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Help w/Radar liners


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  • Baller


Under the tree was a box containing Radar Strada bindings and intuition liners.  This is my first departure from rubber bindings.

What is the best way to mold the liners at home ie) what temp and how long?  Are any of you using/not using the extra insole piece provided inside the liner?

Thanks much!

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Hold on a second.
The RadaR liners are Intuition foam (The good stuff) but are pretty thin. I only cook mine if I really need them to take up more volume around my foot. Cooking the foam makes it expand and then IF you do everything right it will take a new shape when if cools. If you screw it up you can only reform the liners 2 or 3 times before they start to really shrink and then you need to buy new ones. 

My personal recommendations are as follows:
Replace the RadaR insoles with “Green” Superfeet insoles http://www.rei.com/product/724375
Place the insoles in the boot – under the liner. If you put the insoles inside the liners it changes the way the liners release and is not as safe.

Ski in them before you even think about heat molding.
When you go skiing snug the bottom lace the as much as you feel you need – snug to top lace as little as you dare. This will seem crazy the first time you do it but trust me. The real test is, when you want to take your ski off, you should not need to loosen the laces at all.

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  • Baller
I agree with what Horton said except I would not buy the superfeet unless you need to. The shape of your foot and fit will determine whether you need superfeet or heat molding. The Radar insole worked fine for me. It goes inside the liners. The liners release from the boots. There is no release impediment with the insole inside the liner. The only problem you will have with release is if you tighten the laces too tight.
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  • Baller
Will have to ski it come spring, but finding it very comfortable with radar insole inside the liner.  Had to trim the insole to fit right so it wouldn't bunch up.  Given how comfortable, I'm not going to worry about the heat molding.  I do find a bit of an issue, though, in that I like a tight binding.  If I tighten too much, it is very clear I would not come out of there. 
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Did you mean to say the opposite of what you said above? Since the liner is designed to slide out of the shell I would not think anything should go between the two. I know I do not always type or say what I intend to. I like my RS-1s. They do not cramp my feet like the Animals did. They keep them warmer in the winter, but I do not ski as well. A trade I was willing to make.

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With the Superfeet (somewhat stiff insole) - if you put them inside the liners they change the release in a bad way. If you put them under the liners they do not change release.

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If putting footbed between Binding and Liner, Good tip;  A small sq. of velcro placed @ the Heel of Binding and footbed will keep the footbed in place when removing or releasing...

I molded my RS-1's as per Pauls Convection instructions. Worked Great and Feels even betta! Nice Custom fit...

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  • Baller

I use green superfeet in the liner, haven't noticed any difference in the release characteristics. I believe Eddie also uses them in the liner and the stock insoles go in the liner. They (at least green superfeet) are certainly not going to influence the ejection anymore than your foot would (IMO).

I have never heat molded my liners either, wouldn't bother unless I couldn't get a decent fit.

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  • Baller

Agree with Shane and Rossi. In liner or boot, whichever feels best for you. I like 'em in the boot b/c I used 'em that way for years in my powershells.


I had trouble heating the liners and then getting them in boots for fitting. The thicker liners and hard shell of the Goode's was never a problem, but I got the first Strada into a wadded up mess trying to shove it in there hot. I wound up putting it in the boot cold, then shoved the wife's hair dryer in it for a few minutes. No prob. I then just left the other boot cold and skied on it that way. No prob and no hassle. 

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