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Worst thing you can say to a skier


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Why did you stop?


You should run that pass (Or) I don't know why you don't run that pass.


How did you ski?


Was that 39?


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  • Baller_

From the wife....."That damn boat". At the onset of our relationship we asked each other what would be the worst thing we could say to each other. I chose that one and she chose...... nope not going there. BTW She has never said that and I've never said hers. Occasionally she will mutter..... "but didn't you ski yesterday?" or "you skied once today already didn't you?". I need to work on those.


From the driver....... "that felt bad, what were you doing back there".


From the dock....... "the gas can is empty"


From ski partner...... "cant make it today"

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  • Gold Member

I'll second "time was slow" (although that doesn't really happen any more) and "forgot to shorten the rope."


Pretty much anything that takes away what you *thought* was an accomplishment is pretty darned horrible.


Knock on wood, nothing like that has happened to me in years. But the first time I ever completed 36 mph in a tournament the time was slow. Thankfully, this pain didn't last long: I ran it again on the re-ride!

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  • Baller

@ a tournament and the driver says, "We shorten to 22 now right?"....after I ski 32mph and I am still in womens 4 so have to run 34mph!! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

also, "I think we saw a snake"...and I'm in the water!! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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  • Baller

@ a tournament and the driver says, "We shorten to 22 now right?"....after I ski 32mph and I am still in womens 4 so have to run 34mph!! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

also, "I think we saw a snake"...and I'm in the water!! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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  • Baller

By the way, it is best to say that to a skier when they miss their opener. Really rub it in --


As for the wildlife, just make sure you take short stops on the end and don't worry about it! Snapping turtles, leaches, snakes, gators -- who cares! When's the last time you read about a water skier getting snatched by a gator?

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  • Baller

By the way, it is best to say that to a skier when they miss their opener. Really rub it in --


As for the wildlife, just make sure you take short stops on the end and don't worry about it! Snapping turtles, leaches, snakes, gators -- who cares! When's the last time you read about a water skier getting snatched by a gator?

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  • Baller

At the swamp when we have guests, we usually ask ourselves...should we tell 'em about swamp thing? (the thing that bites us with frequency while shortening, once drawing blood). It used to hit us consistently, and we had a guest and just hoped he wouldn't get hit...swamp thing got him. He's saying "go go!" and Bob's on the throttle asking what it's worth to him!


Whenever anyone misses a swamp opener, it's "Thank you for your $55, have a nice day"

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  • Baller

At the swamp when we have guests, we usually ask ourselves...should we tell 'em about swamp thing? (the thing that bites us with frequency while shortening, once drawing blood). It used to hit us consistently, and we had a guest and just hoped he wouldn't get hit...swamp thing got him. He's saying "go go!" and Bob's on the throttle asking what it's worth to him!


Whenever anyone misses a swamp opener, it's "Thank you for your $55, have a nice day"

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