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Im doing something terrible in this picture right? Can you help me from just this?


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  • Baller
It would appear to me that you are exiting the white water and are edge changing for the next bouy. The only potential issue I could see is if you are rushing your hands up and away from you causing slack. Could also be pulling you out of postition hard to tell from a single frame. Look at nate in this picture null
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  • Gold Member

Man, what's gotten into everybody today?


Disclaimer: In my comments below, I assume you are roughly an advanced 15-offer. If this just happens to be an unlucky picture and you regularly run -35, then just ignore most of what I have to say!!


Although there are things to fix here, there are a few things worth noting:


- Unless it's a weird trick of the camera angle, you are WAY late here. So this may not be representative of what you normally do. We all get pretty ugly when running that late.

- You're past the white water so you're not going to be in your full leverage position any more.


Next, there are some things to like:

- Your arms are straight! This is so huge. So many intermediate skiers just can't get better because their arms literally pull them out of their leverage position.

- You are not crouched/crushed. Continuing to resist after the centerline is critical. The "reverse-C" is a very advanced technique that honestly I'm not sure can be done at long lines. But every skier can make sure they continue to resist after the centerline.

- Your shoulder alignment is about right for that spot in the course. Squarish, but also facing a little in the direction you are going.


And finally to what to work on:

- Hang your weight, especially your upper body, against the boat. You'd be surprised how much more force you can generate without "pulling" at all, simply by hanging the whole mass of your upper body against the rope (and thus just about lined up with it). This will magically create way more force on your legs, which they are made to hold.

- Make sure your weight remains balance on your ski and your hip forward even as you transition out of the hardest leverage phase.

- (More advanced after fixing the first two.) Make a point to keep the rope connected to your body (hip level ish) until you must ski away from it to go out around the buoy. This is the baby step to the "reverse C."


Hope this helps!

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  • Baller

Guys, the funny thing is Katie (his wife) is a beautiful skier. He watches her ski in the mirror everyday. Kevin is a great guy and a blast to ski with and yes provides us with (comic gold moments) His skiing philosophy is just a little flawed....and we can't blame it on Canada.... we have some really good Canadian skiers at our site.


Jeff Lindsey


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  • Baller
I agree with @Than_Bogan. This pic looks like the result of a last ditch effort to get a 1/4 buoy when really you've already gotten too late to make it. That said, you probably loaded the handle with all your might as you started this lean. The result is the boat wins and pulled your elbows away from your core. That's the most obvious different between your pic and the one that @skier2788 provided of Nate.
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  • Baller
@Than_Bogan Can you explain your way late comment? Are you saying he is late because he is almost to the ball and hasn't gotten the edge change done yet? I don't know that I've ever really talked to or read information on what it means to be late/early or wide/narrow and would just like to hear from a better skier on what they mean when they say this.
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  • Baller

@kfennel Here is a picture of Reggie about to exit the white water. Compare.


Reggie- Shoulders level. Shoulders behind hips. Hips behind knees. Arms straight and handle inches from core.


You- lead shoulder down. Shoulders ahead of hips. Arms up and handle 2 ft from core.



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  • Baller

Its not nice to make fun of people who are asking for help, even if they are Canadian.

I have been having trouble with my wake crossings. I feel like I am doing everything correctly. Do you see anything obvious in this photo? Thanks in advance for your help?



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  • Baller

Heck, shoulders are nice and level, vision seems appropriate, heads up.


Tie a rope off in your basement, and give it a grab and lean daily. Then critique where your hands are. Do that till they're always on your hips and then go south for the winter.

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