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Lake Shasta


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  • Baller
Just looking for a little help. I live in central Canada. My buddy bought a wake board boat near Lake Shasta. We are going to go pick it up in mid November. While we are there, we are going to try doing a little wake surfing. What is the normal air and water temp during that time. I need to know if I should be bringing a wet suit or dry suit. Any tips on where to go.....tx
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  • Baller

Shasta is one of my favorite places. It's been an indian summer in northern CA, so water temps probably won't be bad (the lake actually gets quite warm in the summer), but I would pack the wet suit. The way it's been going, the air temp might not be bad either. Could be anywhere from 50-80 degrees. Just watch the forecasts before your trip starts. As for where to go, it depends on where you're picking up the boat. Shasta is huge with dozens of marinas, so just google it and pick one. The north end of the Sacramento arm has lots of twists and turns, so you can usually find really nice water. Launch at Packer's Bay or someplace around there. That will keep you on Interstate 5 as you head north.


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  • Baller

rodltg2 is right about the Pitt river having great water, but it is out of the way if that's not where you're picking up the boat. If you end up out that way, definitely go there (Jones Valley or Silverthorn resorts). That's where we typically houseboat. Water level stayed up pretty well this year. Other possibilities along I-5 are Holiday Harbor and Antlers Bay. www.shastalake.com has some maps and info.


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I dont know much about wet suits but i will say THEY WORK! I went scuba diving near russia in january a few years ago and the water temp was about 35. Yes i froze but my appendages were quite exposed by poorly fitted boots and cheap gloves. When i got out i was violently shivering but i discovered that the wetsuit kept my body warm (though i didnt feel warm)and my frozen face feet and hands were telling me i was effed. Not sleeping the night before was a bad idea too as my body wasnt generating ANY heat. There may be ice on the lake by then. Youll get by with a thick wetsuit no problem especially since you wont be in the water long. Heck you could do it without a wetsuit. Have fun.
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  • Baller
i beleive the boat is in redding, not sure if that helps, i dont know anything about the area other than the pictures ive seen on the internet. cant wait to go. Where im from we dont get into wetsuits until the water hits about 65, unless the air temp is cold too, wasnt sure if i would need the drysuit. I'll try to find out what dealer he bought it from
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i live in redding, water temps right now are high 60's, air temp 75-85' By mid November you will be looking at water temps in mid to low 60's air temp 70's I prefer the dry suit. If the boat has a shower, you could warm up that wet suit though and be comfortable. Pit arm is typically the best, but you find nice water anywhere. Easiest I5 acesss on/off is bridge bay or packers bay, then head west towards the dam . Jones valley is great, a little more difficult to get to, Holiday harbor is near Packers, but more for the houseboaters, then the lets launch a boat and ski for the day. Pit arm is best skiing, enjoy.
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