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Ask a Pro Skier


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In the coming months we are going to be getting instructional articles from a Pro Skier (top 10 in the world for many years Pro Skier – not some young whippersnapper).

This “mystery” pro skier has degrees or extensive knowledge in exercise physiology, sports psychology, coaching, coaching junior skiers and plain old slalom skiing.   

My question for you guys is: What are some topics you would like to see covered in depth.  I am just looking for subject suggestions for what will hopefully become a monthly feature on the front page.

Please note: I am looking for article suggestions so “what glove do you wear?” or “what is your ZO setting?” does not help.

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  • Baller

Who is Chet Raley?

Do you have a list of global rules for slalom: technique points that a skier must do to be succesful in slalom.

Do you have a list of individual points of slalom style that are often mistaken to be thought of as one of those global slalom rules?

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  • Baller

What tells you where to turn in for your gates (2 hand or 1 hand)?

Do you try to apex at or near the ball at all line lengths or prefer early and wide?

Where do you look at the apex...turn finish....behind the boat....approching the ball?

At the centerline, scale of 1 to 10, how hard are you loading ?

Arm pressure - leading arm, trailing arm, balanced arms - does it change from one side of the wakes to the other?

How many sets a day....a week, what's a typical set?

Knowing what you know now....how would you tackle learning to run the next line?  assume 38 or 39, would that be different from how you would approach 28?

Where do you try to reach and why?

When turning a buoy, is there a specific spot (going to the next buoy) that you try to point the ski at to finish the turn?

Is there a thought most prevalent in your mind when in the course?

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  • Baller

How about a ski set up guide.  I'm terrible at that.  With a section on "If you ski is doing this, change this" .  The ones that are out there are very general and vague, and only include a few scenarios. 



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  • Baller
I dont have any topics yet, but I would like to see the style of the article similar to the handle control one by Bruce B.  Some articles say a skier needs to do this and this...... but  never actually describe how to do it. Bruce's article gives you a list of things to try and what you should feel. The pictures describe exactly what is going on in the picture. It also gives examples of what not to do. I learned so much from that article. While I was skiing I could easily relate to it and adapt it into my skiing.
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  • Baller
Bruce's article should be required reading for all aspiring slalom skiers....I think it's the best slalom article ever....can we give a Nobel prize for that? How about the BALLOFSPRAY prize! Simple yet highly effective.
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  • Baller
A variation of your Zero Off question JTH.....What ZO setting currently and why? What ZO settings have you used and why did you change to what you are using. Do ZO settings feel to you the way we the masses understand them? (Scoke's chart, etc.)
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  • Baller

How do you best utilize free skiing to benefit you in the course? Shouldone free ski at the same line length and speed as they would be in the course?

Do you have a routine you follow before time on the water?

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  • Baller
When do you attempt the next line lenth? In other words the next in line when you finally run your barrier pass. Some advocate to wait until you run the barrier while others say finish your practice set with one or two shots at the gates at your next new line lenth.
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  • Baller

It's all about Position during the Lean, Edge Change, and Turning...    Seems like there's a lot of articles and discussion on Leaning and Turning.   

How about an in depth discussion on edge changes?

  • When to do the edge change at 30 MPH, -15?   Same question at 34 MPH, -28?   again at -35?
  • How fast to edge change?   (at 30 MPH -15, 34 MPH -28, -35)
  • Weight balance (front foot/back foot) during the edge change?  Why?
  • Any body position adjustments during the edge change?   why?
  • Push the ski out in front during the edge change?  why?
  • Handle control - your take on this with regards to during the edge change?
  • Bad angle / weak lean... now does the skier have to change the way they edge change to salvage the pass?
  • Locked into mega lean / extreme lean...  now does the skier have to change the way they edge change to salvage the pass?
  • How critical is the edge change?  
  • Respond to this:  "skier's turns suck..."  maybe the root cause is the edge change before it?
  • Respond to this:  "skier's leans suck..."  maybe the root cause is the edge change before the turn preceding the lean?

I think you get the idea... 

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I would like to understand more about flex. I have heard of people like Jeff Rogers breaking down skies in short time. How much numerical difference in a flex tester would indicate the ski had broken down and what exactly does a skier feel when the ski breaks down? I heard recently that April Coble broke down some skies almost immediately.


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I would Love for all info in articles/posts be looked at and explained as it directly relates to different levels and line legths. Everything does not simply apply to every skier across the board with the same level of priority. Not to mention, some things just don't apply equally and sometimes, not at all. (just look at the "Adjustments for change in temperature" thread...)

For those of us who rely on their on-line info., (BOS) We are Totally at the mercy of the writers ability to properly convey their point, the writers perception of how we (the reader) will perceive that info. and of course our own perception of what He/She is really trying to convey... As stated above, Butterfields post tries very hard to clearify the info. and leave little doubt.

Cold water adjustments would be a great thread for everyone who skies in 30+ deg. changes... (again considering the skiers level and/or line lengths in the equation...)  

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  • Baller
Did Horton say the pro skier was a "he"?  Well, I would like to ask "her" about training routines, what is your typical week's schedule of training by day.  Number of sets, speed,  line length, how do you decide what to focus on, who do you train with, use for critique, do you video, etc. 
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