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  • Baller
@OB I think what is more important varies depending on your fitness level. For @rayn I agree with his assessment of water, workout, nutrition. @rayn is in excellent shape and has had a good nutrition plan for him as long as I have known him. For me it is probably more nutrition, workout, water. I am still 15-20 pounds heavier than ideal weight and nutrition is the item I struggle with the most.
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  • Baller
Back to full strength in the gym. I have lost 17 pounds since November 1. Will weigh in again on Friday to make it official.. 13 to go. Trying to turn myself into a lean mean high performance water skiing machine.. Did too much weight training last winter and bulked up, and got lazy when it came to my nutrition. Seeing 210 pounds on the scale on November 1 was a major wake up call...
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  • Baller
Agree w/both @OB and @Razorskier1. Even when I was competing in bench press you wouldn't find me doing one rep thru the summer. Life is hectic and I've only got so much free time...if it's gym vs. skiing...I'll see ya at the lake.
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  • Baller_
3 on 3 hockey for 1.5 hrs yesterday, floor workout tonight and BBHL game tomorrow. I hope to be on the ice 4 times this week. I have had lower back issues since last Aug. I finely pulled the trigger and saw a Chiropractor. All I can say is WOW. I should have done this years ago.
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  • Baller
Have been out of town for a couple days. But I did manage to get some Yoga and some eliptical work as well as a couple balancing moves in. Before I left for my trip I had another Legs and Back routine. I didn't think it would be possible to improve on the 123 pullups - but I did. 131 total. They weren't always pretty (or "perfect") but I cranked em out. End goal: Ski Season!
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  • Baller
Quick check in: plyo x done for today, had hockey last Friday, legs and back on Saturday, rest on Sunday and arms/ back on Monday. 137 pull-ups on Saturday. Didn't think I would improve on the 131, but I did. Have gained 9 pounds now. Can't wait for this spring and ski season to begin!!!
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  • Baller
Whew. Managed to come down with walking pneumonia 2 weeks ago. Not sure why they call it walking because I spent 5 days either lying down or with my head down on my office desk upstairs. lol. That said, tonight was too soon to be back at Crossfit. I'm pretty sure those damn house wifes in our class kicked my ass. Started with 4 rounds of 10 barbell squats. Then did that damn deck of cards workout again. Jokers were 20 burpees. I was doing ok til the first joker came up about 1/3 the way through. After the burpees and then a card that gave us 10 thrusters, I hit the floor and layed there so I wouldn't throw up. It took about 10 minutes and it passed and then finished the WOD strong. Until we came to that last damn joker which was the last card. 20 more Burpees and I damn near passed out again. After a respiratory illness like that, I guess I just don't have the lung capacity back yet.
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  • Baller
@shaneH - it takes a while to get lung capacity back for sure!! I have asthma, and any time I get sick it wipes me out because my lungs don't have the capacity. However, that is one reason why I enjoy cardio/hockey and push it to the limit - greater lung capacity and exercise help tremendously (but usually that's when I'm feeling good!)
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  • Baller

My wife and I have been doing CrossFit for a little over 2 months now. We like the fact that you have no idea of what you are going to do until you walk in. Saturday was 30 minutes of rounds of 5 deadlifts, 13 push-up and 9 box jumps. Made 16 rounds in the 30 minutes. Yesterday morning was 5 rounds of 400 meter row, 30 sit-ups and 15 deadlifts. I have to admit I have a different attitude going into work after doing that workout in the morning.


Have not really seen much weight loss, but I can see improvement in my ability.

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  • Baller
Finished my legs workout. I can't believe this - again I crushed last weeks totals. Went from 137 to 149. Decided I better do two more after seeing that total. Anyway, the legs workout was great, I need to get a few more dumbbells for some of the exercises then I'll have to work a bit harder. Rest or yoga tomorrow.
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  • Baller

@socalwaterski - you're killing me. You live in socal and you have 36 days AND a backcountry trip to Alaska so far? F my life. Can you post a trip report? Or maybe you have already on TGR or something. Would love to see the pics.


I've got about a total of 10 days inbounds at Squaw, which is not terrible because it's Squaw and I tend to make the most of each day, but I'd rather have your total and that AK trip.

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@Skoot1123 - That's in Turnagain Arm south of Anchorage by about an hour.

