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Idle Flare 1997 Ski Nautique GT-40

JC McCavit

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  • Baller_
Some time in the late 90's PCM changed the engine management software on the GT-40. The reasons where many and it totally changed the cold start sequence. Need to pull your cover off the ECM and check the number on the botttom of the ECM steel case. if it does not read 300-M you have the original calibration. If you have a buddy with a newer GT-40 engine 99-02 see if you cant borrow his ECM, hook it up and see if it correct's your concerns. If it does and you want a new ECM give me a ring I will gladly quote you on a new one. If you feel your concerns are warranted and the problem persists after the ECM swap you might need to get a service technician involved hands on.
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  • Baller_

The PCM part number is R116009.

I am a PCM dealer to my knowledge we no longer load new soft ware into the older ECM,s. As a technician I would recommend a replacement anyway because of the heat cycles they go thru and overall age of the unit. Some of these GT-40's are appraching on 20 years old, Like it or not I am seeing failure of these components on low hour GT's. last year alone we replaced 3 units for customers. Intermittent failure and pin decomposition seem to be the reasons for replacement.

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  • Baller_
I learned today through my engine starting issues that yes, thats exactly where it is. Its about the size of a Ritz crackers box only black. It will have a pigtail wire harness coming off of it plugged into nothing. It's where the ECM is accessed by technicians. How'd I do with my schooling?
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  • Baller
O.K. I am getting closer. I pulled the black plastic cover off and inside is a metal box. On the end is a tag with E290 printed on it. Is this the ECM? If this is the ECM, approx. how much for the replacement 300-M PCM part number R116009? I will order from Jody when I decide to perform the upgrade.
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  • Baller_
JC, are sure that's needed. The idle flare on my 97 just seems kinda normal. High revs for a few seconds, if that, (at maybe 1000-1200) and then drops to 700 very quickly. My assumption is that's what it's programmed to do. Both my cars do that. Replacing the ECM for something engineers determined as normal seems extreme. Maybe some out there are worse then mine but my motor has never suffered for it and with all the tune up parts from Jody it runs like a scalped dog. If yours is worse, could it be something else.
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  • Baller
Thanks Wish, mine is similar to what you describe. I just hate going into and out of gear at 1200 rpm. I have a short setup on one end of my course that requires a quick shut down. Normal start up is not a problem. I was just thinking it could be an easy fix. I have to keep my boat competitive with a 2010 200 and a 2009 196 at a quarter the price. I like to keep every thing working perfect. My runs like a rapped ape. I love the power to weight ratio advantage I have over the late model 196's and 200's with the 343 hp engines.
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  • Baller_
JC, I have a fairly short set up at both ends. My boat is never put in gear at anything over 750. I'm not understaning why yours would. At the end of our lake there's enough room for the boat to calm down before any revearse is needed if needed at all. Is yours shorter then that? In that instance I can understand. You are absolutely right in your assessment of that year 196. It very much holds it's own against current models. I drive a 2008 frequently enough to realize I have no need to upgrade. Period.
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  • Baller
I personally don't have much of a problem. If you are patient and and don't rush or overshoot while dropping a skier, it is a none issue. The boat is new to me last season and we only put about 100 hrs on it. Now that I know this is normal, I think the best solution is to better explain the boats characteristics to new drivers who expect the engine to respond normally when coming off the throttle.
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  • Baller_
JC, the people that drive my lake and boat are were told to wait for the few seconds for the boat to calm down before setting it in gear. Surprisingly Ive not had to mention it to any experienced driver. Most will intuitively listen to the motor and know not to drop it in gear. They are great boats.
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