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Steroids in Waterskiing?


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I watched the documentary "Bigger, Faster, Stronger" last night and was surprised by how widely used Steroids are in most sports in the US. With some kids starting to use in their teens whilst in high school.

It had never occurred to me that people could be using steroids in waterskiing, but as widely available as it seems to be in the US, maybe I'm a little naive.


I'm not trying to offend anyone on here, but what's your take on Steroid use? Do you think people are using in the waterskiing community? How regularly does it get tested for?



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  • Baller

The probability, of some Numb Nut taken Steroids, means that the answer is yes, somebody out there watersking, is probably taking steroids, thinking it will improve his/her performance, strength helps but Steroids will not improve your Technique, Timing, Balance, and Natural Ability to Water ski, on the other hand watersking is a life style sport, I would like to think 99.8% of water skiers just enjoy the sport, and do the necessary work in the gym or on the water to improve performance, I personally do not know of anyone, Professional or Amateur in the sport of watersking that uses Steroids, there are usually tell tale signs, or somebody leaks the information in conversation, for me water skiers are more interested in the the direction of the wind, fin adjustment, or the equipment they are riding, oh ! and do not forget those Lucky Shorts !




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  • Baller
There is always an idiot somewhere. The negative side effects of steroid use are enormous and widely known, and far outweigh any temporary glory that might result from being stronger, faster, etc. Train hard, train for your sport, and leave ruining your organs, tendons, ligaments and testes to someone else!
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  • Baller

Waterskiing is a skill sport. Little advantage is gained by unusual strength. Normal training should give enough strength to ski well. Flexibility may be more important than raw strength. The approach from "roid rage" will be more likely to get you hurt. Steroids are probably a disadvantage.


Alcohol and Alleve are my performance enhancing drugs. But I passed my WADA test in Italy!



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  • Baller
Many years ago in England random drug testing was done at some of the major tournaments, this then seemed to disappear for whatever reason. I saw this reappear at the Senior World Trophy in 2010 in Italy when most of the winners from each disicpline, of each age catagory, were required to take a test, to my knowledge there were no positives, i personally do not think it is a bad thing to do random testing in our sport, but it probabaly comes down to the cost of doing it
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  • Baller
Slalom skiing is a skill and endurance sport, not a strength sport. Roids aren't going to get someone an extra buoy or three or allow them the endurance to compete in big dawg. Skill/technique comes from training correctly on the water, and endurance comes from increasing the oxygen supply in the blood, neither of which steroids do for you. If someone wants to shrink their sack and lift some extra weight it's not going to affect any of us in a tournament.
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  • Baller
All things being relatively equal, the fella' on steroids is going to have an edge because he's able to train harder and recover quicker giving him greater endurance. If steroids didn't work we wouldn't be having this discussion. I'm not saying that records would be falling, but it is easier to ski your best when you're not feeling fatigued.
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  • Baller
I stay away from energy drinks. Gatorade is okay, but only if you have been doing heavy physical activity for several hours or more. Steriods can mess you up. I have heard they can destroy your kidneys. I workout like a madman, but I have to be very careful not to bulk up. I am always trying to get leaner. Lots of veggies, and chicken and sources of protein..
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  • Baller
I have seen skiers that look like they couldn't do a single pull up. Put them on a ski and they are light, efficient, and strong. Juicing up and looking like a gorilla I think is no help. Seems like the lighter skier make it look effortless. Isn't the goal to be light and fast on the ski?
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  • Baller
@jipster43 is right. Not all roid users are the Barry Bonds bulk up type. Arod and all sorts of pitchers in MLB used...cause they help you recover and heal faster. And with all the talk on here from you guys about skiing wrecking the body it is a logical and easy step to think some might use roids.
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@xrated I was thinking the same thing. It sucks when you've got 3 days to hit the course and on the third day your body is wrecked and you can't ski. Recovery time would be a big advantage ~ more time spent on the water to improve technique. For that reason alone I'm surprised to hear that there isn't regular testing in the sport.


The spin on steroids from the doco, leads you to believe that there aren't really any permanent side effects to using steroids, and most of the negative press seeming to come from the 'cheating' view. Also there was one idiot father that blamed steroids for his son killing himself.


