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Goode Bubble Buoy


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  • Baller
They are fantastic if you can afford them. I would say they are worth it if you are the only person skiing on your course or if you only put them out for tournaments. If you are in a club or a neighborhood that has decent boat traffic, my personal thought is they cost to much to continually replace. They are nice on the ankles though
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  • Baller

You will ski better with the Bubble Buoys since you have the peace of mind you wont be calling 911 if you hit one and be making a trip to the ER. We are going on our third season here in Orlando and every one of us has hit them more than once without incident. I was working on a new turn Thurs, and ran right through the middle of one and kept on going.


We are still on our original six, even though I bought spares, but have never used any. Height adjustment is the same as any buoy, but you do have to "Burp" them occasionally to keep them soft. They are thicker and much more durable than regular buoys. You can also buy replacement skins for about $20 a piece.


Best investment I ever made.

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  • Baller
They probably are not cost effective to make, but Dave Goode make them because he broke his ankle when he hit a buoy. So he makes them so he can ski with out the worry and he shares this technology with everyone.
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  • Administrators
I was there when Dave broke is ankle the second time. Wow! I was 1/2 down the lake and there was no question it was bad.
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  • Baller

A buoy filled half way with water is less buoyant and moves out of the way easier than an 100% air filled buoy. Has a lot to do with the lower amount of tension required on the bungee to hold it submerged at the right level as well as the neutral buoyancy.


I have used both and IMHO, the Bubble Buoys are much safer when struck.

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  • Baller

I love Bubble Buoys! Absolutely worth it for your lake. Go buy some!


Water filled buoys are better than nothing. Seatbelts but no airbags. I don't snow ski with a helmet or trick with a vest so I am willing to accept some risk in my life. I am so cheap that I use the water filled buoys at my lakes. Between the hunters and the sun my buoys don't last very long. Without enough high level skiers on my lakes I can't justify the cost - but I keep lusting for Bubble Buoys.


I experimented with some ankle safe buoys. There are other possibilities and other ways to do it. Goode's buoys are a home run and you can buy them (and repair parts) today. The market is so small that there is no incentive for someone (not me!) to develop and market a competitive product.



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  • Baller


Yes there has been a ton of discussion about water filled buoys and the effort to displace them vs air filled. You can do a search of the archives here or on waterskiforum.com. That other site had a ton of discussions complete with pictures a couple of years ago.

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  • Baller

I took them to Regionals a few years ago to lobby for safety buoys. Someone stole my prototype from there!


Goode has been very interested in my designs for years (I can't find the picture posted here earlier of me with Horton and Goode salivating over my ski). Those bubble buoys are quite refined but...



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Modified Ed's design just a little bit with an air compressor attachment, it took just under a minute to fill a buoy with water and air.

I added a guage also, to make sure I didn't blow up the sprayer with to much compression. I didn't need it however, because I just turned down the compression on the air compressor itself. I keep about 50lbs of air in the sprayer while I filled the buoys.

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