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2012 BallOfSpray / Tommy's Slalom Shop/ Radar Skis/ Reader Survey


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  • Administrators
I am going to giveaway some of the new Baller hats also. You cannot win if you do not fillout the survey.
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  • Administrators

Yes. Basically I promise to not abuse your privacy. I may sell your info to herbal e.d. websites and show up at your house for dinner but I will not tell anyone how old your boat its.


Possible sarcasm above. I am in an airport...

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  • Baller
@jhughes If you are worried about personal information that much don't put your name and information on the survey. You just won't be able to be contacted about winning the prize....
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  • Administrators
Your name will not be attached to any data. Tommy's will get your email. I will look for trends across the data (not at YOUR individual data) and Tommy might send you an email once a month.
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