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Fast Track to Judge's ratings


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  • Baller
ShaneH brought to my attention that "Fast Track" to achieve a AWSA judge rating is misunderstood at best and possibly not known of at all.  If you hold a Level 8 ranking in any event you may, by submitting an Assistant Judge Application, receive an Assistant Judge rating in that event.  If you hold a level 9 ranking (to the best of my knowledge, I'll check it out further) you may 1)by attending a judge's clinic, 2) taking (and passing) the written and practical test for Senior Judge receive a Senior rating for the event in which that Level 9 ranking is held.
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  • Baller_

Leon that is correct in your assesment of fast track.

Fast Track has been a big help particulary here at SRB. Skiers Like Regina, Adam P, Adam S, Stephen S, Caroline H and Danial Ardvarko have made it possiable to hold quality record events. With out fast tracking these judges we would not be able to hold record tournaments in the area with out importing out of area judges, north west Florida is kinda out of the way and the cost of bringing in that many judges is costly in a resort area. Also these skiers became seniors two years ago and in that time have worked other sites through out the southern and south central regions. In Trick particulary they know what they are looking at when judging. These skier/judges have become very good senior and Pan Am rated judges. I think that this is a good policy and would recomend it to all level 9 skiers.

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  • Baller
Also, it might help to mention that Elite Skiers(Level 9) can Fast Track to assistant and regular driver. For assistant, it negates the need for sign offs on 3 tournaments worked and for regular it halfs the number of tournament credits needed. You still have to attend the clinics, though. 
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  • Baller
Has there been any discussion on the possibility of an online judging clinic?  I have contacted senior judges in at least 3 states to try to attend a clinic, but there is not one available.  I have everything else that I need to become a regular and would hate to loose those credits before I can find one.  Does anyone have any ideas?  I am in the Midwest region.  Thanks!
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  • Baller
Thanks, Kelvin, but as a mom of 2 small kids, traveling that far is not possible for me.  6balls, I would like to hear of any results from your communication with USA waterski.  Thanks !http://www.ballofspray.com/vanillaforum/js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-laughing.gif
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  • Baller

Here is the answer from Brandon: Hi Dave, I appreciate your suggestions, and couldn’t agree with you more.  Having a DVD or online certification process for the classroom portion for all of the officials ratings that we offer would certainly make it easier for people to get certified.  We are slowly making progress on this front.  Through our partnership with iDrive Boats we’ve moved the classroom portion of the Trained Driver course online, and we’re currently in the process of building an online training program for Level 1 Instructors which will replace the existing written exam.  The problem is that creating these electronic certification processes requires significant financial resources, and USA-WS and AWSA don’t have the necessary resources to create online courses for all of our officials programs right now.   With the limited resources we have available to us we have to prioritize where they’re needed the most.  Right now the highest priority is membership development at the grassroots level.  As you’re probably aware, participation in this sport has shown a downward trend for a number of years.  We have to reverse this downward trend first, and as more resources become available we can begin to allocate them toward initiatives such as online officials courses. Best Regards, 

From: Dave & Anne Ross [mailto:skiross@hutchtel.net]

Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2010 8:00 AM

To: bwolf@usawaterski.org

Subject: judge ratings

Hello Brandon,
A theme heard from many skiers at tournaments is the shortage of judges in some areas.  One skier said they frequently lack a safety official, and as a ER physician I asked what would need to be done.  Given my background, I thought it there was a DVD I could watch and take a test...should be good to go.  This is not available.
I also watched a re-cert driver's clinic while at tourney in FL take up most of a day.  Would make sense that there be a DVD or computer module for the recert to take up all of the didactic and written exam portions...then the driver's would only need to do the driving portion on site.  Another computer module could be more extensive for new driver applicants. 
I can easily imagine assistant judges and scorers learning the role online or by DVD.  I could quite simply teach even a non slalom skier how to tower judge in very short order...it's not that complex.
I believe that if we remove barriers to becoming rated judges, we would have more involvement.  Having DVD's or computer modules for this purpose would make obtaining the education far more convenient.  If I can get my MBA online (currently doing so), this should be no problem.  I have brought this idea up to some skiers on a web forum, and they were enthused and thought it should come to USA waterski.
Thanks much,
Dave Ross  
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  • Baller

6balls - I wonder if USA waterski could put the course online and then we could fax (or email) the answer sheet to USA waterski to be graded there.  I know that is how I have done CEU's in the past.  The use of the online course would simply be a way to disseminate information.  If the test was multiple choice, then the manual grading should be pretty easy!

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  • Baller
Based on Brandon's response (lack of funds) is there anyone on this forum who is computer savvy enough, and willling to volunteer (read donate your time) to build a computer module for a judge clinic and/or test for upgrade?  Having said all that, as one who has attended many judge clinics the discussions / dialog that goes on always seems to bring up and sometimes clarify some difficult rules.
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  • Supporting Member

I do think the primary value of a clinic is the live gathering itself.  I've had the same experience as Leon that interesting things come up -- usually not directly from the clinic material.  I can guarantee I'll be talking about the full buoy rule (that I think I finally understand) at the next judge's clinic I attend.

