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How long before someone runs 41 @ 34


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  • Baller
Who cares if it's in a record or not. The first time one of the current Masters Men front runners runs in it even in a Class C will really up the level of competition from the other competitors to try and match that. It'll fall this year in a Record at some point.
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  • Gold Member

I tend to agree that for 41 and beyond, the additional scrutiny of a Record at least moderately impacts my faith in the performance. I know if I'm the driver I wouldn't trust it without somebody reviewing my boat path video!


I believe -41 will fall very fast if Mapple and Rogers are serious about skiing at 34. And I also wouldn't be at all surprised if one of the "existing" top Big Dawgers gets it.

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I know as a skier I don't want any help from a driver swerving. In fact when I travel and ski at different sites I tell the driver to drive like you was being filmed. It doesn't help you become a better skier if the driver is swerving. But back to -41 I believe it will go down by a BD skier soon.
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  • Baller
Swerving is not as beneficial as one may think, 41 is a rare beast, conditions have to be right, drivers and skiers have to both b in sync! A swerving driver can do as much harm as good. I tell my drivers the same thing @41off
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  • Baller
A driver swerve off the timing of the pass could really screw you up. Even the best would have a difficult time swerving in a way that worked. Drive and counter appropriately especially at the shortest lines. At longer lines I'm guilty of watching a bit. When it gets short it's all down to business.
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  • Baller
I guess some believe that swerving only happens in Class C events. How naive. I've seen worse driving in ELR events than in the Class C events I've attended. The fact that the boat path is only reviewed once a record is set is not convincing evidence that "record capable" boat paths are driven 100% of the time. That being said, if 41 is run I would suspect that some video confirmation of not only the boat path but also the boat video would be helpful. I've seen records acheived by skiers going inside 6 ball - and the boat path was perfect.
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  • Baller
I agree with @skidawg. I don't ski that short, but I can tell you for sure that when I run 38 off I want the boat driver to be straight down the middle and in synch with me. A lot of times as a skier I can't tell the difference between drivers at anything through -35. At -38 I can always tell when the driver is right with me and I'm skiing well -- it feels almost magical. You don't help a shortline skier by moving the boat around!
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