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Soul of the Sport maybe in a beer glass


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Last weekend, I traveled half way across the United States to a tournament. The conditions & opportunity to post a big score were breathtaking. To my own surprise, I really did not care how I skied. Don't get me wrong, I would have liked a big score but once I got there I realized that I was there to hang out with friends and simply enjoy myself. It was more important to drink beer and tell stories than it was to get a good nights sleep and be fresh in the morning.


Back in the day. Way back in the day. 1970s - 80s. Here in the west, skiers all camped on site and hung out all night with each other after the tournament. I think this was / is the real soul of the sport. We skied but and we skied seriously but we goofed around also.


Somehow I think we slalom geeks lose track of fun. There are a few events around the country every year where friends use a tournament as an excuse to party. If you are all ball count and no beer glass, I highly suggest you get in touch with the soul of the sport.


Super big thanks to the Cottonwood and Old Ward's Pond crews



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  • Baller
52 Years of skiing has made me realize:

  1. I love the lake

  2. I love skiing

  3. I hate winter

  4. It isn't all about skiing

  5. It is about the lake and "Lake People". (not people that go to the lake)

  6. It is about ripping turns and big air! Headwinds are us!

  7. I love 95 degree weather, and don't mind humidity.(did I mention that I hate winter)

  8. I love trash talking my buddies.

  9. I love hanging out with other "Lake People".

  10. I hate winter!

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  • Baller_

Heck you need to come to a Picko's Tournament when Jimbo And Reggie are servin up Margeritas after the dance. But you are right as we only live once and it is a shame to get real wrapped up in scores, we loose contact with what life is all about.

Michele and I started skiing tournaments in the Early 80's getting in the old GTO and headding down to Helena or Boise, The Crescent bar where ever, We pitched a tent and camped out or eventually got a camper for the old pickup. Never the less it was a lot of fun back then. Here in the southern region during the summer especially in Florida it is rather uncomfortable to camp or stay on site unless one has a motor home.So the Hotel it is!

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The same group of people are still around.  However, the culture has changed.  We don't have the huge number of single people or DINKs (Double Income, No Kids) like back then.  We now have 30's and 40's with kids and far fewer participants without kids.  The increasing cost and the complexity of the sport has significantly changed the demographic - it has moved upscale in terms of income level.

The result is a newer community that is more like an extended family reunion than a surf beach party.  If we, the site owners, adapt and host more "family reunions" the soul of the sport will remain intact.  The goal is the entire family having fun, not just one member drinking a beer alone.

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  • Baller

Agree 100% boarditup! A "family reunion" is a good way to descibe a lot of our area tourneys. My kids are always excited to go to Logan's (Skidawg's son) house for the weekend. Mad11's daughter baby sat my youngest most of the Cottonwood weekend. The older ones ran around and played with other kids and we didn't worry too much about them as we know all the parents are looking out for each others little ones.

Seeing friends at that first tournament of the summer is always something I look forward to. How many times have you walked up to someone and asked them "How was your Winter?" Good times 

(Of course, I'm not gonna be upset with a big score eitherhttp://www.ballofspray.com/vanillaforum/js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-wink.gif)

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  • Baller
Every tournament (and tournament site) has a "culture" that is cultivated over years of hosting events.  Our September event has always been more laid back relative to our June weekend.  I believe it is a combination of timing (ski season is over) and participants.  We're fortunate that we attract a great group of people from all over the country for our events.  Although we have some very accomplished skiers, the primary objective is social in nature.  If you are an elitest skier/official, you would find yourself odd-man-out very quickly.  We pull a bunch of PB's and shortlines every year and I believe it is proportionally related to the mood of the entire event.  I can't take credit for this - it is created by the folks who come year after year.   
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Nice Take Ham

But !!!!!!!!!!!

In 42 years of skiing snow and temperature challenged snow. (there is no such thing as water just temp challenged snow)

  1. I love the lake and the Mtns

  2. I love skiing what ever the thermometer reads

  3. I love winter and summer

  4. It is all about skiing

  5. It is about the lake and the mtns not the people

  6. It is about ripping turns  and  laying down groover's  and water or snow in my face 
      if you want big air pull my finger    

  7. I love any weather, sunny hot days or a blinding snow storm on a powder morning

  8. I love trash talking my buddies.

  9. I love hanging out with my family

  10. I love winter and summer

  11.  There are no freinds on powder days   but you need freinds when the lake is glass.

  12. I love Football college or NFL

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  • Baller

Not a tournament setting, but my wife's family has their annual reunion dubbed the "ski weekend" every labor day.  The water isn't skiable past 7 a.m. or before 7 p.m., but no matter.  I have, for the last three years, been commissioned to brew up approximately six gallons of whatever I see fit to bring.  I rigged up a little dispensing system that holds two 3 gallon kegs pushed by a 20 oz. paintball CO2 tank.  Works like a charm.

