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Would a Beer Sponsor Influence your Spending Habits?


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I'm in Milwaukee this week, we have a meeting with a beer company to potentially be the title sponsor for the pro tour -- Here's my question:


 If it a beer sponsor stepped up to the plate to finance the pro tour, would you buy their products more ?


 Would you encourage your friends to purchase their products more than other beers?




 Would your beer buying habits remain unchanged ?

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I would follow any major sponsor to the end of the world. If you are building water skiing I am on board. I was going to try to mostly quit drinking for the winter but you name the brand and I will buy a 12 tonight and the sticker will be on my truck tomarrow  ASAP.

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I started a poll on the home page.  www.ballofspray.com

Wade, when you look at the results . . . kissing you on the lips = drinking a LOT of beer. : -)

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It depends on who the beer sponser is.

I would lead others and possibly myself if it is good beer. I would take money from any sponser out there. I always thought that the Big Dawgs should be sponsered by Viagra, Advil, any beer or Levrita.

That is all old guys need is peter power, pain relief and booze.

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  • Baller
Wade, back when Rob Shirley w/ MasterCraft brought Coors Light in as the title sponsor, they sold enough product over the 3-days at our stop to pay for their sponsorship!  Subsequently, Anheiser Busch stepped up w/ Michelob Dry and Bud Dry as the titles in later years.  One of the benefits is that the local distributor reaps benefits as well and works w/ the LOC in co-op advertising that draws people to the event.  I've always thought an non-endemic sponsor was best for the sport so as not to drain the resourses of the boat / ski companies.  Good luck and keep us posted. 
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Come on guys. If thougth it would really help grow the sport, I would drink the lake water from Eric Lee's place and call it yummy beer.
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I'm in Milwaukee.  Heard a reasonably reliable rumor that there will be a pro event at the Summerfest grounds this coming June.  Supposedly they're dropping a course and testing out the site tomorrow.  I can't say if anyone is actually skiing the course, however.  We had a high of 48 today and last night we got to 26.

 I cannot say if the event corresponds with the summerfest dates, but it seems silly not to.  There are well over 100,000 people there on any given day.

The most likely candidate would be Miller.  the local micro brewerys simply don't command enough national attention to warrant the advertising budget.   If I was supposed to shy away from naming the company - I apologize.  Sometimes, I'm not that bright.

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In the UK, Corona sponsor the Princes Pro - Am, up to last year they also sponsored the Night jump.

in our house nothing but Corona is allowed, at our lake Corona! anyone that comes over has to drink Corona...


*lime is optional* - drink responsibly kids!

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  • Baller_

I would certainly promote the beverage to whomever due to sponsorship of a water ski event. 

If the company is one of the larger breweries, you won't really need to impress anybody there with how loyal you present the audience to the product, they are familiar with Nascar and nobody has a better loyalty story than them.  Nascar loyalty is unreal compared to the rest, a particular US automotive company gets an 18% market share bump at the track compared to the US as a whole.  I would prabably go with the lifestyle approach and perhaps audience demographics. 

The real key is to find someone at the company that will be your champion, if you can find someone that has influence and is passionate about skiing, you will succeed.  Hoping to actually sell it purely on business objectives probably won't get very far.  Most sponsorships are cinched either that way (Target, DuPont, DeWalt, R&L Carriers) or because a competitor in also there (Lowes/HD; UPS/FedEx).  The CEO's wife at Target actually sold that deal by being given a tour of an Indy car hauler and really thought that was cool, and has been one of the longest running sponsorships.

Good luck, it would be great to see sponsor's (particularly non boat/ski ones) start to come back to the sport.  You might also research the company and see what they also own, that might be a real opportunity for funding (Phillip Morris > Miller).


PS:  to JTH's comment, I recall race teams filling particular brand name oil bottles with what the team really wanted to run for use at the track!

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  • Baller

Leinenkeugel's? Maybe Lakefront?

Schlitz isn't local anymore. It would be gold though. Schlitz Beer the official sponsor of the Pro Ski Tour with fin adjustments brought to you be Steve Schnitz. The terrible puns would be endless.



While I would have expected something owned by Miller, the sponsor being a craft brewer gives the flexibility to make a special run just for this audience. From the skiers I know, and evidence on this board, a run of Bock and Mexican style Pilsner would clean up.




