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WTH is he doing?


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  • Baller

Hi. We made it back to Southern Canada safe and sound. Muffin drove the last 3 hrs to the finish line so I could get some sleep. I do not think an amputation will be necessary. A Big Scary (Possibly Poisonous) Spider crawled up into Marks ski shorts and bit him. Thanks to the fast thinking Kim McClain, big scary (possibly poisonous) spider medicine was applied. However, JD, Official Safety Director,(being the stand up guy that he is) was fully prepared to......well......do whatever was necessary to get the poison out of Marks inner thigh and save the love of my life! I think Mark was dreaming about the whole ordeal because he kept saying I am spider man in his sleep. When we got home I put some food in his tummy and tucked him in his crib for some much needed rest. We have been doing routine spider bite inspections. I am just worried he could have a Seinfeld George Costanza moment at work. (he has a new boss to impress) Anyway, after his scary spider bite Mark went out and skied 2@39 off twice in a Turn and Burn! Good Job Honey!!!! We had a blast at Cottonwood. I hope JD will let us come back after Mark went Pee-Pee on his weeds. Sorry. I am going to be in soooo much trouble after this. If I don't show up in Pensacola this weekend will someone please investigate?

PS....I LOVE YOU HONEY..........Please don't make me swim around the boat........Horton made me do it!!!!!

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So is everyone telling me that MS got a spider bite on his  . . hmmm  . . . errrr.... ski . . . and JD was going to extract the venom somehow ..... with Mrs MS watching?

 Come on guys this is a Rated G forum.

Reminds me of http://jokediary.com/2007/05/bitten-by-rattlesnake.html


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