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  • Baller

We did a similar 12 days of xmas workout last friday at Crossfit. Whew. It was tough.


Then came back after xmas and did a deck of cards workout yesterday. Hearts were pushups, Spades were body weight squats, Diamonds were burpees, and Clubs were box jumps. Face cards were 11, 12, 13, or 14 reps. Jokers were 20 situps. So if she pulled a 9 of hearts, you had to do 9 pushups. Ace of diamonds were 14 burpees. The first 10 minutes I thought it was pretty damn easy. But by the time we got down to the last cards, I was sucking wind. At one point in time she pulled out an Ace of Diamonds(14 burpees), 9 of diamonds(9 burpees), Queen of Diamonds(12 burpees), and a 6 of diamonds(6 burpees) all in a row. Today I am wiped out from it.

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  • Baller

So far, my workout is:

Sit on my butt and read BOS - 1 set of 20 mins 3X/day

Honey Do's - several sets per day

Taxi Service for Son's activities - a few sets per day


I'm taking a break from alcohol, so the 1-armed mug curls have been cut from the standard program.

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  • Baller
Finally feeling like my body is recovering from ski season. Now getting stronger. Last week on my heavy bench day I did four sets of four at 315lbs. Razorross3 did four sets of four at 355lbs. This week we each go up 10lbs. On our "light chest day" I did four sets of 10 reps at 245lbs nice and slow. Been doing rehab on my left knee and lots of core and rotator cuff work to try to get the back and shoulders ready for a new season. Having fun -- that's what counts.
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  • Baller
Used to do 2 a days in college with a crazy buddy of mine. We'd lift in the mornings, do cardio (bike, long runs, sprints, etc) in the afternoons. I don't see why I couldn't do it now except for time and motivation. Let's face it, during ski season I'm more than happy to ski 4 times a day. Working out shouldn't be any different.
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  • Baller
First workout of the year in this morning. I am fighting a cold but went and slogged through it. Today was squats, wall stands, Romanian dead lifts and dips for three rounds. Next up was thrusters every minute on the minute increasing reps each minute until I couldn't finish. I got through 12 minutes. I am definitely much stronger than I was starting out last year. Now I just need to keep my diet in check to get under 200 lbs by may.
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  • Baller
Suffered from the cold that some have talked about. Did a few workouts last week: Kenpo X and Yoga. Felt great but couldn't keep it up during the weekend. BUT, I got a great workout yesterday shoveling snow on the pond so I could play a bit of hockey. Skated around with my daughter on my shoulders. That's a real workout! Back on the mend, and hitting it hard now!
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  • Baller
Sounds like JLB is creating some great programming for you guys. I'd love to see a baller WOD (workout of the day) programmed by someone like Jenny. I know it probably doesn't work with her business model to give away her programming like it does for other crossfit affiliates but who knows I'm sure it would drive a lot more traffic to her site and possibly help her sell other services?
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  • Baller

@Klundell each workout JLB programs has two parts one of which is kind of like a WOD. I agree I am not sure it makes sense given her business model. The second half of my workout today was row 1000M, 100 pushups, 75 situps and 50 body rows. It took me 16:04.


I renewed my membership at the gym and am ready to go. The only problem I have right now is I am having some tendinitis issues in my left knee. Next week I am travelling a bunch on business and might not have much time to workout so it might be some good recovery time.

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  • Baller

At Crossfit yesterday the WOD was 100 double unders, and 4 rounds of 8 deadlifts, 8 handstand pushups, and 16 box jumps, followed by another 100 double unders. Prior to knee surgery last year I couldn't jump up on a hardback book without pain. When I started back at Crossfit a month or so ago, I was ok with a 16 inch box jump. Yesterday I was doing 36 inch box jumps, which is huge for me. I still don't have the raw power I used to have so 4 rounds of 185 lb deadlifts whipped me like I was a bad puppy!


The good thing is that I'm down 4% body fat in the last month and have gained 6 lbs. When I last did Crossfit, I did not gain weight. But this gym owner does extensive work with high level athletes and he has me fueling my body differently than I was before. One of our more interesting conversations revolved around after workout recovery drinks. He had me get bottles of vitamin d chocolate milk. Says it is the perfect ratio(3:1) of carbs to protein for muscle repair and also 20% of the protein in chocolate milk is fast absorbing whey protein.

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  • Baller
@ShaneH, that's fantastic man congrats on the progress! Eating well really is 75% of the battle. Personally, I switched to a strict paleo diet at the urging of Jenny about two years ago and it's paid enormous dividends for me. Rich Froning the male Crossfit games winner the past two years also swears by the combination of chocolate milk and Progenix for recovery and muscle development. There appears to be something to that combination
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  • Baller
So Friday I went home and did Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps routine from P90X. Gotta say it rocked! It has been a couple weeks since I last did that routine, but it felt good. My numbers weren't quite as high as I'd like them to be, but that was expected. Saturday I did an hour and fifteen minues of Yoga. Quite sore from Friday's workout, but I persevered! Went ice skating with my daughter yesterday to round out the weekend. Tonight will be ab exercises. Gotta do my best to get those results!
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  • Baller
Did some crazy yoga last night for about 80 minutes. Felt awesome. Got up early and played hockey this morning from 6 to 7 AM. Feel great, and skated well. I'll be pushing it extra hard this coming weekend and until ski season. Just around the corner! Find myself doing a lot of Visualization on my gate and course. Ready to bring it!
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  • Baller
Almost back to full strength in the gym. One more month and I cut back on the weight training, and switch to cardio to get the weight off. Feeling pretty good after being sick most of December. I have dropped 15 pounds since November 1.
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  • Baller
Whew. I caught whatever cooties were going around here in Houston and was down for 5 days. Crossfit on Tuesday made me it's little bitch. 4 105lb push presses and 4 105lb deadlifts every minute for 30 minutes. Plus 100 burpees mixed in during that 30 minutes. For the first 5 minutes, it was no big deal. But dammit after that I was sucking wind and the 60 seconds was up WAY too soon. I'm not gonna lie, that was a lot of damn push presses and dead lifts.
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  • Baller
@Chef23 Dude, that was a HARD freaking workout. I would do 5 burpees per 1 min round. Between the push presses, deadlifts, and burpees that would take between 30-40 seconds. 20 seconds of recovery after that is NOT enough! lol I had to forego burpees in some of the middle rounds just so I wouldn't throw up.
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  • Baller
I don't think I can do anything called a "burpee". Started doing high reps of light weight squats to get my whole core engaged more during my workouts. Also just added in cardio because I need to stop gaining weight. Was up to 207lbs from 195 at the end of ski season in November. Between lifting heavy things and Holiday eating, I've become a little too big!
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  • Baller
@ShaneH, that sounds brutal. That's the thing about a lot of Crossfit workouts though, they don't always sound as bad on paper as they feel once you get into them. Very sneaky like that. But your workout sounded like an a$$ kicker on paper which is never a good sign
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  • Baller
@Texas6 Exactly. Tonight's was a strength workout that I thought would be hard, but wasn't. Although Charles was huffing and puffing. lol I think that was the first time he'd bench pressed since high school! hahaha I told him he's going to have manboobs when ski season starts if he keeps that up. :)
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