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How do you rank your skiing ability?


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  • Baller
Just wanted to get an idea of the skill level of the folks of BOS. Maybe categories of skill level can be an option to choose on the website, information regarding that particular skill level can then be posted and searched for those looking for tips and hints for that line length.
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If users fill out the info sheet it asks for USAWS #. You can look anyone up that way.


That is the only way I can think of letting you know who is who. If you are looking for advice this is a good idea but on the other hand I do not want the site to be all about the shortline guys. I really do not want a caste system.


Besides that if you hang out for long you can see who is respected. Just listen to @Mr.Jones and you will be fine.

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  • Gold Member

@Chef23 I'm not quite sure that's true, but if so maybe I can stay ahead of you a little longer...


An awful lot of very dedicated folks do get stuck at running -35 (or 36/-32) a lot, and rarely-if-ever getting -38 (or 36/-35). I've been there for 10+ years, although have inched forward slightly over that period. Kinda wondering if the N1 is gonna push me into running -38 a lot, but that is far from assured.

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  • Baller
Getting better is an interesting concept to me. In a number of years my buoy count has remained fairly similar, yet technically I felt I was a much better skier and, therefore, was more consistent at getting to a particular point on the line. That being said, some of my favorite ski days are when I just go run a bunch of 32s and work on doing everything right. Fun, stress-free, and low energy output. Second set this morning ran 16 of them and it was an absolute blast and I refined some techniques again that sometimes get lost in the ever-present chase for more buoys.
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  • Baller

I am a free skier getting back into the course and starting over at 15 off. I don't ski long line though. I didn't see a choice that really fit, so I just am posting this.


EDIT: I went ahead and voted for long line and 15 off, as that is the most accurate answer for my course results. But I have not skied or seen a long line in a long, long time.

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  • Baller
The "stuck at 2 @ 38" crowd is probably the largest. I believe this has mostly to do with the fact that the sight picture changes (you can no longer get your head to course width). 2 @ 38 is my best tournament score, but I've been seeing 3 ball a bit in practice lately, so maybe I can get better. I was stuck at 2 for a while, then ZO came out and I was stuck at Mid 35, now I'm back to running more 35s and trying to figure out how to advance at 38 again. As frustrating as some of this stuff gets, it's still a lot of fun!
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  • Baller

@Roger- You described me exactly. Pretty much stuck at 2, though I did get back to the wakes at 3 for a touney PB a few weeks ago, (didn't try to hold onto a big slack hit so got 2.5). I feel like there is no chance of getting deeper unless I change something fairly drastically. I think I'm taking the wrong path, and need to round out the sine wave, so to speak.


I've asked this before, but for you 38 guys, what can you get away with at 35, but not at 38?

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  • Baller
I tied my tournament PB last weekend with 3@39 36mph. The 38 off loop is a bear! I have run it 10 times in tournaments in the last 2 seasons. It falls almost every practice set now but not usually off the dock. I must say though 35-off was the toughest for me to get through it took me 7 years from the time I ran my first 32-off till I ran my first 35-off in a tournament.
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  • Baller
@Roger I have used that technique many times while coaching people. I think I have a 100% sucess rate with it. Skiing is SO mental and alot of people do not understand that, they think its a shorter line, even if you run the length before it perfectly, you will struggle more... As far as I am concerned we struggle more because we know that we are at the limit of our abilities and we go into scrap mode and all the technical stuff goes out of our head and as a result we fall (usually) early in the pass.
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  • Baller
@klundell, you're a monster. @roger you can get width at 38 and have the sight line you are used to, but it may not turn out well. The best looking set-ups to one ball turn into a bad 1 if you are expecting the sight line from longer lines. A progressive turn in on the gates and finding an earlier edge change at 38, trusting you will get out there is key. Pulling long enough to get the sight line that you are more comfortable with at 38 is pulling too long and getting too high on the boat to make an effective turn.
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  • Baller

This is a very interesting survey @Skoot1123. I think it's cool that you "wanted to get an idea of the skill level of the folks of BOS." And according to this survey so far, 32 off and shorter represents 50% of the votes, and course skiers at long line through 22 off represent only 17% of the votes. Predator Bay is an highly motivated 85 member club, and I think you could reverse those numbers, as in 17% of members are 32 off and shorter, and 50% are 22 off and longer/slower.


I just can't help but wonder how many 22 off and longer/slower BOS followers didn't vote because they don't want to advertise the fact that they are not yet where they would dearly love to be, further up the rope.


I'd like to add that if this is the case, it's a shame, because in IMO, if you can make any complete pass through the course, you are already in the top 10% of water skiers in the world. I can't think of another sport where you have to be so advanced, just to come last at a tournament. My hat is off to ALL course skiers, and I'd like to commend @Horton for how often he reaffirms the same sentiment. Hold your head high, long-liners. You definitely belong here!

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I ski at 15 off; I've never tried long line. This time last year I was working for all my life to round #6 for the first time at 28 mph. Right now I've been making full passes at 31mph pretty regularly and hope to make 32 by the end of the year. I have my sites set on 34mph for next year. And thanks for the shout out @skijay I thought for a minute I needed to go find a different slalom site- JK I've always felt very included here. I like bouncing ideas off of people who know where I've been and also know what it takes to get where I want to be.
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  • Baller
went downhill when I moved north and gained a healthy respect for northern skiers who do so well. hit rock bottom with same injury as T8skier. Good news is I am heading back south to south Georgia soon! Now I just got to find a place to set up a course! @OB has given me some ideas, nothin definite yet.
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@skijay i would bet 75% of lurkers are 22 off our less. Less than 5% of readers ever post (24,000 visitors last month not sure how many posted)
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  • Baller

I barely make the cut for my "vote". For me "32' off and shorter", while true, puts me in a category that is a very wide band starting at 32' off. Looking at my log, I have run about 165 - 170 32' off passes this season; but, I have only turned 5 ball at 35' off twice (never have run it); most of the time it is 2 - 3 @ 35' off. I feel somewhat hesitant to be lumped in with those skiing 35' & 38' regularly; because, those are totally different animals....especially 38'.


