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OMG - Gallagher is coming!!


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  • Baller


Great to hear you'll be there Mrs.Ms

Good thing you werent there this past weekend as MS would have been pulling a hundred dolla bill out of your purse after finally taking a bet.


Also, we have two lurkers here on BOS that will be attending: "J3" and "Mrs.J3" are flying in from Washington State for the experience. Unfortunately girlfriend-scoke can't make it, work commitments.


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heard last year, imagine the voice is very high pitched and kinda drunk with a southern canadian accent:

"buuuuutttt marrrrrrkkk we dont have a hundred dollas to lose!!!"


cant wait to meet dsmart and someone thats hortons lifemate.

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hopefully the two left coasters didn't flake, yet. If they are there as life partners or bring them too, whatever, sounds like thats how they roll out there. Not that there's anything wrong with that.


After skiing successfully her first regionals, girlfriend-scoke switched her grip sunday night at LE. Amazing the difference it has made already. she took two sets last night, said it was easy.


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I am going to see ortho next week. When he asks me where I need the cortisone shot I am going to offer him a bingo card.

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One of my members dropped out and I plugged OB in - add Georgia to the states that will be represented.  BTW, I've created two-skier teams that will compete for some embroidered towels.  Each team member will ski against their USAWS average as of September 1, 2010.  Each round will be scored based on that average ( + or - ) and the total of the two members after 3 rounds will determine the winning team.  Just another way of making it fun - as if the list of participants isn't enough!

Not only will the winning team win a nice prize but also the honor of talking smack to the rest at dinner Saturday night.

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This event has all the makings to become legendary. I heard Bink had Mike taken out just to get in. Glad to hear he is going to be ok. Shane, bring him with you injured or not so he can at least be a part of this thing. No sense sitting home. It's customary to make injured guys sit in a friggen tower all day in our region. Believe me, I know this to be fact.

Darwin, you need to post the complete entry list. This thing is bigger than the BD finals. Why you keepin us in the dark?

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Legendary?  I hope it lives up to the hype!  We've got some great skiers (characters) coming.  Last count, we had 14 "known" BOS members and probably another 10 "lurkers".  We're 3 weeks out and the entry list is still somewhat dynamic w/ injuries and change of plans so I won't have a final list until the week prior.  I'll send the running orders and official assignments to everyone the week prior and post them on our website.  Suffice it to say, it will be an interesting weekend.  I hope Mrs. MS brings her camera again - she's become our official photographer!  I'll post all "suitable" pics on our Facebook page.  All others will be sold to the highest bidder!

But, I feel somewhat like Horton - I don't care about the skiing - I would rather sit back and watch all the sh** that goes down!

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We had a pretty epic time at the last cottonwood tourny and then at Ski Ranch this weekend. Unfortunately, there are a few pictures to remind us what idiots we can be when slightly less than sober and Michelle Scott is posting em on facebook today. LOL I'm hoping I'm not first off the dock on Sunday morning like I was in July. I could taste the last shot that Mueller bought as I rounded 3 ball on my opener. uhhhhhhh!!!!
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Revised running orders and official assignments going out tonight.  3 days and counting.  Last call for sanity.

http://www.glogster.com/media/1/8/34/57/8345783.jpg http://www.glogster.com/media/1/8/34/57/8345783.jpg http://rlv.zcache.com/stay_thirsty_my_friends_tshirt-p235833884380669110336x_400.jpg


Not at the table, Carlos.


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Did you all see the hat JT was sporting at Diablo this weekend? Horton may be a fashion leader after all. Maybe his hair will be the next big rage. I hope he brings the hat to Cottonwood. 

Put a Lid on It

Hat shops have weathered fashion's favor and disregard to come out on top during hard times.

By Michael E. Ross for MSN Local Edition


Top off any look with a hat from classic stores such as Seattle's Byrnie Utz.

Back in the day -- "the day" being decades ago -- hats were a given of any man's wardrobe, an apparel item that combined form and function at an affordable price. It's a fact reflected in photographs of breadlines during the Great Depression: One thing that millions of unemployed American men had in common -- besides being jobless -- were the hats on their heads.


Headwear began to fall from favor with men in the early '60s, as longer hair styles and more casual fashions came to the fore.


Recently, though, hats have made an impressive comeback, becoming for many an indispensable adjunct to the everyday wardrobe, while easily adding a dash of dignity and polish. For hat devotees, the aggressively casual baseball cap just won't do any more (even New York Yankees slugger Alex Rodriguez kicks back with a proper topper when he's not on the field). Today's styles run the gamut, from casual, colorful "stingy-brim" hats that speak to a hipster esthetic to the classic fedora, that staple of bygone eras, simpler times and Humphrey Bogart movies.


Trends often take their cues from the entertainment world, and the resurgence of hats for men is no exception. Entertainers like Samuel L. Jackson, Justin Timberlake, Johnny Depp and Brad Pitt have often been spotted sporting brims; hats are worn by the alpha-male characters in the popular cable series "Mad Men," set in the early-to-mid-1960s, pretty much the high-water era of male headgear in America.


Here are three sources across America -- the custom hatmaker, the neighborhood retailer and the international reseller -- where you can get your hat on.

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Above is a post from a guy who made his living by working with drug dealers for years.
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  • Baller
Not certain if was the boat, but Ward's 4 @ 41 tonight was awesome - didn't even notice him at 39.  41 is going down this weekend!  Little Ward (Logan) skied lights-out tonight as well.  Things are clicking around here - hope it holds for another few days.
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