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Goode Water Skis NANO "Twist"


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My guess is that there is a nylon block in to the core where the fin goes though... something like that (wild guess)
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That is correct John and what Dave has told me about the ability to place inserts into the new skis is that he is working with a plug that will accept inserts in the 9960 and the Fire which he has not used before. Dave still believes that from a performance standpoint with carbon composite that it is still best when used with the interlock system. He has heard the rumbling regarding inserts and it going have models that will be able to utilize inserts.
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Talked with Dave Miller today. Here are his numbers for his 65" 188 AMP Nano Mid:

Front Boot = 28-3/4"

Rear Boot = 17-3/8"

Length = 6.820" with Goode caliper (jaws)

Depth = 2.445"

Tail = 0.725"

I am planning on ordering one.

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I did mis-type the front boot distance and edited the above post. I am pretty sure that Dave Miller said his fin length was measured with the jaws of a Goode dial caliper, not the slot caliper. I could be wrong though.
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I spent some time poking around Google tonight looking up nanotechnology, epoxy, pre-impregnated unidirectional fiber and such. There's way too much information about nano epoxy for me to summarize. You're interested you should look.
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The 9100 is the only Goode that has the channel or box design on the top sheet. This in theory makes it more torsional rigid. And also far more stronger ski that has less likelihood of snapping in the middle. All things considered or being the same. A flat piece of material compared to one that has the channel will have different strength and flex characteristics. Try it. Glue a pair of straws on a sheet of paper and see. As far as build-in twist is concerned, I suppose that can have a positive effect on transitions and turns.
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  • Baller
I was there with JD. It was very interesting to hear the skier's assessment of the nano mid ride. You could look down the top surface and see the twist. I liked that Goode went to top and bottom graphic sheets instead of that black paint that faded and bubbled.
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  • Baller
Well I finally received a couple of the 65 mid nano twist from Dave Goode. Wow what a ski. The Nano Carbon is no gimmick. This ski is much faster than the 9900 mid ride and with the twist and two different rockers, there is no off side. As Dave Miller said the ski goes out and comes right back underneath you and accelerates quickly to the other side. I have four sets on the ski and so far it feels pretty incredible. The new carbon feels stiffer and definately rebounds quicker than the old carbon which allows for quick acceleration on the back side of the buoy. Last years mid ride was a great start and I thought was a great ski but there is no comparison to the Nano twist, this ski is on another level. Looking forward to testing the other ski which is a little softer than the first one I tried. With the new carbon the ski does not need to be as stiff in my opinion. After just a couple of sets that is my .02 cents so far. Looking forward to some sets on it this week
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  • Baller

Hey, most of my skis have asymmetric twists - but not on purpose. That's what Dave Goode was looking at in that photo Zippy posted. He did copy my ski for the wide ride (wikileeks told me). I should get royalties!

Next Goodes will have shaved down tails and wallboard texture finish. The inserts are for Gatorade lids to keep the velcro on.

Horton is going to have to come up with a banner to punish me.


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I would call the factory and ask. They know the charts - they made the charts.


In advance - whatever Eric says is wrong

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There is a slight graphics change from the Nano test skis to the Nano production skis. The test skis had the word "MID" written on the tail. The production skis will have the word "twist" written on the tail.
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  • Baller

I had a chance to ski my NANO several times this week. The ski is very stable, fast and turns great. It took me a few sets to get back into skiing (away from buoys for six months), but it didn’t take long to realize this ski has some major potential. For me the biggest thing I noticed was how much speed I could take into the buoy’s and it not affect the turns (both sides)!! As for the “twist” in the ski; the offside turn starts off as usual, but it was at the completion of the turn where it comes underneath you faster (I think it allowed for more angle as well?). At first I struggled with the offside turn, the bindings weren’t in the correct location and I was pushing too much (forcing the turn). As I got more comfortable on the ski (and moved the bindings back), I just started relaxing more allowed the ski to do the work. Passes started getting real easy after that.


Note: I’m on a 65” 188 and according to the Goode charts I should be on a 63.75. The 65” didn’t feel big at all. My suggestion would be go bigger.


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@MSJ, Where are your bindings set? I just got a 65" 188AMP Nano Mid that I am setting up. Stock is 29.25". I heard that the lighter skiers are liking the bindings back. Chad Scott (~180#) is at 29.25" but Dave Miller (~170#) is at 28.75".
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  • Baller

Maybe all the hoopla will turn out to be true and this will be the next 9100 and change the world... But, I haven't seen any "since I got this ski, I don't miss 35 anymore," or "I'm now consistently running 3 more buoys then ever before."


No offense to Dave Miller, but him seeing a piece of 4 ball at 41 is not nearly as exciting to me as one of our regular skiers suddenly running more buoys than they've ever been able to before...

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  • Baller
Roger, I've been on my 65" 188 amp Nano since Tuesday. Skied 6 sets on it and more consistant running 35 for sure. Still have not run 38 yet but getting halfway down the line. Hope to nail the 38 this weekend when i have more time, I was on a 65.75" 9900 SL and running 35 about half the time now 90% of the time. Keith A.
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  • Baller

Thanks MSJ for the feedback, keep it going. Scott, you too. Sounds like they are just now starting to hit the water, hopefully the reviews will be flying in.


Goode doesn't seem to get the orders out the door too quickly. I ordered my VW almost two weeks ago and still waiting. I called and they said it should be here soon.

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