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How to get Banned


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This week there was a thread that I shut down because it looked like some guys were getting unfriendly with each other. I am still unclear if it was all good fun or not. I really do not care but I think that every once in a while I need to explain my thinking.


The whole reason I started my first forum was because I could not find a place to ask a real slalom question and consistently get back a real answer. When I started, SkiFly was the biggest and had some users that were there to really talk about skiing, I did not know about TWSF (not sure if it was there yet) and I was mostly using WaterSki.net (no longer there).


After doing this for a number of years I have learned the following: It is easy to insult someone on the internet. Sometime insults happen by accident and sometime not. There are people who make a habit if insulting others on the internet. A lot of people like to read the back and forth insults but when this happens the content of the site is crap.


I understand that you guys come here for entertainment but the core of this forum is about skiing. If you are a new guy or a lurker please understand that you have to really try to get banned. There are hundreds of skiers who post every year and I think there are 3 or 4 banned people right now.


For you to get banned, I have to be convinced that you are a stupid asshole. You have to be delusional. You have to show a pattern of pissing people off.


As an interesting final note. There is at least one guy on the banned list that when I have spoken to him on the phone seems totally rational and loves skiing. I know people who personally vouch for him. The fact that he can not stop himself from picking fights on the internet is a mystery to me. In the end it is just not my problem.


So just don't be a dick

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Sometimes I feel like the enemy of fun. Then I look at the quality of advice and commentary on BOS compared to other sites and I feel pretty good about it.
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Kinda funny. If this was not generally a "G" to "PG-13" rated forum I think I would end every post with "So just don't be a dick". Ok not a great idea but that is the only rule
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One more rule (special for Richard): do not send whispers to me about your brothers own secret religion.
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Crap: maybe I need rules. imagine all the special the rules I would have to write for Eric, Dirt and Zappo....
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I have been on these forums for only a little over one year now, and have possibly learned a little about forum poster. I could be wrong but I will share my perception so far. I'm sure others have learned more than I ever will.


After the words on ANY subject are read, the meaning is not always taken as it was intended.


Sometimes people innocently don't realize how offensive their own words.


Maybe, some people are upset with their own lives and lash out through the anonymity of the internet similar to the way some people exhibit road rage.


In the same half full, half empty scenario; when reading a post some people try to look it as negative when they could just as easily read it as positive.


But I do believe that people are good, they just do and say things sometime that aren’t so good.


 I think a good rule of thumb is: When posting people should; keep it clean, keep it civil, keep it truthful, stay on topic, be responsible, share your knowledge and treat people the way you want to be treated.

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  • Baller
I have been on all the forums for a couple of years now, the last 6 months or so, just on this one. I have posted on the other forums and a lot of the times when I did post something, some smart ass remark was made. Some guys go on them just to piss people off. I don't have a lot of time to post things so because of that, I am not going to waste my time anymore and post on the other sites. That is why I like this site. Keep up the good work John, you do a great job.
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One of the criticisms I heard recently was BallOfSpray was or Profit First of all - that is stretching the meaning of or Profit and I am sure I said it and an not sure how that is a bad thing.


I see BOS the same way a bar or restaurant owner sees his business. If everyone is having a good time they will come back. If the drinks suck, the bathrooms smell and service is bad, everyone is going across the street. If I did not care about the traffic, BOS would be the same as the other sites. I care about more than the traffic. I care about the content. I want the site be a source in good info.


If it is fun for everyone then traffic continues to grow & I can do more things. Good things like I am working on a tool to help promo boat guys sell their boats and I am bringing back a sort of ski reviews. I think there are going to be a lot more contests this year. And Stuff. Cool Stuff and pictures of Krista (if that is what it takes to keep you here more)


All you can do to help is - post smart stuff here. Be thoughtful (and funny). The best posts are the ones where the reader learns something or the question leads to a smart comment. I look carefully at the stats and you guys love ski gear and technique. Most of the lurkers are looking for info and guidance. They do not know what ski to buy or how to make a big spray.


