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For the new faces around here: Who the Hell is this Horton guy?


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Below answers the Question: Who the Hell is this Horton guy?


I am John Horton, this is my website. When I ski, it looks like a big BallOfSpray. I run this place. Below is my bio. I post so you know that you know who you are dealing with.


I first skied when I was 3 and come from a water skiing family. Until recently I was better known as Dr. Jack Horton’s son. My dad is the inventor of the man-made private ski lake and a legitimate water ski legend (Water Ski Hall Of Fame - Award of Distinction, many time National Champ, USAWS Board of Directors, US World Team Doctor, Sr Judge & Driver).


In my younger days I was a somewhat promising 3 event skier. After college I quit skiing for about 5 years. After a radical career change, I came back to skiing to market CarbonFiber slalom fins. After the bottom fell out of the CarbonFins market I went on to organize and write the Independent Ski Tests for Water Ski Magazine 2006, 2007 & 2008.


I am by no means the best skier on this forum & I do not pretend to be. I am all ears when the real MM guys have something to say and try to help less experienced skiers find good information.


The below stats are really old because now I am old. The older I get, the better I was.

12 Time US National Competitor (Could be 11 times - not sure)

US National Slalom, Trick and Jump Medalist*

US National Overall Medalist **

Western Regional Slalom, Trick and Jump Champion*

5 Time Western Regional Overall Champion

Western Regional Men 1 Trick Record Holder (1991 to 2006)

Open Rated Jump**

World Ranked top 50 for Jump*

World Ranked top 100 for Tricks*

Member National Champion NLU Ski Team 89-93

Moomba Masters Night Jump Competitor*

Horton Lakes Ski School Instructor 85-93

* one or more times in the 80s and early 90s

** a bunch of times in the late 80s and early 90s

(This is all old news but it shows that I am not just some crackpot)


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Shane thinks he is funny but in reality he said something more important than what I said.




This site is about fun. I am not afraid of making fun of myself and I make fun of a lot of the regulars. We keep it friendly and we help each other. No matter your level of skiing, you are welcome.

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True... I miss rocketry. Those were good times with nerdy men (had to go back to skiing to find wife)


I was a member of this group http://www.mdars.info/

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By the way Dawg. I was coaching trick this weekend (please do not judge me - I know it is shamefull) - kid did not understand what I was saying so I got her in boat - Jammed my foot in her small binding (no soap) and went out on 41" HO trick. Heck I can still trick. Who knew!


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Bump becuase .... more important that the fact that I had the best ski year of my life is the fact the I skied for NLU aka ULM
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  • Baller_

That is some amazing skiing and incredible dedication to fitness and conditioning. Back to the "Good Reminder" thread posted earlier, this is the type of discussion that motivates me in the off-season and when recovering from injuries.


I must also confess that I sometimes think of a segment from comedian Brian Regan's DVD where he discusses the "World's Strongest Man" competition. The line "let's see how many of these lead-filled grand pianos he can hurl into that third story window in 30 seconds" comes to mind here.

The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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