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  • Baller
Since I saw this thread pop up, I thought I would give an update on my winter. 3 months of physical therapy for my torn MCL and Hip Labral tear--$970. Hiring a personal trainer through the winter--$400. Acquiring my brand new SenateC with Strata boots, $1,200. Being down 27 pounds from pushing my fat ass away from more food and sweets and killing myself off in the gym.......priceless!!! Approaching 240 gents, and ready for the damn ice to melt!!!!!
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  • Baller

Saturday at CF was tough. Started it off with 3 rounds of 400m run, 20 pushups, and 20 OH Squats. There were 16 so they broke it up into 8 stations and everyone partnered up for three rounds. Each partner did 30 seconds of every station, then the other partner did it. Then you rotated to the next station. GHD situps, wall balls, sled push, box jump, ropes, Sumo Deadlift High Pulls, Push presses, and a 50m sprint. First round no issue. Got to the ropes in the second round and I was wayyyy overheated and couldn't breathe. Had to sit out the remainder of Round 2 and get back in for Round 3.


After the pneumonia, I feel fine now. And strength workouts are no big deal. But the endurance stuff, or things where you don't have any recovery time are whipping me like I'm a bad puppy. All Saturday afternoon I could feel the fluid buildup in my lungs again.

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  • Baller

@OB - right now it looks like I'll be riding the '08 Monza. I will be demoing an A3 at Coble's, and maybe a Strada when I get a lesson in Farmer City, IL. I'll keep my eyes open for a used ski on Ski - It - Again, as I think that will be the only way I'll be able to afford a newer ski.


Feel free to send me your Mapple 6.0 or Nano one! I'll even pay shipping!

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  • Baller
@Skoot1123 I like how you have your priorities! You have a good head on your shoulders. And, as for P90X. I am starting my second go at it tomorrow, so we will be working out.....er....suffering together! My wife is in love with the black dude on the yoga tapes!
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  • Baller
Had X2 Total body last night. Felt great - really worked the core. Was a cardio workout and a strength/balance workout all in one. I love X2. Was totally beat for hockey this morning - but I did it anyway. Good to get on the skates - its a challenge when most of the players are better than me - keeps me working hard. Spring can't get here soon enough.....
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  • Baller
Completed Yoga X2 on Sunday evening and X2 Core last night. Love the yoga session - still have the flexibility - about 6 inches from the splits. Core is getting stronger from all the stability ball and med ball pushups/burpees/balancing acts. Love this stuff - even if it wears me out, I guess that is the point.
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  • Baller

Starting second week of P90X2, last night was Plyocide! I brought it as best I could and felt some definite improvements over last week. Did ab ripper this morning. Great sweat!


@Brady - Adam, on X1 is crazy strong and flexible. Guess that's what happens when your a dancer and trainer. How are you bringing it?


@6balls - way to go!!!!

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  • Baller
Been a while since I posted my accountability but I have continued to work on P90X2. Have seen great improvements this past week which was my third week of P90X2 Phase I. Core is getting much stronger and my agility is better. I will end up taking a rest week next week to ensure I am not over-training. This means more yoga and maybe a cardio workout plus hockey. Legs are feeling strong and upper body balance is gettin' there. 32 pull up last night in one set - that is a record for me. BRING IT!!!
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This week in the gym I ratcheted up like I havent done in 10 years. No joke. Every part got 5lbs heavier dumbbells. Situps went up 5 reps. Bench went up 15 lbs, squats went up 20. Usually I go up 1-2, maybe 3 workouts at a time if its early on but I did 6. Hammies are strengthening. No sudden spasms causing me concern. The forarm and bycept are better, the tweeking symptoms I was feeling are almost gone. Part of the reason was pressure on my pointer finger, not my middle and ring, which looking back makes sense because that finger would be beat to hell after a weekend of skiing, which cause the corresponding forearm muscle trouble. Hmmm.
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  • Baller
Started donig more with my shoulder/arm the last couple days. Did some light band stretches and 5lb static holds yesterday morning with weights. Lots of yard work yesterday - using shovel and pushing a mower. Shoulder felt good, though it was sore in the evening. Sore this morning too, but ice fixed that. Feels like I'm on the road to recovery. Slow going as it may be........
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  • Baller
Yep, Im struggling to keep up with both as well. Slight pull to a muscle in my mid back doing kettle bell swings late last week. Felt ok until I ski'd later that afternoon. Heating pad ever since. :). I keep reminding myself, I workout to ski better, if I can't ski because of my workout, I need to re-assess my priorities
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  • Baller

@rayn My mistake was getting 4 ski sets in on sunday trying two different skis. Truly, I can handle a couple of crossfit workouts during the week and ski also. Unlike in the winter when I'm doing 4-5 times at CF.


But, I brought home a new Cannondale road bike last night. Something else to beat my body up!

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  • Baller
@ShaneH for the last couple seasons I've tried to keep doing CrossFit while skiing 10-12 sets a week. It lasted about a month both times before I realized I wasn't recovering and I dumped CrossFit entirely. Changing it up this year and just keeping up with the lifting... Squats, O-lifting, and some really short smart WODs like 3-10 minutes. I haven't started skiing yet so we will see how that plays out.
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  • Baller
I'm in a similar boat. I'm trying to maintain without gain throughout the season. I'm cutting back from 4-5 workouts a week to 3 + skiing. I think I can generally maintain what I've gained without injury. I've maintained 4-5 workouts through ski season the past few years and I think my skiing suffered a bit
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  • Baller

@klundell and @texas6 - I think we all forget how intense and energy sapping skiing is. My plan this year is to do some 10 minute workous in the morning 2-3 times per week and get some ab exercises in as well to keep the core in good shape.


This shoulder injury has really set me back. But I am going to bounce back and be stronger than before. It also means I'm going to ski smarter. Come on SUMMER!

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  • Baller
I kept up with a workout schedule last year for the first time that was put together by Jenny Labaw. Jenny knew I was skiing and scheduled the workouts accordingly. I would shift days around based on my schedule. I never left a summer workout completely wasted like I do during the off season. The objective was to maintain my strength during the ski season so I didn't have to start from scratch. It seemed to help me out.
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  • Baller
+1 on both Jenny and doing some gym work during the season. Last year was the first I kept going to the gym and felt that made me stronger durning ski season not weaker. Being in good overall shape means more practice time.
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