Confession: I totally made an ass of myself last year. A lurker posted about how to make a big spray and I was not trying to be a dick but I make him feel like he did not belong. I would have thrashed one of you guys for it and I feel bad about it.

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I've learned the hard way that it always best to write an e-mail (or post) and NOT hit send. Wait a bit then review what you have written. Sometimes what you have written is crap, sometimes it's mean and yes, sometimes it's irrelevant so don't post. It's true that BOS tends to have a clubbiness to it since lots of guys have known each other for years..but who cares? IMO that adds to the fun of the site.
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I don't care if it is a for profit site that doesn't bother me at all. For some reason a lot of people feel like everything on the internet should be free but it costs time and money to get a site on the internet.


I enjoy and appreciate the site.

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I agree with the other posts, this forum is by far the most informative and constructive site dedicated to skiing.  I've pretty much quit going to the other sites because it's mostly a bunch of guys taking shots at each other, there's more discussion on legal issues than skiing.


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I think you should read your 6th post on this thread carefully, then make a vow to read and edit each of your posts at least twice before you post them. Just sayin'......I was going to quote you, but then I figured I get banned for sure.


Also, please consider un-banning the person who you say phoned you and is rationale and loves skiing. He doesn't "pick" fights, he's just very adamant about defending himself. I think he is one of the most valuable posters in the online water skiing community.





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I am sorry about the deal with that guy. I wish he could control his anger. I wish him well. If you could read all the Whispers and emails you would know that everyone gets many chances to grow up.


Back to my analogy: If you owned a bar and a friend of yours came in every night and started a fight, how many times would it take before you said Enough is Enough?


He simply causes more headaches than he is worth. I do not need someone here who I have to keep tabs on. I do not have time.


The last thing I am going to say on the subject is: If people are pissed at you - where ever you go, Â maybe you need to look in a mirror.




As for my typo what ever it is, it should not surprise you.

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i used to go to sky fly all the time and cant be bothered by the garabage there. This site is awesome and i have become a regular lurker. Not a big posting type. Keep it up guys great site.

PS. PICS of the Krista is never a bad thing!!!

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  • Baller

Last thought on the banned poster, then I'll drop it. I've been reading his posts and replies for several years and he rarely, if ever, starts a fight. It's generally the new posters on the various sites that either don't take the time to figure him out or are too childish themselves to do that that poke and prod him and start the fights. The reason I even bother to post this is that I think he is by far a "net positive" in terms of what he brings to a website and I will miss his contributions. I know a lot won't get where I'm coming from or agree with me, but I also know several do.


It's interesting how each forum in the waterskiing community has a different culture and tone. I like them all for one reason or another. This one tolerates humor and good-natured shit-giving a bit better than the others because your personality promotes it and I appreciate that.



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The key for me was to learn to let perceived digs roll off my back...often the dig is not intentional and a function of email style communication. We are competitive people...once a dig sets in it is natural to want to fire back. Learning to be the bigger person is tough...sometimes requires setting ego aside.
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jim, i respectfully disagree. I asked mentioned poster on the other forum regarding his product when it was all the rage. I like you closely follow events and am well in tune with his posting 'style'. I had always maintained a neutral stance. I once attempted to objectively ask him a question regarding his new product, only to be replied to with the usual condescending language that he is accused of, with photos of 'proof' that I was 'wrong' and my question had no validity. He spoke to me as if i had just shot his mother... good riddance to him. this forum is better without people like that.



