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Regina sets new WR


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  • Baller
@NTX, I am not familiar with a "backyard record?" I asked which tourney this record was in only because I thought world records needed to be in tourneys and not in backyards. Not surprised she broke another record either way, she is the real deal. I think the men's go's down this year as well
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Glad to know I'm not the only one not familiar with what exactly a "backyard record" is. I'm really looking forward to @ntx explaining this for us.


@Texas6, here's the link from the www.usawaterski.org site

( http://www.usawaterski.org/default.asp?Display=1437 ) with the following news:


Jaquess Sets Pending World Records


Posted by: usawsOn: 06/17/2012 17:21:56In: Water Skiing

U.S. water ski athlete Regina Jaquess (Santa Rosa Beach, Fla.) set pending women's world slalom records of 2-1/4 buoys at 41 feet off and 3 buoys at 41 feet off at the Cedar Ridge Early Record, June 16-17, in Canton, Miss.


Jaquess scored 2-1/4 buoys at 41 feet off on Saturday in the first round and 3 buoys at 41 feet off on Sunday in the second round. If either one of the records is approved by the International Waterski & Wakeboard Federation's Technical Committee, the score will surpass the current world record of 2 buoys at 41 feet off co-held by Jaquess and Canada's Whitney McClintock.

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  • Baller
@ntx - I can only assume by your reference to "backyard records" that somehow they lack credibility. I hold ELR records at my site which coincidentally, is in my backyard. We've had two National records and numerous Regional records set in these events. I would challenge anyone to find evidence of impropriety regarding any aspect of my events. The integrity of the drivers/judges and the amount of technology employed justifies any result. Many of those same individuals were at the Canton, MS. event this past weekend. I have no doubt the same standards were applied.
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  • Baller

@cotton & Texas6

Sorry if I thru out a term you are not familiar with. A backyard record, is a tournament set up to do what it did. Break a world or national record. It is at a private site (backyard) that has a history of producing good scores. Usually two sanctions, of two rounds, each over two days. Class R. Cedar Ridge has a history of producing slalom PB's. I have not seen the scores, but my guess is that some big scores were produced by some very good skiers that went with the hopes of breaking a record or setting a PB. There is nothing wrong with this and is by the rules. My comment to texas6 was that this was not a high profile cash prize pro event with a sponsor like Masters or Moomba or Malibu Open. It was a record tournament set up with perfect conditions with the goal of setting a record. This is how most records are set now. Not in high pressure name event but in "backyard record tournaments" Not a event that would lend itself to a webcast. I bet that with the exception of skiers and skiers families, there was not a single spectator there to watch the event.

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  • Baller

jdarwin. No Joe, I was not, and am not challenging the credibility of the event or the results. I was simply saying that they are events set up to do that. Provide the best skiers with the best conditions with the best chance to set a record. Nothing wrong with it at all. Most of us that have been at this a long time, know where to go to get the best results. Some sites ski better than others. Again, nothing wrong with it. I guess I used a term that was not very common. Sorry. No harm intended.


On a side note, sorry to hear Joe that you are not holding your summer and fall tournaments. I understand the amount of work that goes into a event and sometimes ask myself why we continue to endure the MANY hours of prep work to host events.

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  • Gold Member

@ntx Thanks for the clarification, although I think I guessed correctly at your meaning initially.


I do, however, disagree with one point: I think a LOT of people would love to watch what could be called a "staged record attempt." People love stunts. I remember watching a whole program on Tony Hawk trying to complete a 900 in practice!


Competition is great, too, but I think there is a large, and maybe slightly different, audience for a situation in which a world record is reasonably probable.


I know I would have tuned in!

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  • Baller
Record-capability events are not "set up" to produce world records. 99.99% of people who ski in these are there to qualify for nationals, regionals, get their rankings, or other reasons. The important distinction is that R tournaments ARE set up to make sure that any records set there do get recognized as official world records (or state, national, etc. for that matter), through tougher tolerances, more judges, better performance documentation (such as boat path video).
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  • Baller

Just as an FYI, Cedar Ridge is not your typical man made site. It is a dammed up valley (small) and is fairly open to the wind. The water is deep in the course compared to Joes. It feels slower than Cottonwood, but obviously skis well. Funny how sites that feel very different can each great.


15 or so years ago they held records that were jam packed with 3 event skiers. I remember being #62 on the slalom list one time. Lots of good trick and jump scores with the Bennett's crew coming up as well as Cory and some of the Destin group. Great site and and great group of people up there. Glad they got a record on their lake.

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Cracks me up that there are so many big scores there. I swear the little home owners lake to the east skis better than the tournament lake.
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  • Baller
The big tournaments aren't always at sites that have the best conditions which makes running a record there unrealistic. Plus the number of times on the water in a head to head event would seem to put the skiers not in the best position to perform at their peak.
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  • Baller
My friend Becky Lathrope was up there to drive and judge. She was on the end course monitor for Regina's runs (Chad was driving). She said the boat path looked very good and expects the pending record to pass without issue. Congrats to Regina!
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  • Gold Member

MAN how many records has Chad driven? As awesome of a driver as he must be, I find that almost alarming, since a world record is supposed to be the skier's accomplishment. It's unfortunate if it also requires the world's best driver to be able to do it.


I understand that you need a GOOD driver, but I hope it's not really necessary to have the absolute best.

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  • Baller
Chad is an excellent driver, but in their defense, Regina, Karina, and Whitney have all run 39 behind other (excellent) drivers as well. Yes, it takes an excellent driver to run 39 and beyond consistently. World records are at the very limits of our sport, it doesn't surprise me that everything has to be excellent (skier, driver, boat, conditions, etc.).
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  • Baller_

She has matched or exceeded the world record behind Chad, Lyman, Will, Jody,Lester and I think Gordon and maybe Becki in the Last three seasons and behind just about any boat and any site. Not to mention her practice driver's Cory, Ardvarko, and who ever she can con to drive her as she is a practice beast! Keep in mind also she runs a very competitive pharmacy business and works 40-60 hrs a week.

Great skier and dedicated to the sport! Congratulations Reggie!

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I don't really think it is s good idea for the official BD but be fun to see RJ/KN/WM take a dig at the Dawgs.
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  • Baller

Don't forget the confidence factor when you are talking drivers. When you get a driver you like behind the wheel it helps. Yeah, a lot of this sport is the ski, 2/1000 on the fin, etc., but when it comes down to it confidence trumps most things.


CP, Regina, Nate, etc are used to seeing Chad behind the wheel at a lot of pro and record events and have confidence in him. Same could be said years ago when Tommy Harrington was pulling all the records at Trophy. When Tommy was behind the wheel you just "knew" you were gonna have a good ride. Chad has that vibe right now.



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  • Baller_
I would assume not only a good vibe for the skier but also the confidence that if a record is set, it will most likely stand the video test for the boat path. Another confidence element for the skier. BTW, congrats to RJ for such a stunning performance.
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  • Baller
I think this is about as exciting as slalom gets. Whitney tied the WR earlier this year. Regina moved the bar a couple times last weekend. Both are incredible skiers and seem to be pushing each other towards slalom greatness. It's fun to watch. I'm not sure we need any gimmicks to make it more exciting.
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