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How to get Banned


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Kent is not in the forum business for anything but having a place for people to connect with ideas. I believe that the site originated as a Classroom project for his students. Many of us here go way back with him.


Please everyone, let this die. Use the sites for what you will, but dont get nasty with any comments.


I am not happy with lots of the comments about BOS being posted on TWSF and they are mostly by people that do not have a history with both sites.


Horton and Kent Both Rock for even dealing with all this crap.


BACK OFF everyone or I will ban you all.


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I felt the need to say something. This site is about waterskiing to discuss the sport in a very positive way and the sportsmanship that would be expected at tournaments. I knew exactly who was banned. He drove me off TWSF. I just decided I didn't want to see anything he had to say. And, everytime I went to that site, he was right there. Waiting with a baseball bat, so to speak. I wanted to talk waterskiing and read about waterskiing plain and simple, not get attacked. Horton was wise to do what he did. Protects all the hard work in the BOS website, keeps the skiers interested, the tone is positive. And another thing, it could very well prevent unwanted legal issues. I thank Horton for his awesome site.


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Shut up Shane. No one likes you or thinks you are funny. Because of your crazy personal life and stories, my site has been branded as fun and not containing good information.  I do not want anyone to think that you and I like each other or that you are part of some secret "in group" that whispers in my ear.  (sounds a little gay - not that there is anything wrong with that)


I know I need this to stop this but a little sarcasm makes my morning better.

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I guess this is not ending elsewhere. I know there is yet another thread or two about this out there. I will read when I get time.


Please do not defend me or BOS on other sites. Makes it worse.The only person involved that is not upset is me.


Also I am locking this thread. Maybe I should have done it yesterday.


It is January - everyone is crazy till the ice melts.


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Posting with multiple accounts and pretending they are different people will get you banned. If you want to pretend to be different people at least use different IP addresses and do not do it for months or years.


This is NOT an anonymous forum but it is actually really hard to get banned.


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@Jordan totally normal and understood.


@E_T so you could tell yourself how great you are online and or have conversations with yourself about products that you want to promote or talk about products you want to promote but that you don't want to put your name on.

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I (and others) would prefer not to do business or associate ourselves with those that would do this, they should be outed. If someone would stoop to this, I would not trust them in other matters. If you don't want people to know you are disreputable, you should not behave in a disreputable manner.


If not, we will have suspicion of many innocent posters, who are not the guilty party but we may think they are the one.

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The offender was a very long time member. He and his other accounts have been permanently deleted. Outing him seems over the top.
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@horton - I think the question that floats around is “have we been recently duped” or is it just a smoldering issue. With the weight that we place on cyber information, keeping this site clean is the only way to maintain credibility. Thanks
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Apparently, there are people in the world that have difficulty determining if they are male, female or gender neutral, so maybe they need different accounts to fully express themselves?


Yes, I am kidding, but if we were in the boat skiing, that might be fodder for discussion.

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if I create multiple accounts for each of my multiple personalities and have online arguments with myself will that get me banned??


"fin forward...no deeper...don't listen to him he doesn't know anything...can't we all just have fun...Fun,who let Mr.Snowflake in..."

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@JayG80 has long as you do not pretend to be different people to promote an agenda I really don't care. It is the deception and manipulation that pushed me over a cliff.
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Our boat is still in storage. Would need to slap on some really wide mudders to get back to the lake. Everything goes squish when you walk... Maybe an Ark Nautique is in order.


This post by the one and only AB. (Horton screwed up my original login years ago hence A_B).. :)


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FYI - insulting the admin is troll behavior.


The very first rule of forum admin is "Never feed the trolls". I live by the rule - if you want to know what that means Google it.

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It is a fine well managed cite with useful information, objectives, and many outstanding contributors.


Management causes that success and as the management is you John, I thank you.


Finally the o e time I. The last 4 or 5 years I needed advice from John he arranged to let it happen; it was useful to me. I acted upon the advice.


This is a very special place and John makes it happen.




Thank you.

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