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new ballers


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  • Baller
It seems to me there are a lot of new ballers lately, many of whom more recreational skiers looking to improve. I love that they have found BOS and don't feel too intimidated to ask for skiing and/or equipment advice. @Horton, best to have a new "introduce yourself" thread for those most recent to BOS or resurrect the one with most of us already on it and get them on it, too?
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  • Administrators

Well crap i can not find the Who Are You Guys thread from my phone.


If you guys don't bring it back i will do it later.

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  • Baller
Welcome to all the new Ballers.Your family just got alot bigger,because we are a huge group of people with a common interest that help each other out.Weather it's technique you are looking for,or a ski ride from a fellow Baller,people will help you out.Horton keeps a close eye on us,so when we start online quarrels he puts an end to it and bans people when necessary.Hold on,and enjoy the ride.
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  • Baller
I was thinking the same thing. That's great, welcome to all New members. Please don't be intimidated, there are people of all levels on here. I started back skiing last summer and BOS has been great. Learned a ton, technique, equipment, even things like the best shorts for skiiing. There's so much information available here. @Horton has done a wonderful job with format of the site.
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