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(way off topic) Anybody know who Prince Zuko is?


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  • Gold Member

Today my employer celebrates Halloween in our standard over-the-top fashion, and this year I am dressed as Prince Zuko.  While I was fully aware that most people wouldn't know who that is, I'm a little surprised at just how few do.  I'd say under 5% so far.

So I'm curious: Anybody out there have kids the right age to know who that is, or is this the REALLY obscure costume that my coworkers are making it seem like it is?

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  • Gold Member

Heheh, you ain't seen nothin' yet.

But also, I've noticed that a lot of the water skiing population lives in places where "most" people are very "normal."  Stop by NY City for a little while, and weird will be put in the proper perspective.

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Amusing addendum:  While I'd say the 5% number held up throughout the day, two of the people who instantly knew it were the company's president and his wife.

Pres: "That guy from Avatar -- what's his name?"

Pres' Wife (as I turned to face her, thus revealing the eye):  "Prince Zuko!  Of course!  We were just watching Avatar last night.  You should have gotten somebody do be Katara and Aang and that earthbending blind girl!"

Me: "Toph?"

Pres' Wife: "YES, TOPH!"

So I guess I'm gonna call that a win! :)

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