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6 weeks to get in shape--suggestions


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  • Baller
My CF class has a 9 month pregnant woman in it and a guy in a knee brace waiting on knee surgery, along with the rest of us. It's the job of the CF instructor to recognize the limitations of the individuals and work with that. The whole idea behind CF is that everyone, whether they are 9 yo or 90 yo needs the same exercise just at different intensity or level. That puts it upon the CF instructor to help each of those people find what that intensity or level is. In my class, my instructor loads me up, while the rest of the class of new people are ramped up very slowly. And if someone can't do an exercise, they're given a different one that they can do. I have been in some classes, though, where the instructor pushed everyone to do the same. In that case, I've walked out and gone elsewhere.
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@Shane, That is Reasonable and Sound! Qualified instructors are not always easily found, sounds like you have found an excellent Instructor/Coach.


@jayski, I was not picking apart CF or you personally. In fact, we are very much on the same page and more importantly, we are on the same Team. (Team Slalom!)


CrossFit incorporates some of the very Best Agility, Stability and Athleticism conditioning available. It was really only your statement that I challenged. Quote: “without a doubt CrossFit is the answer for skiing...

if you choose a different path to be fit for skiing, your wasting your time”...


Maybe I could have chosen better words to express myself… In any case, if anyone else somehow misinterpreted or took away the same things from what I said as you did, then please let me try to clarify a couple of items.


I never said or infered that CF was SOLELY HIIT philosophy. However, Crossfit IS simply a variation of those very same Principles that I listed above. (meaning; there are also other viable options for Skiers that also incorporate some of the same values as CF)


I never said or inferred that CF was a Core specific workout. However, It IS by default an excellent Core conditioning program. (NOT Ab’s! –I said CORE…)


Yes, the WOD’s are Dynamic and Explosive! I agree, these are excellent elements for Skiing. But, there are ALSO other ways to effectively create Dynamic/Explosive Training as well... (Pro Football and basketball players have been doing it for decades)


Yes, there are Guys doing too many High powered WOD’s w/o adequate rest. Mistakenly thinking “MORE is Better.” Watching all the Rock Star youtube vid’s and aimlessly trying to train all Hard Core like a real Competitive CF Athlete, while only having a few wks. under their own belts…


Having many yrs personally of Fitness/Training and Nutrition exp. I must disagree with the notion that CF (quote) “does not inhibit people with physical limitations”. b/c ANY exercise "can be" limited with physical limitations. Unless a comparison of the Dynamic and Explosive CF, to a totally watered down version, (like one comparing their Wives Kick Boxing Class with the actual Sport of Boxing) then there is A LOT of people with Shoulder, Back or Knee problems who would exclude themselves with & w/o Dr’s orders. (i.e Box jumps, Burpees, Squats, Thrusters, Rope, Pull ups, Most anything to failure, etc, etc…)


I never said ALL participants needed to be 100% Healthy. I said: “Unfortunately, the down side of Crossfit is; it is VERY demanding and many people (Not all, but Many) with physical limitations cannot participate.” (meaning; these folks Must find an alternative option for getting into Ski shape…)


There again, and again I tried to demonstrate my orig. points; that CF is not the only effective thing available and that not everyone can do it, or needs to do it.


Summation: CF is not THEE answer for Skiing. Nor is EVERYTHING else a waste of time…


Also; My reference to Arnold was NOT about his Physique or his affair with his maid! =) It was to illustrate the FACT that one CAN do or employ some of the very SAME Principles of CF w/o necessarily doing Quote: CrossFit! and that these basic principles are NOT exactly New. They have however, evolved to a new level of AWARENESS that has become Hip and Mainstream. Which, has now created a very Cool new Sport and New Followers. For the record; I sure never mentioned anything about doing any variations of “bench press which holds no value to skiing among other lethargic BB movements…” Nor did I ever state that Free wgt’s and the typical Gym routines were the superior ski program.


Read this and get an idea of what I believe: http://skiall6.com/forum/13-fitness-for-skiing/3284-my-off-season-training-its-like-childs-play?limit=30&start=30


Maybe we can just agree that;



CF, (Great as it is) is not neccessarily for everyone

CF is not the Only way for Skiers to get into or stay in Ski shape

and EVERYTHING ELSE is not a waste of time





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  • Baller
@ral best comment ever! I'm a huge fan of CrossFit as you have heard in the past and have had great results with CrossFit. But recently I've been doing a little more of my own programming because CrossFit by design tries to make you good at everything "the unknown" and "unknowable". As skiers we "know" what we are trying to be good at so you can waste a lot of time training for the "unknown". I.E. 60-90 minute hero WODs that by the time you are 5 minutes into it none of your movements are explosive anymore. I'm focusing on strength and short high intensity wods that don't exceed 15 minutes.
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  • Baller

The answer to that is... Sort of. Lots of the workouts can be done in a normal gym setting. Others require some of the Olympic style lifts which require bumper weights so they can be dropped which is frowned upon in most globo gyms. Crossfit.com posts workouts 3 days on and 1 day off.


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  • Baller
WBLSkier- I saw Nick Adam's quote in Water Ski that he added a rowing machine to his workout. I just happen to have an AirRower that you can have for removing it from my boathouse. I upgraded to a Concept 2, but this is a good rowing machine. I'm in Shoreview,so I'm close to WBL-post contact info if you're interested.
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