@jimbrake - I lived in Anchorage for 4 years, so I have a ton of friends up there. I fly free, so I get around as much as possible. This year I've been to Alta, Brighton, Park City, Canyons, Solitude, Deer Valley, Vail, Aspen, Taos, Mt. Rose, Kirkwood, Squaw, and of course Mammoth. Pulled 2 days with Utah's Powderbird guides, and am scheduled to go with Chugach Powder guides later this season. I basically live my summers at the lake skiing, on the mountain climbing or biking, and competing in ironman and half ironman events. In the winter, it's the off season, I'm skiing like crazy and off season biking swimming and running. I'm on the plane out to Salt Lake again as I type this.

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  • Baller

Had shoulder bicep tricep workout last night. Completely beat me down. The slow motion pushups put the hurt on! Plyo pushups weren't the greatest form, but I did them. Have seen big muscle gain in arms (biceps/triceps) and am hoping it is going to the legs too. Will start my focus on core here in a couple weeks with P90X2.


@socalwaterski - I don't know if I got down that far back in '99 when I went to Alaska on a fishing trip, but we did get to Alyeska Alaska resort. What a beautiful place!! Would LOVE to go back to Alaska. Amazing place!

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  • Baller
I started a strength program a little over a week ago along with my regular crossfit stuff. I've been doing 3 sets of 5 reps back squats twice a week, deadlifts once a week, along with some weighted pull ups and presses. I started my back squats at 205lbs five weeks ago and it was difficult. Today I did 250lbs for all three sets. I've also jumped big numbers in my deadlift. Pretty excited about the progression! Too bad I've got three more months before I can put it to water.
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  • Baller

@klundell - nice job! Funny how things can be so hard at the beginning then take off like crazy!


Had an awesome Back and Bicep workout last night. I use bands in my workouts - pulling 45's and 50's in curls (hammers, isolation curls, concentration curls, locomotive etc). Had 6 corncob pull ups and 9 towel pull ups without a chair assist. Arms are shot!


This morning was hockey for an hour and fifteen. Felt super while skating, legs have lots of power and stamina (for me).


Have gained between 10-12 lbs depending on what you would call my "baseline." Have also been taking Creatine (~5-8 grms) 6 days a week. I attribute the weight gain to the Creatine use, but I'm enjoying the results of being stronger. The next round of worksouts will be P90X2 where I'll probably loose a little weight but gain athletic ability with all the balance moves.

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  • Baller

Today was the first day I did not make it through the work out. Been trying to get over a cold. Work out consisted up 4 round 30 sec on and 30 off of barbell squats, then the 4 rounds of the same for push presses. 7 rounds of sled pushes and sit-ups. WOD was going to be 4 rounds of 400 meter rows and 25 burpees. By the time we got through the sled pushes and sit-ups it was all over for me. Never made it to the WOD. I guess I will call this my active recovery day.


Anyone doing the crossfit wholelife challenge?

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  • Baller

Great workout yesterday in Cardio X. Really felt great - I'm needing this recovery week. Then I'll be off all next week and start into X2.

@mino - a cold will bring down your stamina like crazy!! You can only push so far until your body says: "OK, I'm DONE!"

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  • Baller
changed up from power-lifting to core, higher rep lifting, and weight loss. Ended ski season in November last year at 195lbs. Weighed 205 a week ago after two months of heavy lifting. Down to 198 this morning. Shooting to drop down to around 192 in the next 2-4 weeks through a combination of changing up the workouts and changing up my eating. When I go through a power lifting cycle I eat a lot, and it goes straight to muscle. Now to get lean I am cutting about 300-400 calories a day out of my diet (smaller lunches, not snacking so much) and adding higher reps and some running. Should be good to go by ice out!
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  • Baller
@skoot1123 -- shooting for low 190s. Lighter is better for me -- easier on my body overall. I try to balance strength/weight as I get to ski season. Two years ago I ended the season in the low 180s. That felt too light for me -- felt like I didn't have the same power. I think ideal is right around 190 for me (6ft tall).
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  • Baller
I'm trying my best to cut anothe 5 by the time I'm skiing again, when I was lifting heavy and putting up those heavy singles from earlier in this thread I weighed about 192 and now I'm down to 187 due to running a mile 5 days a week, eating less, and doing reps at lower weight when I'm lifting with the exception of my heavy bench press day.
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  • Baller

@OB, you and @razorskier1 should be training partners.


For the first time in a long time I didn't pony up big w/muscle in the offseason. Just over 190 instead of 205...will be in the 180's mid-season. I'm sure my ski change helped last season, but so did being the lightest I've been since high school.

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