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BOS EZfintool Slalom Challenge Internet Tournament - June


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The Official Rules (Unless someone convinces me otherwise)
Entries are 1 per month
Cost is $1.00
The first official round will be June 2010
Your highest single score from any USAWS event in the month of June 2010 will be your score.
Your June score will be subtracted from your handicap
Your handicap will equal your 2009 USAWS Ranking Score
The skier with the highest delta score wins
The Winner will receive one EZ-Fin Tool & One BallOfSpray T-Shirt



Zipper Rule # 1: the name of the skier has to be the same as the name on the credit card

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I see a possible refund. One of the rules that I need to add is that only the Credit Card owner can enter. This weeds out the Jr Divisions.

Not that I dislike kids but as we all know they move thier average a lot more often then the core of the readers of this site. Most of you are M3/4/5 and it does not make sense for a G2 to burn us all by 12 balls especially if she is not a BallOfSpray reader.

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Well Zapper you are a smart guy. Do you agree with my problem? M1 I am less worried about. Do they read BallOfSpray? This is really a fun thing for the readers.

If we were talking about a college age W1 that would be different.


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Hey Guys,

New for results and sign-up  http://www.ballofspray.com/sign-up

The EZFTC got off to a rough start because of stuff that derailed my attention.  I have simplified the admin part of this so now you can expect updates mid week every week.

Besides that How about Darwin?!? Where did that score come from. All of Zappers friends cheat and clearly Shane cheats the most.

http://lh3.ggpht.com/_4-6ay9R-bLE/TA28u4QChNI/AAAAAAAAC3U/xHdNezI1M7k/s400/DSC_2126.JPGFrom Paradise
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It looks like Shane is the June Champ.

We will have to wait a few days for this weekends scores to come in. 

Sign up for July. It only costs a $1!


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