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Offseason Accountability


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  • Baller

OK - here is the chance for everyone to keep up on their offseason training by posting your daily workout, results, notes, or AH HA moments.


Right now I'm doing P90X - have a bit of a drop in activity this past week since we are getting ready for a trip to FL and Christmas shopping. HOWEVER, had a PB in pullups the other day with 123 during the Legs and Back workout. Have been really concentrating on legs/back as well as core and arms. I have a rope and handle hooked up in the garage: got in the leverage position last night to see how it felt and WOW what a difference! Core was tighter/stronger, and I felt MUCH more solid in the position than at the end of ski season in August. Have put on 7lbs of muscle since the end of the season, looking forward to skiing with KC Wilson on Monday - gotta make sure I'm ready.

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  • Baller
I am definitely stronger now. I have found that if I workout even twice a week during ski season I stay much stronger. Too bad I don't do it! Hard to go to the gym when it is sunny and 80 in MN for such a short time. If I have extra time, it's on the ski. Been doing more leg work than usual this winter trying to get my knee to come around. I think that is going to be useful in the spring.
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  • Baller
It's funny, as soon as I quit waterskiing and doing all my watersports, I actually start shedding fat and my muscle tone starts coming back. My excuse is that all the watersports drain me of energy so I conserve what little I have to continue skiing 3-5 times a week. That means no running, biking, or any of the other things that might be seen as "exercise" because then I may be too tired to ski or wakeboard. I started running and mountain biking again 6 weeks ago when I hung up skiing and I've lost 4-5 lbs without changing anything else....go figure.
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Off Season? I heard a rumor just now that Terry Winter is skiing skiing and running deep 41 in DECEMBER!
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  • Baller

I have been using a free app called Loseit to track calories. And when I am religious about logging, it helped me lose at least 15 lbs this summer. The problem is that it doesnt deliver an electric jolt when I dont log my food intake.


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  • Baller

I did 30 pull-ups in a little over 6 minutes a couple of weeks ago. Given that 10 months ago I couldn't do 3 I was pretty happy. Over 8 sets there is no way i could do 123. This morning I dead lifted 275 for 3 sets of 5 reps which is the most weight I have moved since college. I also had a 5k row in 20:09. I can go faster on the row but it was only the second time I have rowed that far.


I am trying to make sure I maintain my weight through New Years then I am going to focus on getting under 200.

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  • Baller
Haven't done pull-ups in a long time. Right now working on rehabbing shoulders from the season just past. For some reason rotator cuffs on both sides bothered me for about the last month of the season, and I had some biceps tendon pain, especially in the left arm. Rehab work is light weights, lots of reps. Pretty sure pull-ups are more force than I want to apply right now. Maybe by spring I'll be ready and try to see if I can rip off 20-30 of them just for fun.
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  • Baller
On one of my 4 strength training worksouts I do pull ups and chin ups. I can do 5 or 6 at a time, but I do multiple sets. I end up doing 20-25 of each. I have cut out fast food, and snack food. I dropped 7 pounds in November. I am trying to take off another 25.
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  • Baller

@gregy it is hard to figure out the pacing for a long row. I did the first 2k under 1:55 per 500m then kept it between 2:00 and 2:05 per 500 for the next 2k then closed around 1:50 for the last 1k. My goal for the next time is to get under 19:50.


For someone that never really rowed I appear to be okay at it. I really focus on driving with my legs. I rowed next to a friend of mine and my stroke per minute was slower but I was a fair amount faster. There is definitely something to the technique.

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  • Baller
I did a pull up/walking lunge workout last week. 100ft walking lunge, max rep pull ups - 5 Rounds. I've always wanted to get an unbroken set of 50 kipping pull ups... ended on 49 in my first round, couldn't get the last one (super pissed!) But a new PR. Round four this happened... ended up with 119 for the workout.
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  • Baller

@klundell - sweet job on those pull ups! The pull ups in the workout are a combination of wide grip, close grip, switch grip, and underhand (palms facing you).


Got in a ski in today, first time since September. Felt great. Hope to get a p90X workout in tomorrow.

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  • Baller
@franks and I are looking into a TRX system or a gym that has one. I know that they are good with upperbody strength that helps with skiing. Does anyone use one? I know the possibilities are endless, but what are some good workouts using it?
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  • Baller
I can't stand the kipping vs. no kipping debate! They are both just tools that should be used at the appropriate time. If you are doing a MetCon then by all means you should kip. You will be able to do more in a shorter amount of time getting your heart rate higher while also getting a great core workout from the kips. If you're doing pull ups strictly for strength then you shouldn't kip and you should start hanging weight off of you.
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  • Baller

I had the 12 days of Christmas yesterday. It was brutal and took an hour thirty.



1 Lap (Row 250 Meters)

2 Wall Walks

3 Thrusters (20# Dumbbells)

4 Back Squats (175#)

5 Burpees


7 Pullups

8 Kettlebell Swings (24-32 kg)

9 Box Jumps (24" box) (step ups if achilles is bad)

10 Pushups

11 Dumbbell Clean 35#

12 Man-Makers (35# DBs)


It was performed like the song. One row then two wall walks and a row, there thrusters, two wall walks and a row and so on. It was the hardest workout I have done in forever.

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  • Baller

@chef23 @texas6 I did it monday also and afterwards Jenny said it was the gift that keeps on giving and every time I walked up the stairs it gave me some

More. By the end of the night I was walking like Frankenstein.

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