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Au contraire, kstate. Although he became infamous on the various waterski discussion boards, which in my estimation is an extremely easily "rile-able" group, he isn't one fraction the bad character that you see on other sports discussion boards. I would imagine you've probably been on some other sites for other sports, yes? You should see (read) some of the shit that goes down between posters on surfing and snow skiing websites (I won't name sites). In my mind it's all good entertainment and you can't take what people are willing to write on the internet too seriously anyway. I know that's not the concensus here, though, and I agree that JTH should do as he sees fit on his site. Ever notice how quiet it gets on this and other waterski websites when people finally get tired of discussing fin settings, boat winterizing methods, and trailer bunk re-carpeting? I'm not saying we need to start fighting about religion, politics, and global warming, but, hell, I think a few good rants and lively discussion is good content. Especially when they actually involve water skiing. What's better'n a good ol' fashioned stink about skiing narrow vs. wide or the "reverse c" position or, or, or zero off! Yeah - zero off sucks! Just kidding. I like ZO.
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Funny thing is most of this thread is not about That Guy. Some other guys were sort of maybe - being dicks to each other so I locked that thread and started this one to lay down the law.


If you are scaring away or irritating skiers - you are not welcome here. I do not care if you "Started It" - if you are not enough of an adult to deal with it, you are not welcome here.


If you think offending other skiers is funny. If you think calling some other ski an AssHole is fun. If you think watching two other guys in a pissing match is fun. There are other forums for you. This is not it. Go.


If you want to talk about racism or threaten to sue each other in my opinion you are an embarrassment to the sport. You are a negative force in the sport .


I have thought a lot about this. My conclusion is that if I stopped moderating, traffic would go up as soon as the fights started. It would grow a bit and then there would be no value left and most of you would leave. More to the point, I could not do it. Â I am just not interested.


BallOfSpray had about 1,000,000 page views in 2009 and about 2,000,000 in 2010. Is there anyone who thinks to would be a better web site if all you did here was insult each other? Or would you rather be in a friendly/professional space?

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Actually, probation rocks. Where is my pink headliner? Banned might waste less time but BOS is fun. Skifly is not

as much fun as too many of the anonymous posters are too nasty.


Speaking of nasty, why does my phone not do paragraphs?

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Horton, I must be missing something. You regularly call me names, argue and insult me. Can we vote to ban you or would you consider banning yourself You also vandalized an expensive ski in louisiana. The guy wants to press charges.
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MattP, on second thought, you're right. Learning paragraphs is better than learning nothing at all.

I do need winter to hurry on outa here though. Seems like the older I get the longer it lasts.(that's what she said)

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  • Baller
Good point Shane! Jack Hanna (Bernie from Weekend at Bernies, not the animal guy) once banned Horton from Horton Lakes. You would think, after having felt the wrath of being banned, he would be a little more lenient.
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Stuff that goes on in the background via email, whispers or whatever is not something I generally talk about openly here on the forum. This site is about water skiing and the people who do it, not what I am doing behind the scenes.


If you surf the other forums you will see some smack talk about me tonight. I have been doing this long enough that it does not really make me mad.


The short story is: the other way to get banned is to promote something here after I have asked not to. And then after I ban you once to recreate your account and try to post again. (imagine me mumbling a long string of 4 letter words and shaking my head)


My one smart-ass comment is: all this will mostly create a traffic boost for Kent, drive some of Kent's traffic here and to some extent, drive traffic to whatever Wade was promoting. (ok I just used his name… someone will ask what is this all about? and go visit that site for the first time. You're welcome Wade. Enjoy the traffic bump.)


I really did not want to talk about this but he threw me under the bus over on Kent's site. If I do not say something here it may (or may not) blow up over there.


My plan has always been to make BallOfSpary as good as I am able. The better I make it, the more time you would spend here. I do not go to other sites to promote BallOfSpray and I do not understand why I should let another site owner promote his site here.




Can we please talk about skis or wings or Zero Off now? I wonder what I could run on my MasterCraft Pulse?

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One more thing. If you go over to Kent's site and read that thread. Please do not defend me or the site*. Just let this die. Yes, I know I am being inconsistent by talking about it and then asking you not it. Catch 22


(*If you really think I am a JackHole, go for it. I am way past caring.)


Please someone bitch about ZO settings or the weather. Anything but this.


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