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  • Baller

Just thought it was time for me to chime and say dsmart makes a very valid point...I don't think a tshirt with a "set of hairy nuts" is really the look I am going for. And yes, I just invited myself to Ballers Bash.

It was 90 here in San Diego yesterday--which is a lot warmer than most of our "summer" days were ...Hoping it will last a few weeks longer. There is a collegiate tournament hosted by UCSD at Mission Bay this weekend. I'm going to drive, judge, support and of course video the Sunday morning jump train wrecks :)

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  • Baller
Yeah, I'm probably not the best representative of my gender. Spending two years (for a degree) talking about nothing but ovaries, testes, etc sorta skewed my judgment of what's accepted socially.... Also, I probably wouldn't actually wear it but I do think it's hilarious.
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  • Gold Member

Well I'm a software guy who spent 5 years at MIT, so I have absolutely no clue what's accepted socially, but nevertheless I'm pretty sure the whole T-shirt idea was a joke.

More seriously: Always glad to see female skiers involved on the site and more importantly in the sport!

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  • Baller

Nut shirts... nah.. thats loopy. 


What is "Plank Slalom" ?

 And how about a "round the boat" "show" round. Must get one solid "round the boat", 3 attempts. Looking out my window, Im thinking... do that at the end of the jump lake.

..settle down Horton...


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  • Baller

Based on my conversation (suggestion) w/ Marc, the tournament will be 3-rounds.  2 on Saturday - 1 on Sunday.  All participants will be grouped into teams of 4 and compete as a team using each member's USAWS tournament average.  Prizes for winning team.  After the 3rd round Sunday morning, the top 16 skiers (again, against their average) will ski in a head-to-head event for additional prizes.  There should be time Saturday afternoon (after round 2) for trick slalom or whatever other goofy contests are planned.

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  • Baller
Horton - when Marc and I spoke, we thought it would be a good idea to leave it "closed" until all BOS members get a chance to enter.  Otherwise, it may fill up w/ SCR skiers.  If we don't actually sanction the tournament until late in the year, this will give BOS members the opportunity to send in their entries.  At some point, we can determine numbers and open it up to the general public if any slots remain.  Thoughts?
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Well yes. I was not clear. I just want to make sure that lurkers and any one who hangs out on BallOfSpray feels welcome. I hope we get skies from all levels.  If you are reading this you are a Baller.... you may enter. On the flip side is will be a small event so there are only so many slots.
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I wish I wasn't so busy at work - I would put together a nice tshirt idea!  However I doubt my employer would appreciate me drawing hairy nut graphics.

 But I was serious about the tshirt idea http://www.ballofspray.com/vanillaforum/js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-cool.gif

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In reality I am pretty sure that if we take BOS reader entrys  -  it will basically be full. I am not doing the work (YES!) but would be we could get 100 BOS readers there if we had room. Wow that would be a lot of beer.

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  • Administrators

I think I need to set guidelines around what is a Ballers Bash:

Guidelines version 1.0

  1. Event is primarily advertised here on BallOfSpray to allow Ballers to sign up first - fill the event.

  2. Event must include some fun event like wooden ski slalom, trick slalom or tequila slalom.

  3. There MUST be a party.

  4. Event must clearly welcome skiers at all levels.

  5. If I (Horton) attend I will be treated far better than I deserve.

Besides that I think it is up to the organizer. Joe and Marc, you guys have thought about his more then I have, am I missing anything?

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If Horton is getting pampered or treated like some kind of "God" then i'm out...  But if he's an open target for ridicule and harrasment then I'm IN!which reminds me... Horton your hair reminds me of someone??? I just can't place it!


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  • Baller

The "Ballers Bash" is now officially sanctioned for Sept 3rd and 4th in Austin TX, so lets start planning. Get your entries in and buy your plane tickets. This is the first event for dedicated 'Ballers"Go to USA Waterski for info.

We still need to nominate special events for Sunday after the final round of slalom. Let's hear some ideas.



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  • Baller
Hold on JD. You approved the dates months ago. What kind of crap is this? Horton in Texas with his new midget side kick on-site at Aquaplex, Shane bringing the plate throwing girl from the Special Olympics, Several crazy events on Sunday afternoon and I believe a confirmation from BOS on the scene reporter "The Krista" several months ago that she was attending. This will be an epic event. To top all that, Kim was even planning to bake something for you. Get your priorities straight.
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  • Baller
Labor Day weekend. Nice to have Monday for recovery/travel. I don't know what the deal is with JD. They have this thing called TV, and I am sure MAD11 has a big screen that we can park in front of for the game. Priorities man! We need driving! 
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  • Baller


I'll talk to her about making crab cakes maybe Friday night. I can't afford to feed the everyone those things on Saturday night. If I cheapen them up it goes against my Chesapeake upbringing.


Need feedback from everyone. I'm thinking that the third round on Sunday morning is the start of a handicapped head to head based on scores from the previous two rounds against your USA waterski average. That way everyone entered has a shot at making the field. The individuals who don't make the head to head just ski their 3rd round normally and prepare for whatever other events occur later like slippery slalom, plank slalom etc... Maybe we should get some choices together for those events and have Horton do a survey to select.


Also, we are in active discussion with sponsors for the event. I have not approached any equipment companies and have gone straight to the alcohol providers. I'm hoping everyone agrees this is the right approach.



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  • Baller

Krista needs to volunteer her PR company for the betterment of our sport to handle marketing for this landmark event.


While I'm in love with the idea of alkeehol sponsorship, we need a restaurant like Threadgills or the Iron Cactus to step up with some food for Saturday night!

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