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Curse that S2 -- Horton's ahead of me again!


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1/6 of a buoy lead on the rankings, and most likely I'll be falling quite a bit further in the next month as some of my best ever scores roll out and I only have one tournament scheduled to even have a chance to replace one.


Looks like the last thing I can hold over Horton is that I completed that purple line once. Sure seems like he'll be conquering that one soon, too, though.


But in all seriousness, great skiing John and keep it up!

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Possibly what you're referring to, but in any case an excuse to ask about: What's up with a 4.5 that you think was a 5? I'm having a little trouble imagining how a judge can get that wrong unless a) the judge is not aware that all benefit of the doubt goes to the skier or b) it relates to the new rule where the line must be tight before you reach the boat buoy line in order to count as a full.


So I'm curious what you believe happened and how you believe 2 out of 3 judges managed to give you too low of a score.

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  • Administrators
@rayn What? No such rule. I am sure since the chair of the rules committee emailed to ask what the heck up are talking about.
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@Than Bogan

I do not really know what happened. I am sure I ran 5. The boat gave me 5 and the towers gave 4 1/2 after some confusion.


I have only ever twice been scored something in slalom that was wrong. I am only really bummed about this because it was equal to my PB. I have to assume it was an honest mistake and move on. Whatever...

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@Horton rayn was refering to a ruling that went against him this weekend. I couldn't recall that being a rule either, but I was driving and in no position to check into it further. It actually sorta makes sense, so I was inclined to believe it.


Since rayn is in my club, I was watching in the mirror as he hit the exit gate, and unfortunately it was a clear miss. If not, I might have tried to talk Brian (the boat judge) out of his call and/or protested harder about the scorer's claim about the boat judge overruling the far tower judge on gates.


But I guess now I need to investigate this and educate us locally as to the truth! Thanks for the heads-up!

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  • Gold Member
@thager Those aren't really legitimate excuses because if you can't see then you give the benefit to the skier. If a 3 got scored 3.5, as I witnessed at Nationals, then poor line of site could be a 100% valid reason for the call. But a 5 being scored as a 4.5 shouldn't happen like that.
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  • Gold Member

@Horton I searched through the rule book and I'm guessing the confusion (re rayn, not you) came from 10.08.D.1.d, which states:


The entrance and exit gates shall be judged by the boat judge and

the two judges with the best view of each gate.


In most E/L/R situations, this would indeed mean that only the "tower 2" judges and the boat vote on the exit gate. So if that's how somebody remembered it, rather than the literal wording, it would be easy to think that's how it works in class C as well. But if there only are 3 judges total, then my read of this rule is that all 3 would vote equally on the exit gate.

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  • Baller
@ Than Bogan, I agree but the order of the call in puts pressure on the number one judge. The number two judge especially if new suddenly is unsure of the call and may have second guessed what he/she saw and changed. I do some investigation in my work field and three people standing together will describe what they saw completely different from the others when separated. They will give the same description if questioned in a group.
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