I can't use Steriods anyway; as we have random testing at work, but it's good to canvas the floor on your opinions.

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  • Baller

I'm a doc who holds a few weight lifting records and have had 2 patients in the last 6 mo's (muscular, cut, and full of acne) come in and ask me for advice on how to best cycle their 'roids. I told them that I have no clue, that I do not recommend that they use steroids, and that I have never used them. They almost crapped themselves, having no concept of what can be achieved by really busting one's ass on a focused goal.

It speaks to how dumb these two are to come into a docs office and expect to obtain advice on how best to use banned, performance enhancing drugs that are harmful to their health. Duh???

If s'one beats me in a class C running into 39 cuz they are using...I'm not mad, they will lose in the end. It's not that important to me, my competition is with myself.

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I dont use roids and never have, but I'll tell you first. IT WOULD BE NICE! Not for more strength, but for recovery. I have a lot of power and endurance, but after 4 sets, 160 cuts AND a 500 rep work out Im pretty iced. Granted my muscle quality is good enough so that Im not sore the next day, but im quite spent. Even then I'll still ski the next day because I can handle it but my coordination is way off.


Roids dont improve your balance, but they allow you to go longer in training which would help.

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Btw, Bigger faster stronger was a good documentary. I recommend it. They actually dispell a lot of myths about roids. So much so that I probably would consider it if it meant that I'd feel better.


Such hypocrisy, "dont take roids, but we can, so buy our sponsored products, tickets to see us in our government subsidized stadiums, and eat your veggies."

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  • Baller
Never taken and wouldn't consider. From what I've heard HGH would much more beneficial. Athletes on it claim improved eyesite, reaction times, and recovery. Kind of slows the ageing process. Not nearly the side effects as roids, though your body will reduce its production of natural HGH if you take it for long enough.
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  • Baller
Are sure that he was a Dentist and not a Doctor, who specialized in Pulley systems ? more effective than Steroids, unless you get caught of course, cannot believe he went to that much trouble, just proves that some people will go to any lengths, still cannot believe he done that, how long did he get away with it for ? no amount of drug testing would have picked that up..
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  • Baller
Richard, dexamethisone is a glucocorticoid steroid(as is hydrocortisone), and is used as an anti-inflammatory and immune suppressant. If you're going to consider a drug like dexamethisone as performance enhancing then you also have to consider NSAIDS like ibuprofen and celebrex as performance enhancing.
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  • Baller
There is no doubt that PEDS would help the waterskier. Baseball is also a sport that doesn't necessarily rely on pure strength. Hitting a baseball is a skill that requires speed, timing, accuracy, and yes a bit of strength kind of like waterskiing. If PEDS can make you hit a baseball better (and not just farther) than it can definitely help you round a few extra buoys. However there is not that much incentive $ in the sport to get a ton of people using.
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It is ironic that some of you say skiing can tear down your body yet steroids to help you recover hurt. Assuming proper use of the stuff doesnt wield negative results like the documentary says the peroblem as one of you pointed out was you body does produce less T to offset the drugs. I used to think steroids and all drugs were really bad i cant deny how much easier it would be to ski 4 to 6 sets a day for a week. I could never build a good rythm because i was constantly fatigued but if i was 30pct fresher i could hammer down technique through repitition. If i had my own boat and lake access i could invest the time instead of paying 25 dollars for 5 minutes too.
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  • Baller

I actually think, repetitive skiing is not necessary a good thing, unless you are with the right people, it is very easy to over think the sport, how many times have you been skiing well, then somebody, tries to help by getting you to change, the natural way you ski, very few coaches actually try to enhance your style of skiing, they want you to ski, with what they have in mind, in the past I have been skiing well, had coaching and all of a sudden I start to over think, become stiff, or confused with what I am trying to do, skiing lots does not necessary improve your skiing, especially if you are drumming in bad habits, steroids will never get you to relax, and have that mental advantage, surely 95% of the sport has to be in the Head, Set Your Mind Free.



The point I am trying to make is that, there is no quick easy way to achieve your goals, you have to do the work, mentally and physically, but you also have to have that special something to go deep shortline and it,s not Drugs, unless your sporting for a 6 year ban, and complete humiliation within the water ski community.


Simples Don,t Do It !

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