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Congrats in order!


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Congrats to Horton. Must have been some of the Big Dawg skiers smooth sking that rubbed off on us because Horton, myself and atleast one other I know of PB'd Sunday. There was some awesome sking on both lakes (head 2 head and Class C).
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All me of course. John couldn't let some dork out of MIT be ahead of him!


2, huh? I gotta up my game!


As far as sinking in, I ran my first/only purple almost a year ago and I still expect to wake up and realize I actually didn't.


Awesome job!


Here's hoping we'll find some miraculous way to run the next one some day!

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Second round I went out the gates at 35 and Becky Lathrop (boat judge) was laughing her ass off. Not really sure what to think she told me that I scared her at 1 ball. We are taking about Becky Lathrop! She has seen some skiing over the years how the heck did my 1 ball scare her?
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  • Baller
I did have a front row for the miracle set.... @Horton looked like he was in disbelief cutting from 1 to 2 ball at 10.75, as if he thought perhaps they forgot to shorten the rope or "man, maybe I am really this good" or, "man I should drink more beer more often"...in any event, it was all this thinking that doomed him b/c he was well on his way to at least 3 ball.
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  • Baller

I told @Horton it was too early to go to bed on Saturday night! There was still beer in my fridge and he was out. He'd have smoked 39 1/2 off had he had three more beers.


When Becky called out "John Horton, 28 off, 34mph" and I replied "Ball of Hair, 28/34" she started laughing. I could still see her laughing when the boat came through the gates.

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  • Baller
Beer is good -- my tourney PB is also 2@39. Now I have to get three so that @MS has more pressure on him and so that the "ball of no hair" gets back ahead of the Ball of Hair. On the other hand . . . maybe the hair is where his strength comes from . . . from here forth I will call him Samson.
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  • Baller

OK so Horton PBs...what does he do?...you guessed it, changes skis back to prophecy. He has issues.


I have to agree with MS, Becky had to have been laughing at his ridiculous hair.


@LagoLydia you either have really bad taste or you were implying he looks really really ugly in photos and video.

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