I think if there were a "38' off and shorter" voting option; the graph may be more levelized at the higher end.

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  • Baller

@skijay - I guess I hadn't thought about making it anonymous. But I would hope the folks that are 22 off and longer, and even 28 off wouldn't feel intimidated by those that ski shortline! One thing we want to do is make this an ALL INCLUSIVE ski "community." That is the only way we can grow the sport.


@skibug - I hear ya on the 32 off vs 35 off. 35 off is a different animal! I didn't want to proliferate a lot of bar's in the poll. I figured that those that are skiing at 32 off have a pretty good idea of what is going on, and can definitely help those that are longer line lengths. The really shortline skier's often have insight to the nuance's of the sport (ie fin tuning etc). Good thoughts though, I appreciate the feedback.

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  • Baller

Ok, I'll bite on this one for my first post. I'd imagine that most of the non-course skiers and long line guys (and gals) don't post much, or even register, due to having limited knowledge of the sport and little commentary to add. Most of the beginner posts seem to be questions of what ski to buy or how skiing the course works, so a lot of the threads go untouched by the lesser-experienced group.


Me personally, I'd love to ski a course if I had one nearby and a boat that would be adequate for it. I've been free skiing for about 12 years or so (poor form and all), but always on public lakes behind non-tournament boats. Up until last year, I was skiing on a 72" Wooden Cypress Gardens "Banana Peel" ski, or a ski from a set of 67" combos, lol. I now have a 69" 2010 Triumph w/double Animal bindings. Still doubt I'll have much chance ski the course, but just thought I'd chime in for some of the other non-course group that lurk on the site just to take in the great info.

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  • Baller
@SoonerBred01 - we (BOS and waterski community) need MORE of you guys's input. There is a lot of good information that can be shared with the free skier's - not JUST shortline skier's. I started out as a free skier, and even then wanted to get better. Hooking up with good turns and a smooth arc are what I was after, I would think there are a lot of others with the same or similar goals. I would encourage ALL of those that are registered and able to comment to chime in! Were all in this together!
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  • Baller
@SoonerBred01 -- keep posting and asking questions. I love to open water ski mixed in with my course skiing. One of my favorite things to do is work on edge change timing. I know that by the middle of the wakes I should be into my edge change. So in the open water instead of focusing on buoys I just make sure that going both directions I'm changing edges in the same place. Take that back in teh course and I ski better. Lots of other things you can do to prep for course skiing. Our sport dies if this site is just a bunch of us old course junkies! We need folks like you!
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  • Baller
I run 38 95% in practice. Learning 39 is tough. Best score in tournament this year is 2 @ 39 5 @39 in practice. I have found by breaking down technique and discribing it in the forum helps me to articulate what I feel. I'm very kenestic (sp) I'll get thru 39 soon. Goal is to always make 38 and be consistent at 3-4 @39; in Men 5 that will just about do it.
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I have been working on -35 for 8 years. I finally ran it a couple of times this year. It was an awesome feeling to finally accomplish that! So, my PB is 2 at -38.

On Labor day, while skiing in some chop, I popped the handle at 1 ball and blew out the side of my Sixam SS. Now I am looking for another ski...I think that I have narrowed down the choices to either an HO S2 or maybe a AM33...Any thoughts?

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  • Baller
@Skoot1123, @Razorskier1 - I'm sure I'll chine in more often now that I'm a registered user. I'm primarily working on @Than_Bogan's treatise for 15-offers and leveraged position. My boat throws a bit more wake than a tourny boat, so it's a bit more daunting to approach the 1st wake so aggressively, lol. I've been skiing since I was around 6yrs old, so I'm no stranger to the activity 23yrs later. There's even a ski lake within 3 miles of the house that I drive by occasionally to see if anyone is out on (rarely see anyone).
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  • Baller

Count me as one of the free skiers with no course around. I've been on a course maybe a half dozen times, and that was probably 20 years ago. I always free ski at 22 or 28 off. I also try to keep improving my form in the chance that I do get to try a course. I enjoy this site and all the information and get really jealous watching video of all you folks on the glassy, private water!


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  • Baller
@Klundell Interesting experience you've had there. I'm 36 mph too. It took me 2 seasons from my first tourney 32 to my first tourney 35. However, I rarely get past 2 at 38. I got 5 ONCE and have got 4 about 4 times in practice. 2-3 is about par. I wish I could figure out 38 like I did 35. I'm beyond frustrated! I think your experience with learning curve on 35 v 38 is pretty unique!
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  • Baller

@soonerbred01 experiement a little with rope length, maybe find the best spot on your boat for wake. I grew up as a free river skier, and one buddy had a glastron outboard that was best at 22 off. @webbdawg, yah, 35 off at 36 was a mighty tough deal for me as well. We would all like to improve like Klundell.

As for the long-liner free skiers...you wouldn't believe how many of us who now ski short started as long line open water skiers; no gloves, low cut adjustable bindings, orange life vests, dinged up skis, outboards, stern drives, learning to step out to barefoot longline in a pair of trunks. It all starts with fun on the water and if I recall, growing up we had a TON of it.

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