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What ever it is . . . . I will drink it all next summer. (unless it is really, really, super, crazy off the hook, bad)
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  • Baller_
At one of the events this past August, the tournament director purchased a "Tall boy" steel reserve and we let it get warm in the sun, on the starting dock.  It became the "MOP" beer for the first person to blow their opener (missed opening pass).  As I remember a couple of people got to share that baby.
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As a non-drinker, it would not make a difference to me.  However, due to Coors sponsorship of the Heritage Foundation, whenever I had to buy beer, I have purchased theirs.  So I guess I would be brand loyal.  To date, I have purchased virtually all GM cars due to their sponsorship (I bought one non-GM project car). 
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Considering how much we already spend on this sport, I think it's safe to say that the waterski community would step up to support any sponsor.  I personally don't care if the sponsorship is enough to get TV coverage.  If it paid for more webcasts, I'd sit here all winter drinking such sponsored beer watching the replays.  (I can never seem to find the time to watch webcast live)

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  • Baller

I just rented a Budget rental car. While I don't always use Budget, I always check their rates. I can't remember how many years ago Budget sponsored the tour but they have goten a lot of bang for their sponsorship buck with me.

I really like Michelob American Porter and buy it up (when I can find it). Michelob Ultra is my choice for guest light beer. Nati Light is the college kid beer (always making sure they are 21). Michelob sponsored the tour years ago and that does drive a bit of the decision.

Coors also sponsored the tour a while back. Killian Red was a staple for a while. But if I'm not mistaken, Coors and Miller merged a couple of years ago. Miller is currently (or recently) running very offensive ads (to me). So I avoid Coors/Miller products.

Advertising does make a bit of a difference. It gets the product in consideration. Of course the product must be a quality product. I pay a bit extra for my Goode snow skis - partly because they "rock" and partly because of Goode's massive support of our sport. But Kirk switched off his Goode slalom because it wasn't cutting it for where his slalom skiing is now. But when the time comes for his next new ski, Goode will get a test. That's all advertising and sponsorship can do.

I really hope the sponsor is Lucky. I love the quiz caps! Does anyone know where I can find some?


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I went and watched Wade et al tear it up the day they tested out the site.  I'm told that the tournament is definitely on.  The site tested out very well.  The spins are a bit tight, but whatever.  It was 46 degrees out, reasonably windy, and kind of rainy/sleety, yet the water was actually quite smooth.

The main gotcha with the site is that viewing would be somewhat difficult.  There's a lot of brush that will be cleared, but I doubt they'll be able to knock down some of the trees.

 as for who the sponsor is....I didn't get a very clear answer from the guys there.  I thought I knew, but....  I'm back to my original guess - Miller.

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CommentTime14 hours ago


"I know it's photoshopped"...

According to Wade, He (Wade) actually wrapped (skinned) an older ski for the presentation with PBR. He used the SkiSkinz product... 

I'm dreaming up my own "H20Dawg Underground" wrap for next season...

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  • Baller
Milwaukee is a Miller town.  Being a Wisconsin native I can say it would be a shame if it wasn't Miller or a related brand.  That being said, it would be GREAT if waterskiing could get a major sponsor like this no matter who it is. 
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Could I write a thank you letter to the brewery instead?  Apart from the great number of small breweries acquired by Bud/Miller/Coors, I'm not sure I have purchased a straight up B/M/C product in well over ten years (one exception was that I tried a glass of that Bud Amber Ale that came out last year and one or two Blue Moons, which is made by Coors).  The bottom line, as somebody mentioned, is that very few of the over 1,500 breweries in this country (that's more breweries than any other country in the world; how awesome is that) could afford to sponsor something like this by themselves (with the possible exception of Boston Beer or Shiner and a handful of others).  But of the most likely contenders for this sort of sponsorship, I might just have to send the letter.  Besides, the big brewers already sell over 90% of the beer consumed. 


Life's too short to drink the swill, and I feel pretty strongly about supporting the smaller, independently owned breweries. If it's Shiner or Boston Beer, I'll buy a few extra six packs though.  They've each got a really good variety of styles from which to choose.


What can I say, I like beer/brewing as much as I like skiing.  Smile  You've got to have something to do once the boat is winterized!



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