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Help Horton win the Outex photo contest


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I took this image at Soaked this year. I think it is my favorite photo of all time. (of photos I took)




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The actual voting button on the Outex site is the yellow box with the stars - not the clearest web design I have ever seen

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  • Administrators

@jipster43 yes that site is a mess. What is great is you can vote again about every 10 minutes.



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  • Baller
@Horton, how much time is left in the contest, and how important is it to you to win? The reason I ask, it that in my job, I work with a couple thousand women, and I can clip a coupon, but only if it is really important to you.
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  • Gold Member
'Fraid not. My work is extremely low level mathy programming stuff. I don't have any of the tools needed to mess with web sites. I'm sure I could find someone who does, but (sorry Horton) I'd need a little better reason than this to call in a favor.
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