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Where to start pullout for gates


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  • Baller
I always start my pullout from the middle of the whitewash. Just thinking maybe that particular point could be different from boat type to boat type (transom width and where white wash is thrown) in relation to the boat guide sightline. Should this have any effect on runs behind unfamiliar tow boats and if so how do you adjust?
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  • Baller

I'm RFF and I start in the whitewash. When I come around the buoy on my offside, I'm moderately comfortable but when I cut out for the gates, I feel totally awkward and little rollers can screw me up. If I start in the whitewash, the water level is constant and I'm not correcting for the wake trough at the beginning and therefore less likely to get out of position.


I see a lot of people starting in the whitewash and I'm curious to hear why that is but that is my current strange reason for doing it.

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  • Baller
I stand on the very edge of the white water. For a few reasons, my line of sight down course is always the same no matter what boat I am behind, I can see the pre gates coming from a perspective that allows for a consistant postion and timing for me to pull out from. You don't have to fight the through of the wake that is pulling you back behind the boat to pull out.
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  • Baller
The "edge" of the white water can vary quite a bit from boat to boat. Especially the SN200; it has a very large white wash area. I would think that a better reference is the trough; which I know can vary from boat to boat as well but much less variance. With that said, I have noticed that a couple of pros start in the trough; but, I am not sure why. I start about 1 foot outside the break of the trough.
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  • Baller
I do a one hand roll out roll back in gate. LFF. No glide. I like everything to be repeatabIe. I guess what I am asking is if I start at the edge of the white water behind a Nautique and that point is 2 1/2 feet outside the left boat gate line then ski behind a MC or BU and this point is 3 1/2 feet does this make a difference? I'm probably over thinking here but some skiers much better than me have brought this up and suggested I compensate boat to boat.
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  • Administrators
Mid white water left of wake & go out when i pass green balls. I do not jump anymore but i still cut late.
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  • Baller
Everbody is different ,it comes down to what works for you, I know somebody who stands out on the edge of the white water, watches the right hand pre gate bouy and when it dissappears behind the front of the boat he goes. He is very consistent.
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  • Baller
Looking at those pics, I guess I always have started from just outside the wake, in the trough, like Nate is doing. It seems to me that you have to maintain an edge to stay outside the white water, and there isn't a great reason in my not very experienced mind to do that until you are ready to pull out. I have never really tried a one handed gate either so I suppose that might be different when and if I ever get there.
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