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Will the real Than Bogan please stand up


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I've just decided to use my "real" name (well technically still a nickname; full name Nathaniel) as my handle on this forum.

While this exposes me to slight additional risk of something generally annoying happening, I think the advantage of having a lot of serious skiers know who I am outweighs that.


P.S. My former screen name of Thanimal was an "ironic fraternity nickname," just like calling the 300 lbs guy "Tiny."  Few people are less animal than I am...

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Well, I'll still be using Thanimal for lots of other forums and ebay and the like.

Yeah, I'm pretty curious how I break down my skis so fast.  Nobody has ever accused me of having an aggressive style -- I'm a scrawny dude with a finesse style.  But my history includes a 9100 I broke in half (on a take-off!), a 9400 that never really worked for me, and a 9600 that suddenly got really soft on me.  Fingers crossed that my 9900 does better!

Glad you had some fun with the old ones!

One thing I've recently clued into is that I was storing the ski in manner that it was almost always wet.  I've changed that and hoping it will help.

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Ski Storage... That a good point. I wonder if there are some optimum storage practices?

I keep mine out of the sun while in the Boat. But, at Hm. I stand them vertically inside (climate controlled) and I let a fan blow on them and my vest, gloves, etc... for a day or so to fully dry them. Then I put them in their bags and leave them standing vertically.

Is there some better things I could be doing?  Hmmmm...  

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Brent -- Tried a Fisher one year.  That thing was solid as a rock.  RTM is awesome.  Unfortunately my scores weren't so good on it...

None of my skis were in warranty.  The 9100 and 9600 were each about 4 years old.  After much back and forth with Goode, especially on the 9600 which skied AWESOME but seemed to have a structural peeling defect from day one, I basically had to live with the answer of "the skis just don't necessarily last that long."  Each of them got very soft rather suddenly.  The 9600 probably would also have broken if I'd stayed on it as my scores rapidly declined.

Unlike our fearless leader Mr. Horton, I cannot stand changing skis.  I'd like to get about 10 years out of each one.  In fact, if either my 9100 (may it rest in peace) OR my 9600 (may it rest in peace) were still in good shape I have no doubt I'd still be on it.

We'll see how I do this time!!  One full season (and one personal best) in the books...

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Yep.  That's exactly why I tried the Fisher.  But ultimately I couldn't accept running fewer buoys.  And now I feel too poor for a $2k blank ski anyhow!

So I'm stuck with crossing my fingers for the moment.  Hopefully RTM will just be standard (and cheaper -- hey a guy can dream) by the time I need a new ski.

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  • Baller


Glad you came out of the closet on "the animal" name. It's great to be able to know who your talking to. Also, I appreciate your intervention regarding bmiller. Both you and MS are stand up Guys and your welcome to come by here for a ski set if your ever in Orlando. I'm only 10 mins. from the airport.

When you think about it, a name like Than Bogan is pretty cool since I have had a common name, Johnson, all my life, with hundreds of them in the phone book. When I was a Fighter Pilot in the Air Force I always wanted to be in the Thunderbirds. I think not having a cool name kept me out. The guys that made it had names like JERRY "LIGHTNING" BOLT and RIP BLASEDALE. It was either that or have a Dad that was a General. ....Anyway, when I got out, I got my own Jet and did Airshows with Bud Light as my sponsor, so in the end it worked out.

Once Again Thanks,  ED
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Thanks for doing this. I would rather that everyone uses there own names. I do not demand it but like it better.

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  • Baller

I wonder why more folks don't put their name in their user profile.  You don't have to have your name splattered over every post if you don't want to (good for those who do), but anyone who cares to look can see who they're talkin to.  My names been there from day 1.

Marco-AKA Mark Carlson

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"I figured out who you were from your first post here."

For those who actually know me, I imagine it's not real hard.  Not everybody talks about game theory, optimization, and algorithms in every post.  And most people somehow seem to be able to keep their posts under 1,000 words./vanillaforum/js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-smile.gif

But the "advantage" I was looking for from using a real name is exactly the one Ed just offered:  building a network of people to ski with.  THANKS ED!
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