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Finding the best ski


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Hey guys,


I am trying to find a new ski that will elevate my game.


I am 6'5" 175 and I am currently on a Andy Mapple (O'brien) and I love it. The only problem is its 64" and can be really difficult to get up on sometimes. Partly because I need a new boat, and probably because it's to short for me.


I love the style and smoothness of this ski. Especially the amount of water it sprays. By no means am I a expert, but I consider myself a pretty good skier.


I have looked at a couple of O'briens but I have recently discovered Radar which seems to be pretty legit.


If y'all could send me some of your recommendations I would greatly appreciate it!!

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Yes. You need a new ski. That old Mapple is WAY too small for you and is pretty out of date.


How fast do you ski?

How often do you ski?

What is a realistic price range?


You could spend between $400 and $4,000. If you can give a little more perspective I think we can recommend something.

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Typically i ski in the range of 30-34. I try to ski every weekend and I'll go during the week every now and then. So probably 4 days a week in the summer time. Price range for me is somewhere around 400-600. I can justify buying a nice ski because I know it will get used a bunch. I have a 69" O'brien sequence that I use every now and then but it's just way to wide for my liking.




I am in Arkansas. So beaver lake is my home. So I don't have much available to me as far trying stuff out.

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Yea I like the idea of that. Do they make it in red? I gotta have red... Is Radar a reputable brand? I've been skiing since I was 15 and all I have ever skied on was O'brien. So I don't know anything else. Their website and products look legit. I just wanna make sure I'm gettin my money's worth out of it.


Are their other brands I should consider?


I know I don't want Connelly.




I bought new boots when I got the ski. The ones that came on the Mapple were worn out.

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good looking ski! A little on the pricy side. I think I might go with the 2011 Radar Senate. I know it doesnt have red on it but my red boots will go with the white and black on the ski.


Now my next question is will my O'brien X9 bindings line up properly with the Radar screw holes??



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At 175, 30-34 mph, full length of rope, and open water, I think the Theory probably would be OK. Not the exact perfect ski, but red and likely good enough. Keep in mind that a wider modern ski is going to turn better and faster than a narrower, agressive, but old ski.


And if you do get into the course someday, you'll want to start around 26 mph and the Theory would be the perfect option.


Wait a second: 6'5" 175? You just took my title as the most Beanpole-like Baller!!

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For a wider ski, 69" is HUGE. Don't need that unless you put on about 50 pounds, I'd think.


Btw, if you get close to pulling the trigger, definitely consult with somebody at the manufacturer. Usually they are super-happy to help, and can guide you toward the right model and size.


A Radar rep is going to know a lot more than I do about it, that's for sure!!

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Is it just me or have we been talking about ski appearance way too much for the last week? Just saying...


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  • Baller

@horton, i agree. I bought a used RCX because I wanted a decent used ski to get back into it. Even though it had the typical (for that year anyway) D3 top sheet sun fade. Who cares what the top sheet looks like if it is not functional?


@tsouthar - just looked at some HO's and Radars at a ski shop in Boise yesterday. Both lines looked like good quality skis. I would not expect anything less. I have not skied either a Radar or an HO recently myself however.


As I am returning to skiing more, I hope to have the ability to demo a few skis before I buy next time. I hope you have that opportunity too as I think that is the best way.

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  • Baller
@tsouthar I just now saw this post and would love to help you out. I live on Beaver Lake and have a demo Obrien Elite that we can set up for you and see if it will work. I was in West Palm at Nationals for the last 10 days or would have seen this post earlier. Please email me direct @ alvinneff@mac.com if you want to meet me on Beaver Lake. What a coincidence! I would like to meet you someday!
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