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I am out of here. Please behave.


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Off to Costa Rica for a week.


I am sure I will check the forum while I am out but please focus on slalom or picking on MS & Eric while I am gone.

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  • Baller

"In days of old, when knights were bold,

And journeyed from their castles,

Trusty men were left behind,

Knights needed not the hassles.

They helped themselves to pig and peach,

And drank from King's own chalice.

Oh, it was a stirring sight

These gypsies in the palace."

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  • Baller_
So, Dawg......... are you saying that if MS and Dirt put their brains together they are equal to Horton?

They say if you could harness that kind of brain power you would have enough energy for the production of ........ toast. (one slice and lightly)

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  • Baller

Behave? @Horton! You don't know which brush you are tarred with.


Let me explain.


My best mate in High School was a guy called Jon Hawton.

We were partners in crime. Masters of Taunting Teachers!


Received report cards that made references to us as Malefactors & Recalcitrant s.

Top 5% band in grade, lousy attitude, disruptive in class etc, etc.


We spent many a lunch time outside headmasters offices or on

Emu Parade (Aussie for picking up papers in playgrounds during lunch hour).


We departed High School in '81 & left a reminder of our presence in an unforgettable way.

Both names at the top of the Honors Roll for the next 20 years.


Sadly a 20 year High School reunion rolled around in 2001 & the true Dex of the School for the Class of '81 noticed the sign writers errors, & the Honor Roll was re-written to move our names to joint 2nd for the year.


So hence a name like John Horton is immediately branded with the roll of Shit Stirrer etc, etc, etc.








Malefactor:- http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/malefactor


Recalcitraunt:- http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/recalcitrant


Emu Parade:- http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2004/09/09/1094530767436.html





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  • Administrators
Slept 12 hrs last night with the sound of the ocean out the window. Don't care about any of you right now.
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  • Administrators

I have shot THOUSANDS of photos. No video.

It will take a me a week after I get back to upload anything.

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