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My kid(s).....


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shes just over two and was in the biscuit 3 times the weekend been for the first time. And i was pulling her round the yard in her skis, she loved it and was jumping them. will get in the water once it warms up a bit to get her comfortable floating in her life jacket.


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  • Baller
@Wish I'm surprised you didn't have a 'prefers wakeboarding' option in your poll. That would be my son; I'm sure that makes some of you cringe, but it's fun, with family, on the water, so I've no complaints. Last two years he's shown a touch of interest in slalom, which adds to the fun.
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  • Baller
Three kids -- three different answers. Oldest skis and competes -- my most constant training partner. Middle child (daughter) is now 18. Just started trick skiing last summer. She skied on one when she was younger, but never in the course. Sounds like she might start this year. Youngest (son) is now 15.5. He's got a great ski build, long and lean, and at 150 lbs or so he's quite strong (yes, he can benchpress almost 300lbs -- runs in the family!). He just hasn't gotten the bug . . . although I never say never!
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  • Baller_
@andjules. Thought I'd keep it skiing. I figured someone would say...why not tubing or kneeboarding or air chairing or....... While that keepsm on the water, and that's good, not really what I was shooting for.
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  • Baller

@andjules and @Wish Wakeboarding is skiing! Getting out on the water any way with your kids is fantastic. My kids started on wakeboards (actually kneeboards before that) and developed from there.


Or is this a totally slalom centric question? There is more to life than buoys!



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  • Baller_
Just courious on buoy chasing/3 eventers. I bet many of us can say our kids have been tubing, kneeboarding, even wake boarding but just wondered what the percents would look like in the 3 event relm. Absolutely nothing against the others and agree that the others can be a good spring board to 3 event water time.
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  • Baller

My 12 y.o. daughter will not ski under any circumstances.

My 10 y.o. son ran the course last week with gates at 30mph for the first time. He never says no to skiing. Maybe his first tournament this summer.

My 7 y.o. daughter is trying very hard to get up on one ski.


I really enjoy skiing with my kids.

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  • Baller
Record gas usage last season on tubing, kneeboarding, wakeboarding with the kids and their friends...very little skiing for them. Put me in the boat pulling kids on a nice summer day and I'm happy...especially if I already had my buoy fix for the day.
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  • Baller
My daughter skied once as a four-year-old and once as a five-year-old. She was stoked each time but is afraid of the whales! She is way more into snow skiing this year, so I'm hoping that will translate into enthusiasm for the water version this summer. She loves being at the lake with her mom and dad.
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  • Baller

Oldest daughter skied and competed in the 2010 Alabama State Championships during which she skied a PB of 4 @ 26.7 longline. As the only G1 competitor she won. The next week she went otf at the gate @ 23 mph and lost interest in skiing. However, the best thing she accomplished during her short skiing history is motivate her little sister.


After watching her big sister compete in the 2010 States, Kate said, "Daddy I want to compete in this next year". I replied, "you need to learn to slalom". We went to the lake the next day and Kate learned to slalom. This was in July 2010. Fast forward to July of 2012 and Kate came in 2nd at the Southern Regional Championships with a 2@15 score. Then came in 4th at the Nationals with 5@15. She finished the year running 22 several times in practice and posted a 3@22 score at her last tournament of the year.


My soon to be 6 yr old son is killing the innerbouys on combos. On a good day he'll run 23 mph. It is thoroughly entertaining watching him ski.


This summer Julia (oldest daughter) skied a couple times for the 1st time since 7/2010. Hopefully she'll start enjoying it again w/her siblings but I doubt she'll ever compete.


Kids are cool if you want them. I wanted them and my ski days are much better with them in the boat (usually).

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  • Baller

My 9 year old daughter refuses to ski but my son, who just turned 7, seems to love it. He is ready to start dropping a ski.


It is great for his self confidence. He loves the fact that he can do something that his sister and his friends can't. I started him at age 5 and the best thing is that he has no fear of the water or the boat and does not panic when he falls. That is huge with little kids.

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  • Baller
My daughter has been skiing since she was about 5, and running the course since she was about 15. Her teenage years she wasn't very motivated but the last few years she has got the bug to compete. She is 21 now, and has qualified for Nationals the last few years and has a tournament PB of 5 at 28. She is graduating this spring with a degree in chemical/biochemical engineering, so hopefully her career path takes her somewhere with ski lakes nearby!
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  • Gold Member

Still no clue where my kids are gonna land. They get into it in short bursts, and my older daughter (11) can get super-goal-oriented at times (just got done selling 350+ boxes of girl-scout cookies). I could see her anywhere from never getting serious to dragging me to every tournament around some day.


Younger (8) seems to completely change her mind every time she talks about it, jumping between "I'm not interested in skiing" to "When can I start tournaments?" So I have equally little clue where she will wind up!


Sometimes they like to ski regularly and other times they don't. I just try to roll with it.


Personally, I was barely interested in skiing until I was about 15 and started getting a little (and I emphasize little) strength. My kids might be similar -- or not!


Of course, not knowing the future keeps life interesting.

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  • Baller
My oldest is 2.5 and my youngest just turned 4 months. We are going to Coble's in June when my oldest will be 3, will try to get her on ski's then. Otherwise we take them to the lake, get's them use to the noise, calmness, and swishing of the water! And it allows them to fall asleep like nothing else!
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