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Need help with new ski lake name


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  • Baller

My wife's name is Marion. Her nick name is Woofie. (Woof for short). Therefore Lake Lobo. My Dog's names are Bear, Ozzie and Lila. Not bad names for a ski pond, huh? The cat's names are Walter, Gray, Honey, Pokey and Gatsby. They won't work. The rabbit's name is Alice. (Alice happens to be a he). The fish's name is Rocky. He's tough. They wouldn't be cool either.


Just name the thing Lake Keith!

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  • Baller

Our lake is on Osage Trail Road. I also like traditional archery and Osage wood is commonly used in bow making. I have a little Indian blood in me (although Choctaw) as well so we went with Osage Lake.


Just my example. I would go with something that has personal meaning over just cool sounding. If you can get both it's a bonus.

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  • Baller

I am a fan of a strong one word name. If weren't used so much in the snow ski world, I think in CO and UT, alpine guys can correct me, Glory Hole would work nice. I also like Sanctuary (listened to lots of Cult today)

"the" may not even be necessary, works great for Pangea, Okeeleehee (sp?) Not to steal @Chuck Dickey, but go straight Albritton, it is strong, use it.

Gotta think about when it is the subject of conversation: "got a new pb today at Glory Hole" "there is always glass at Sanctuary" and of course, wife speaking "I never see you, all you care about is Albritton",


Gotta think about T shirts too: "Get your swerve on at Sanctuary"


And lastly the annual tournament you will host "The Albritton Night Jam". Your putting lights in right?...kidding


Congrats on the new site.


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need to frame as follows:


I am going to..."...."


I am going to the Rink. (Works for MS)

I am going to Ballerville.

I am going to the A-Hole. (Might be bad idea)

I am going to Rip it.

I am going to paradise (name already taken)

I am going to ...

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