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The_Krista: How about that one ball at 32?


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  • Gold Member

I'm no expert on jump, that's for sure, but I do love watching it after I slalom, and one thing that often surprises me is that many jumpers don't seem to have instincts to improve their crash situation in the air.  I feel like I am watching in super-slow-mo and thinking of all the things they could do to reduce the danger of the impending crash, and yet they so often don't do any of those things!

Because of that, The_Krista's excellent in-air management really stands out to me here.  That could have been a horrific crash, but by reorienting herself she avoided hitting tip first, and instead bounced around on her back.  She also got herself fairly compact for the impact and then lengthed out to reduce rotation rate while in the air!  Mad crashing skilz!  I'm sure that wasn't fun, but I believe it could have been a LOT worse, and I'm glad to see she knows how to protect herself from the worst of it.

Can she perhaps teach that to other jumpers?

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  • Baller

Yikes! One ball at 32 off...not so solid. I do feel a sudden urge to really start practicing though!

 And that jump video is going to forever haunt me. Broke a fin, broke my skis, but walked away totally fine...Believe me, I don't take that for granted anymore. Thanks for airing my dirty laundry...and thank goodness they don't give points for style haha.

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  • Baller


I suppose this is a bit of a backhanded compliment, but I'll take it :) Thanks, unfortunately, it was an acquired skill....I always just think about holding onto the handle as long as possible and rotating to my back...I honestly walked away just fine, only a bit shook up and went out there and actually crashed again (and broke a fin...it was a tough learning curve this year....video is also on YouTube.) I'm hoping I've sacrificed the body to the ski gods enough for a season or two now though so I won't have to worry about this whole crashing thing for awhile.

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  • Gold Member

I don't know whether it's a compliment (backhanded or not), but I can say I feel a lot more comfortable about your jump career, even after that crash, than I do about a lot of jumpers I see.  So many times I've thought -- "with that complete lack of crash instincts, you gotta quit that sport right away before you get really hurt."

But I better not say too much more lest I jinx you!

Also, rather than posting to prove that you are alive, I suggest a recent picture.  /vanillaforum/js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-wink.gif

(Hopefully that's sorta funny.  John, let me know if my "humor" is outta line.)

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  • Administrators
Someone is always telling here about smart jumping..... I am just saying. Crashing is not Sexy!
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