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Ski Test SR2 Rides 14 -19


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I am struggling with what I am going to write about the SR2. To clear my head I have been riding other skis this week. Strada for the last three rides and I think Elite today. (wish I had a A2) Hopefully riding other skis and returning to the SR2 will sharpen my assessment.


When a ski is really easy to ride and forgiving it is harder to describe. That is my current feeling with the SR2.


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John, it's not illegal to say "For me, this ski does almost everything better than the other skis" if that's the truth! If there's no one thing that really stands out, then say that, too. Just add details where you can.


Thank god I am skiing too well right now to consider a ski change! That SR-2 is sounding pretty awesome.


Btw, I can't remember: Have you tested any of the new Goodes yet?

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I think the details is what the ski test is about. Some skis are easy to write about and some skis are hard. The SR is a mind bender
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