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Jason Staab Wins M3 Natls!!


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  • Baller
Our own Jason Staab, from the thriving metropolis and ski mecca of Hays, Kansas, won M3 at the Nationals, perhaps the most competitive division in our sport. In rather adverse conditions due to a previous evening of hard rain, Jason outlasted the 9 skiers that followed him, including Big Dawg champion Chad Scott. Congrats to all the BOS skiers at Nationals, and especially to Jason for bringing home the Gold Medal.
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  • Baller
Hey Mateo - it happens all the time - it's Nationals. The tournament is famous for it. But just like tricks, it's not what you "think" you did or what the spectators "think" you did that matters. It's what the judges "decide" you did. So either get over it or get your 3-event Senior Judges rating and go sit on a tower for 2 hours. Slalom should not be subjective but it is.
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  • Baller

LeonL, yes high water and backwash. This is what one of the drivers there emailed to me last night:


"The first few days - the water conditions were OK. Yesterday the rain hit. I mean the rain really hit. The water is still coming into the lake and is over some of the lower docks. The backwash is terrible and the wind is blowing."

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Great Job Jason!!! It was tough out on the water. He was a stud to get what he did. I finished 4th. Jason and I agreed that those who don't have great sites to practice at really had an advantage. It is to bad the water came up like it did.


Waters Edge usually is a great site and August is usually bone dry in this area of the country and we have had alot of rain. I am usually looking at dead grass at my house and I have to mow it for the second time in 7 days.


I hope it is down today for the Jr Rippers.

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  • Baller
I'll take this one, but (JD) add anything that I mess up. Judging is never done from the boat camera. That is only used if the person monitoring the boat feed disagrees with the 3 judges. Then the/she and the CJ can review and override if necessary.
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  • Baller

It's unfortunate, but sometimes a miss happens. Things happen quickly. One of my ski partners was standing there and said he didn't just miss 4, he also missed 2.


In the Malibu open, there was a runoff to get into the semis. One skier clearly skied just inside of 6 and the judges gave him 5.5. The next skier skied a full 5 and the first skier advanced. The first skier even told the judges he was positive he missed 6 and they still wouldn't overturn their call.

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  • Gold Member

I had a good view of the run and I didn't notice anything suspect at 2. But admittedly I was sitting closer to 4, and there's no doubt at all that he skied inside of it. BUT the rules are quite clear that any doubt goes to the skier. From MY vantage point, there was no doubt. But from the judges' location, it's possible there was, in which case their call would be correct (i.e. following the rules). From the boat, I strongly suspect it would have been impossible to tell, and thus must be called 3.5.


All any skier can do is try as hard as they can. And all any judge can do is watch closely, use their best judgement, and follow the guidelines. The cliche applies: It is what it is.


I heartily congratulate Jason on making the best of a tough, tough day!

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  • Baller

I had a really bad view. But it looked like he made it to me. We did ask each other if he made it. But I believe he had a celebration after that really sold me. Believe in yourself no matter what!


Nice to see close calls go to the skier as they should. Congratulations Jason on an earned victory.



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  • Baller

Shane, if that's the case, then why does IWWF force us to use live feed video from the boat and increase the overall costs of the tournaments. That sounds like the perfect time to use it to "get the call right".



Frustrated Record Tournament Promoter

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  • Baller

@ShaneH I was on the west shore watching the runoff in question and was very confused when they didn't go again. It was pretty clear from where I was positioned that they tied again.


I was scoring at the MW regional when the five judges called in with the following 2.25, 2.5, 3, 3, 3. Explain that one?


Congrats to Brian and Jason. Great job!

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  • Baller

@Kelvin - at my record in June, we had several instances where the tower judges and boat judge scored differently and the review judge said nothing! We had over 50 "L" skiers each day skiing 2 rounds each. That's over 200 rides and not ONE review. Waste of time/expense if you're not going to utilize it for its intended purpose.


Frustrated Record Tournament Funder.

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  • Baller

gjohnson, I was on the announcers stage and I could see that the skier in question didn't appear to make 6. If you were on the west side, you were about 300ft closer than me. To his credit, Adam Sedlemajer questioned his own score on that one. Now, they called Carlo Allais to the judges tent afterwards. I never got to ask him if they showed him video of it.


Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose.

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  • Baller

Kelvin, I agree if 2 judges on each side (total 5) boat video is not needed, if I interpret rule 14.11 properly.

Joe, also my interpretation of 14.11 in regard to boat video judge (review judge) would mean that the video judge, in disagreeing with the event judges, would have to disagree with the majority and call for a review by he and the CJ. If he agreed with the majority there would be no need for a review. Just my insight into that rule. May be wrong - may be right.

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