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How to type a degree symbol "°"


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I've noticed that there is a fair bit of need for this symbol when you are talking about ski setups, I just thought that I would try to help people out. To type the symbol you make sure numberlock is on, and then hold ALT and type 0176 on the numberpad and then let go of alt.


If you are on a a laptop without a numberpad it is a little harder, you need to hold alt and the "fn" key and press the blue number pad that is probably on your 890 and letter keys... that is a little more confusing, I think you need to make sure that you have numberlock on then too.

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  • Baller

You have to have number lock (Num Lock) turned on to use the 9-key pad. When it is turned off they keys will not usually function in normal typing, and those secondary labels (Home, PgUp, etc...) describe what will happen when used with the Alt+... shortcuts.

That said, once you have a degree symbol, in the browser or in a word processor, you can copy and paste the character with your usual method.

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  • Baller

You do all realize that you can use the "OMEGA" symbol (3rd button on the 2nd row) in the adding comments area and it brings up a list of custom symbols in which "°" is one of them.

Also, holding down "ALT" and hitting "248" on the number pad works.

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  • Gold Member

skibug -- sweet!  I'll be posting in greek from now on!

(Slightly more seriously this may someday prove useful for posting some math, but more likely I'll create that in a word processor and then link.)


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