope was shortened yesterday I specifically heard the phrase "best ski ever." The way he is skiing on it right now I am glad Horton is getting ready to review something else. I have heard a lot of preliminary idea so it will be interesting to see what official review will say.


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