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Ski Test Chatter


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  • Baller


It seems that you have mostly been riding 68" skis for the tests. It appears that you were on a 67" for this. From riding a 67" Prophecy in the past I would think that would be a fairly small ski for you at 34.


Do you think that the ski size could have a good bit to do with the need to "stay level" and for your ability to scrap if needed at short line?

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Not a bad question but slightly ill informed. The Sans and The Razor are 68s. The HO, D2, Connelly that I reviewed were 67s. I think SanRival would benefit from a 67 but the Razor does not feel big.


I agree that ski width is a factor but I think the design of the Connelly makes is loose in terms of roll and that is why staying level is critical.

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  • Baller

If I'm allowed to stick my foot in here - is it really fair to ask John that question knowing what lengths and efforts he's going to to bring these reviews to us? Dirty work I know and someone has to do it, right John? Would that color or slant your opinion of his reviews if you knew what his "favorite" ski(s) is/was/are? IMO he appears to be trying to be as neutral and insiteful as possible, shouldn't we let it go at that?


If I may - having been involved in one of the last formal WSM "ski tests" I have to agree that it's much better information-wise getting one knowledgable tester riding one ski a bunch of times (enough to become really familiar with it) to review it as opposed to several people giving first impressions based on a very few rides. IMO the information being gleaned from that process is much more useful and much more meaningful. My opinion FWIW.



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@Brent no that is what we did the first time around.

It was a lot of fun for the skiers but I do not think it resulted in the best data.


Unfortunately, I am better at riding anything than I am at rounding a lot of balls. I find that many skiers struggle to give a lot of clear feedback because they are not accustom to thinking about how a one ski is different from another. The other part of the problem is everyone describes what they feel differently so it is impossible to draw it all together into one report.


I just try to be fair and analytical. Give the best info I know how.


It is like @ShaneH - He can lie to all kinds of women where I struggle to lie to my wife.

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  • Gold Member

@OB But I am still one rank ahead of Horton, and since I am bad, it follows that he is too.


Simple logic, really.


But seriously, it's probably true that switching skis quite this frequently ultimately costs him a buoy or two, and that's just one more sacrifice that we should be thanking him for!

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I have always seen this as an event where you are never as good as you wish you were. I do not really care about my rank, I just want to round more of those stupid orange balls.


I am not sure what this means but I ran 38 on 3 skis this year and got 3 or 4 at 38 first set out on each test ski - plus Nano Twist and 2012 Strada. Makes me wish I could go to 12 step program for ski addiction, ride one ski and try to run more balls.


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  • Gold Member

Amen to that.


Somehow there's always another buoy...


I remember years ago being surprised at all the flaws Jamie identified in his own skiing after running deep -41 at our local tournament. To us, his skiing was some kind of miracle before our eyes. To him, he just wanted to round more of those stupid orange balls...

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@skidawg I thought "Canadian" was an affliction or infection like VD but less fun and more painful
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  • Baller

Canadian contributions: Alan Thicke, Shania Twain, Celine Dion, Lover Boy, the song from Sheriff that ends with the high pitched end note, the thrilling sport of curling, the six months of winter and six months of poor snowmobile weather, Federal vs Provincial responsibilities and finally, the Canadian Temperature Conversion Chart:


50 Fahrenheit (10 C)

Americans try to turn on the heat.

Canadians plant gardens.



40 Fahrenheit (4.4 C)

Californians shiver uncontrollably

Canadians Sunbathe.



35 Fahrenheit (1.6 C)

Italian Cars won't start

Canadians drive with the windows down



32 Fahrenheit (0 C)

Distilled water freezes

Canadian water gets thicker.



0 Fahrenheit (-17.9 C)

New York City landlords finally turn on the heat.

Canadians have the last cookout of the season.



-40 Fahrenheit (-40 C)

Hollywood disintegrates.

Canadians rent some videos.



-60 Fahrenheit (-51 C)

Mt. St. Helen's freezes.

Canadian Girl Scouts sell cookies door-to-door.



-100 Fahrenheit (-73 C)

Santa Claus abandons the North Pole

Canadians pull down their earflaps.



-173 Fahrenheit (-114 C)

Ethyl alcohol freezes.

Canadians get frustrated when they can't thaw the keg.



-459.4 Fahrenheit (-273 C)

Absolute zero; all atomic motion stops.

Canadians start saying "cold, eh? "



-500 Fahrenheit (-295 C)

Hell freezes over.

The Leafs win the Cup



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Hmm ok 2 good things from Canada



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  • Baller_
Horton: Regarding ski length, I am on a 68 Prophecy now and intend to upgrade my ride when Connelly builds a 68 of the new Prophecy. I am 6'2' (used to be taller) and ski at 192. What is your height and weight? I am curious about whether I want to try a 67. Thanks.


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@lpskier I am about your weight but 5 inches shorter. Yea I would try the 67. Does not seem small.


First guy to make a joke gets banned.

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  • Baller

Than, your composite will go up next year, Horton's too. Just hope I can hang right in there w/you now that Horton leap frogged me by 0.17 buoy! My goal was 100 composite this year, came up a squeak short.

As for the ski testing, I definitely appreciate it, John, as I sure don't get a chance to ride many skis.


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