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Slalom only is the reallity in the west. Sad but true.

Often there is a 2 or 3 round Sat and another in the same area Sun.

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  • Baller

Personally, I wish there were 60 skiers wanting to come to each tourney and it was only possible to do a 3 rounder on Sat and Sun. When I started out in N. Texas and Oklahoma that's how it was. We filled in the down time with beach volleyball, basketball, horseshoes, etc. Lots of fun.

 The last few years attendance has been down and having a 3 rounder on each day made more sense. Hopefully the numbers continue to increase and this becomes a discussion to be had.

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  • Baller

Ham, you rock. Both with your take on skiing (life!) and your skiing performance.

John, that algae was supposed to be garnish - not meant to flavor the drink. And your wife asked me for it.

And standards?! No ice in single malt - ever!

Tricks rock! Maybe that's the issue. But wasn't Horton's first Nationals medal on a trick ski?


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  • Baller

I recently got back into the sport after a 15 year break. I let other things in life take priority and forgot who i was and what was important in life. Obviously family is number one but skiing is a close second. The greatest part has been the fact that my family enjoys their time at the lake almost as much as i do and my daughters are skiing as well. Back in the 80s and early 90's the tournament scene here in the NW was alot like a large extended family some of the best times of my life. Just the other day I was thinking about skiing and the difference between now and then. I came to the conclusion that back in the day I lived to ski now I ski to live.

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  • Baller
No Ice in Single Malt.....EVER! That is the only thing good about cold weather except for snow skiing and duck hunting. Blue/green algae is good for you. Single malt and a good cigar! Now that's tuff to beat. 95 degree weather with a hot night. A few sets and a few chilly ones with your buddies. Now that's almost impossible to beat! I love this thread! Did I mention that I hate winter!
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"I hate  winter"  

transitive verb dislike somebody or something intensely: to dislike somebody or something intensely, often in a way that evokes feelings of anger, hostility, or animosity



opposition in all things right. http://www.ballofspray.com/vanillaforum/js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-laughing.gif


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The weather is cooling off in Tennessee and the single malt came out Sunday night. a Dalmore 12 and a Balvenie 10. Both are perfect for cool/ not cold weather. 27 degrees Fri and 28 on Saturday should bring out the MacCallans and the Edradour. Plus a good cigar. No cocoa!
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Of course, my old friend and buddy, Joe "Carbon Fin" Darwin being a true LSU fan and myself being a true Alabama fan, have a beer wager on the game. And, of course the only difference between winning and losing is who buys, because we'll split it up and take a few sets first! Roll Tide!
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Halloween at Old Hickory Lake i Gallatin, Tennessee was a great day for some buddies to hang out and get inventive. Sun, smooth water and good friends to mention a few cool ones for "after the tows", and a common dislike of winter. A GoPro camera purchased on the way to the lake by Paul Turner was just what the doctor ordered. This is going to get better as we learn. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g86LEtNhP8k.


Ham Wallace


Or go to www.skitenn.com and see the video

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  Our Halloween outing is alson on www.skitenn.com  The video is pretty cool.   We are working on our next outing, weather permitting.  I hate winter!

                                                          Ham Wallace

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As winter is setting in and the mood swings around my hacienda are roaring, remember: The shortest day of the year is only 23 days away. That calls for a brewski because the days will be getting longer and it will be closer to summer. Groundhogs day is 65 days away: Brewski required because this will allow the furry little rodent to forecast our spring whether it be early or late. Daylight savings time is only 104 days away and this is a skier's sacred day. This too calls for a brewski and celebration. We are getting closer to summer 2011 and this is good, because, I hate winter.


Ham Wallace

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  • Baller
I only counted 3 beers for certain in your future. Don't put off till tomorrow what you can drink today. I'm already looking back fondly on 65/60 degree air & water days. So Cal weather is nothing to complain about so I will be dedicating all my beer drinking to the BOS brethren in the really cold regions. Cheers.
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if you want big air pull my finger    

I love it. The next time you plan on demonstrating the force of air OF, let me pull your finger to see what happens. Bigger Air maybe?

So then, everyone come to Broho's "Return to Broho Tournament" in May next spring. We have a lot of fun, especially when we have the head to head, and the little guys beat the big guys. :)  I am thinking as soon as I check with the boss I am going  to make it official for Saturday night's dinner at the RTBT. JB's Bbcued ribs. And we all know beer goes really well with Ribs. and of course Red Wine. :)

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  • Baller_
One year we had air in the low 70's and water in the mid 60's, it was really nice. Last Memorial Day it was grey and wet, air in the mid 50's and water in the low 60's. The best part of the Broho is it's protection from wind. It has to be really howling to make the lake unskiable.
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