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Cash Prize / Head 2 Head at SkiWest in Bako July 13-14


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This is all tentative – I am not sure we actually have permission to use the lake yet


The plan is to hold a Cash Prize / Head 2 Head at SkiWest in Bako July 13-14


There are really two things going on at the same time.


A handicapped class C with a cash prize – Head 2 Head. The entries fees will be a little high and all of the extra will go to the cash prize. Everyone will be handicapped by their 12 month USAWS average. Skiers will need at least 3 scores and the lowest possible handicap will be maybe 6 @ 35 off. There will be a few spots at a lower entry fee for kids and officials that do not want to play at the level but these skiers will not be included in the Head 2 Head. The rules need to be put in writing but the idea is to weed out any sandbaggers and make it as level as possible.


The second thing is….Without taking any money from the Head 2 Head cash pool we are going to give a single cash prize for the highest score of the whole weekend. This means I need to get some sponsorship lines up. It would be pretty cool if I could raise enough to get TW, MB and Parsons to show up to get the cash. And there is a twist…. 34 will be scored the same as 36 so if Badal shows and runs 3 @ 41 that would tie TW if he ran 3 @ 41. You think Greg would like to take some cash off TW?


We will be wrapping up the details soon and apply for the sanction as soon as I can get organized.


By the way…. We have the officials mostly lined out except for chief scorer. Any Ballers want to be chief scorer of the “Sponsor not yet named – BallOfSpray Cash Prize presented by other “sponsor not yet named”


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