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2 types of pwc- couch and stand up


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first post here. 43 year old lake free skier. have noticed a hatred of pwc on this site. personally tubers bother me more, but there are two types of pwc. the sit down style and the stand up style. 3 years ago my buddy that i had been skiing with moved and i was left looking at calm lake with no boat driver. Decided to try a stand up jet ski, no need for a spotter or driver. They are a blast, and are not easy to ride. check out x-h20.com these guys are amazing atheletes, there is always a exception but most standup riders know there place and don't bother others. Sit down style or "couch" riders, i agree, same as tubers- scum of the water, but give us stand up guys a chance.
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Unfortunately, actual jet skis (before they transitioned to jet-propelled toilets) are quite nearly gone. As a kid I often drove the original Kawasaki "450" and we owned both a "300" and a "550" before eventually upgrading to the "650" and "750." The only one I've seen recently is a Yamaha.


My brother and some of his friends got really into these actual jet skis and could do a variety of impressive stunts on them. He honed his craft over many, many hours on the water.


These are indeed a different breed, but they are so rarely seen these days that they almost don't deserve a mention. Discussing them would be like giving special instructions for how to slalom during a solar eclipse. :)

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  • Baller
Standup jet skis are a lot like water skiing in that it takes some skill to master. That is why you don't see many of them. Sit down(couch style) pwc just require a thumb and very little in the way of conscious thought. Reminds me of wakeboarding. And yes PWC are number 2 in level of hatred for skiers. Number one is the power turning wakeboard boat. Don't get me wrong, everyone has the right to enjoy the water as they choose. I just wish that they would realize that there are others on the water that want to do the same.
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  • Baller

@balsamcutter the issue with jetskis is that they get swept into general categories based on bad behavior by a few riders. I have witnessed jet skis riding dangerously close behind a boat towing a skier so they can jump the wakes and then running around the buoys on a slalom course why people are trying to ski the course.


I wouldn't have an issue with jet skiers using the course if they were respectful of the course, didn't damage it and waited their turn just like the skiers do.


Fortunately jet skis are banned on our lake so we don't need to worry about it.

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  • Baller_
Used to have an issue with them from my naughbor. He would invite his sons buddies out with there machines (stand ups). Up to 8 at a time on a very small lake. Replaced buoys every weekend but when asked.....they never saw one come off. Son moved to his own lake home and so went the JS. Another naughbor has 2 SU JS and they run my course frequently. Both he and his son respect the course and stay well away from the bouy as they turn them. I have NO problem with them using my course in that way. Looks fun actually. In my opinion it's what sits or stands on top of the vessel no matter what it is that causes the issues. Jet skis are not stupid and inconsiderate standup or "couch".
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i guess all i was trying to say was don't hate on all stand up riders. many are the same as me. a slalom skier that wants to carve turns, but because of the freedom and spontanuity does so on the jet ski. if im riding near a ski boat it is only because im hoping the skier will ask to ride my jet ski and in return pull me down the shore line.
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@skinut how does it remind you of wakeboarding? You obviously have never tried to be good at it. Doing tricks and such are harder than you think. Yes you can just stay behind the boat and ride but can't you do that on a ski too? And another thing power turning wakeboard boat? I see more ski boats power turn on lakes than the wakeboarders.
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Oh no, the dreaded power turn discussion! Even though powerturns in ski boats are not proper etiquette, they don't send tidal wave X Star down the lake. I tested this theory just last weekend with the 200 (we were alone on the lake btw). I was teaching my niece to deepwater start on a slalom ski. I would burn back to her quickly, as she tried about 2 dozen times to get up - with no luck unfortunately. With that, I tossed her an old wakeboard my nephew had - she popped right up on that thing. Not sure what that means?;-)

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Another thing that is a blast is optimizing code for a TI64x+ DSP architecture. I could go on for several paragraphs about why it is so interesting, challenging, fun, and ultimately rewarding.


At the end of that, I would have convinced no one.


This board is for folks who are obsessed with slalom water skiing. That's our thing. Sure we all have other interests, but those will be randomly distributed. And nobody's going to convince us all that we should like something in particular.


Personally, I find open water boating to be totally uninteresting. I have ridden a jet ski many times at my brother's behest. And I'd rather sit and watch TV or play video games at home.


Now if you want to do something fun, try bass fishing or poker... :)

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  • Baller
Lake Erie is no lake its a freaking ocean so wave runners are acceptable to use. On other smaller lakes where we have to hide our courses from the general public wave runners can be a big problem. I spent fathers day on a big public lake taking out a jet ski, but it was the middle of the day and the course was already out.
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I had some lake lice come slamming through my course yesterday afternoon after my second pass. one of them decided it was his turn to run the course, OK! so We waited for them to come back our way and we flagged them down. I asked them if they seen the medium size gator hanging out just off the end of the course? At that point the women on the second ski started bitching out the man and telling him he was crazy for coming up on the lake and that they should have stayed in the bay, then she started up her ride and took off towards the main lake....He kinda sat their befuddled and then took off behind her. Two things went through my mind, One was I did not get a chance to educate the duo on slalom course edicate (spelling) second, should have stayed in the bay?!?! Crap! when you get in the salt water you become part of the food chain!


I second the statement that the 200 makes a poor surf boat and wakeboard boat..... But It will catch Bass like any Ranger Bass boat out their!!!

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  • Baller_
I use the gator tactic often when folks ask how to launch their jetski on our lake. Snakes work well too. @efw it's not the machine it's the idiot on top of it. I feel for any responsable jetski owner. They are the minority. It's not a few bad apples causing problems. The problem jetskiers make up most of the apple orchard.
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  • Baller

@ET-my statement about wake boarding was more tongue-in-cheek than anything. I have a lot of respect for skilled wake boarders.Yes, I have wake board and I do ride it when I am too tired from skiing.


Your statement about me never trying to be good at wake board is correct. It just didn't float my boat. That could be said for anything in life. Those who have found a passion for something are very lucky. So if your passion is wake boarding and you want to excel at it, great. Wake boarding didn't flip my switch like slalom skiing does.


Unfortunately, my passion and the passion of a wake boarder collide when they want to run through the course and tear up the buoys by running them over or jumping on them and of course when they power turn and throw rollers everywhere. Btw, I get just as frustrated when a ski boat tears up the course due to lack of knowledge, but a least they didn't intentionally do it and they are using the course for what it is designed for.


I am sure we could start a whole new thread on which is harder, slalom skiing or wake boarding. Personally I think it is like comparing apples and oranges. Now comparing trick skiing to wake boarding would make sense.


Yes, you're right, there are plenty of ski boats that power turn. They make me nuts too, but as stated by swc5150, when it's a boat that is built to throw a big wake, that wake is much more disruptive than my 200. I believe if you are throwing power turns in any kind of boat and there are others on the lake you are being disrespectful.

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