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  • Baller
I'm with scoke on officials.  You can get by with way less than OB indicated. We, in our club, are fortunate enough to have a senior driver, senior judge, 3 reg judges, a couple of asst judges, 2 reg safety dir, 1 reg scorer and a couple of asst scorers that are pretty new. Now this is not a big club, only 17 skiers counting kids.  This did not come about by accident though.  From the early days I have encouraged (pushed) every new member to get some rating.  Some of these have multiple ratings, but they suffice for sanctioning approval.  We ALWAYS get skiers entered who have ratings as judge and driver.  We sometimes overwork our scorer, but we're working on that.  In KY we try to have a clinic at least every 3 years, but for those seeking to upgrade sometimes they have had to go out of state to get a clinic to suit their timing to test up.
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  • Baller


Quite a few places do a weekday tournament as well as a weds. "ski league" tourney.

 Easy to hold if a couple members are assistant ratings or greater.

At LE, our newest member might be one tourney short of being a judge or finished it up. He joined the club this year.


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  • Baller
I think scoke is taking into considation what I mentioned.  There are always skiers who enter your tournament that are judges and drivers.  I and scoke (apparently)took the assumption that you felt that you needed 12 officials not considering the skiers.
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  • Baller_

 Looks like a tournamnet could be run with 5 but usally other skiers step up and help out as judges and low skilled hired help. Their are some areas in our policy's and rules that totally are not conducive to running an efficent tournament. One thing that I have noticed when I have had the opportunity to ski in the western region is that many skiers are multi talented as judges, drivers and scorers. Seems here in the south you are one maybe two but not all three types of officials. I came up thru the ranks as both driver and judge old school, could have taken my senior judge test 10 years ago but refused until spring of 09.


From the rule book Class C tournaments

6.03 Other Tournaments

(a) A Chief Judge and at least two other judges (all Senior or Regular in the events being held) shall be appointed by the sponsoring affiliated club with the approval of the Regional Executive Vice President. An Assistant Chief Judge, holding not less than an Assistant Judge’s rating, may also be appointed.

(b) The event judges shall be chosen by the Chief Judge from among the Ap-pointed Judges or other judges in attendance at the tournament holding not less than an Assistant Judge’s rating or a judge’s rating from a federation af-filiated with the IWWF. It is recommended that, insofar as practical, the Chief Judge select event judges from among the most capable judges availa-ble.

© A Chief Boat Driver (with Senior or Regular rating) shall, and the necessary assistants may, be appointed by the sponsoring club with the approval of the Regional Executive Vice President.

Event drivers shall be chosen by the Chief Boat Driver from the Appointed Drivers, or other Senior, Regular, or Assistant Drivers available, subject to the approval of the Chief Judge. It is recommended that the Chief Boat Driv-er select event drivers from the most capable drivers available.

In areas where no Senior or Regular Drivers are available, the sponsoring club of a Class C tournament or below may appoint Assistant Drivers as event drivers (with the approval of the Regional Executive Vice President), in which case the Chief Judge will assume the duties of the Chief Boat Driver. 18

(d) A Chief Scorer (with Senior or Regular rating) shall be appointed by the spon-soring affiliated club with the approval of the Regional Executive Vice President.

In areas where no Senior or Regular Scorers are available, the sponsoring club of a Class C tournament may appoint an Assistant Scorer as Chief Scor-er (with the approval of the Regional Executive Vice President), under the supervision of the Chief Judge.

Event Scorers shall be selected by the Chief Scorer from other scorers in at-tendance at the tournament subject to the approval of the Chief Judge.

(e) At Class C tournaments, the chief officials shall preferably be separate officials.

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  • Baller
Slow down there TURBO (ob), we are talking about a weds pm or a quiet Saturday no frills tourney. 4-5 judges easy. Yes full blown 3 rnds with 30+ skiers then, repeat, hell yeah I would like 30+ judges. Make it easy so you could sit back and drink the monkey after turning 4 ball at 38!
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  • Baller
Some of our local 3 round tournaments fill up pretty quickly, and priority is sometimes given to those that hold officials ratings and can contribute to the effort.  If you can't work it, you might not be able to ski it...
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  • Baller
4-5 "key" officals maybe.  Key meaning most would have to ski in different divisons.  If they are skiers I suppose.  Most of our officals are skiers.  When I show up at a tourney my help doesn't mean much.  At small tournaments as a M4 skier they are working around that division the most.  Sure I can score, judge & drive but it doesn't greatly help the overall cause.  We usually end up with 2-3 "groups" as OB stated.  And even then I won't get a credit for one discipline becasue I have to be at a certain place (judges tower or scoring) every given round.
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  • Baller

On the gates in a Class C.  With your 2 out of 3, it really is the Boat Judge's call any way.  One of the shore judges is on the other end of the course and can't see anything so he will give the skier the benefit of the doubt.  the other shore judge that is in a position to make the call will cut the gates, many times with the boat judge giving the skier the gates unless the skier obviously missed the gates.  So, in effect, the boat judge has to cut the gate for them actually to be cut for the skier - and that only happens if the skier misses bad. 

 Kinda gets back to judging from the boat only.

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