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Camaro Modetec


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  • Baller

Has anyone used one of these half mil full suits. They sure look flexible. Isn't there another brand other than Camaro that has a similar product as well.

I would be interested to hear if the suit was durable. It seems like such a thing would rip easily.

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its an awesome suit. uve got to b super careful with it though. glued seems and thin material, it can get damaged but mine has held up for a couple seasons with good care.

Ofcourse, you barely realize that you're wearing a wetsuit, and it keeps you really warm, so I think it's worth it. You've got to be careful putting it on and off, because as you said, it's easy to damage .



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  • Baller
People I know that use them put on a regular ski swimsuit on top, to avoid damage when seating (and I guess to minimize the strange look from other people when using them, as they leave little for imagination...)
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  • Baller

I have an Aquasphere Skin 50 and love it. Some of our club members say the new Aquasphere "Winter "Skins are not as warm.

My suit is 3 years old and showing some wear so I tried to but a Camaro on line and have had very poor luck finding any. I even emailed their USA rep, only to be referred to resallers that do not stock them. If any one know's where I can buy one, please post the contact info.

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  • Baller

I have an aquasphere I bought for £150, fantastic for skiing in. I would rate as warmer than a 2mm shortie with more flexibility. Camaro always seemd really expensive. Summer triathlon wetsuits with their flexibility seem really well suited for waterskiing.




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